That Ti red Feeling Is a dangerous rondition due directly to depleted 'ir impure blood. It ahould DOt be allowed to continue, as in its debillty the System is especially llable to serious attacks of lllness. It is remarkable taow beneficial Hood's Sarsauarilla is in this enervating state. 1' estíng )' 'hose eleHOOd S nu'iit.s which the system " :iIU' r.-.;l!l seizes, ttiis medicine purifies the rilla blood, and imparts a feeling oí serene strength which is comforting and satisfylng. Hood's SarcapariUa b the best remedy for that weakness whlefa prevalía ;u change of S6B80D, rliniate or life. "I have been eonvlneed ■■ ■ that Hood'a BaraaparUla is maeí oDe of the greatest the Weak cines in the world. I say fitrnno this for the benefit of all 9WonB other lired ui. run down, lmrd-worklng women. Hood's Sarsaparilla is ntit only excellent as a blood purifier. tuit for all other f'm;ile romplainLs, even if of long standing." Mits. M. a.Si ■aui.ktt. NortbvUle P d.. Mich. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by alldrugKistá. #1 ; six for.s. l'reijarfdouly by C. I. ikk)I)a CO . lpothear ra, Lowtl, Mat. IOO Doses One Dollar Proposals For Woodl rd of hard : t'ight hlckorjr, hard Bp ih wiiiieor qunl lieA] uot less th&n tf.i corde '■ ■ : tas wood. jood '.iualily. wil] fje r Í tint iL tbe3ltt'.'r' Deremti r. 191. inclusive apio ' ■ m, wood ■■ ' '■■■ i ■ l thirtji 'Ihv afler wardlui ihc coDtr' t, ut tbe iliBVrent school house-, in vu. h qui The rlghl lo ri icJ ny D1 serred. L. (iKUSEK. Treamrer, v: si -- H&ii r á ii ruor. FK,-A.lsriC KOPF, O E, III KOX M Kil I. NEW STORE. Candios, Fiuík Nut., Tobaccoe. A. Kplrnflid AMurlimnl I Kurj Ihinc Itr A ill. BARGA1N.S AT MARY F. MILEY'S f% VAKC1' .KIIK. ART EMBROIDERY All Material for Kam-y work, JSephjrri, Yarni-, GrtBiantown Wool, Cannw, Feit-1, aixt all of the Newwl tWi(fii n Fani y Work contintl kepi on hnd. Embroidery uil Stamping to order. P. Ii. Coisets sold. . . . 20 E. Wasliinston-st., Ann Arbor.
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