Donl'k l'or Hnabniiil Don't stay out late at night. Don't willihold your confidence. Don't think yoiir wife is a servant. Don'l Jol out a dollar as fit wei.a ux, Don'l think lovv has come to stay anyhnw. 1 tu'l think your wife can't keep }"iiir Fecrein. D.n't imagine that you are a superior person. Don'l forget that your wife was once your w etheart. lJon'i neglert U compliment your wife whatever opportunily ofl'erp. Don't f rget that husbands should be lienllemen at al] times and underall eireum;tanceL. - Dttro-t Frte Pres?. $100 IC Hiinl The irinvi' icwird ■ ffered for any v. .-■■ ui Kutney, BI. dder r 1. viTrouble that Guarantee Kidney Care fails to cure. Sold by all Druggists. GUABANTEE DRPG Oo. 925 Toledo, Ohio NalTUtlOU irlllj. The Salvation Army has been in existencpjust thirteen yearf. It had it origin in the Englisb. town of Whitby, in the rough coal mining district l Yorkshire, where Gen. Booth, at thp time Rev. Wm. Booth, was dotne humble misaion work. England wüh tlii-n in arms, expecting to jump intfi Russo-Tiukish war. It occurred '.o Booth that he might attract a crowd 1 íssuing a declaration of war bimeelf. Sohe prepared oneforthwith.sprinkled it with ballfilnjaha and posted 5,000 copies of it about tewn. The devicu tickled the English seuse ot' humor. there was a "red hot rousing meeting," to quote Gen. Booth "the penitents fel! down in heaps," and the Salvation Arm3' sprnng into life f uil grown. Wle IIoiIutn. Wiü never be without Dr. Hoxsio'.s Ceitain Croup Cure. It is a sure and prompt cure for croup in all fonns, also a prevt-ntative uf Diphtheria and Pneumonía. It containa no opium, anl causes no nausea. Ask your druggisi to send to any Detroit wholesule drng house for it. 30 cents per bottle. The Prince of Wales has the flneal cullection of tobáceo pipes in the .orld. It inc!udes every varioty of ppe from the humble corncob toelegantly earved silver bowls. Frl HÍjI' CE - "= r s o o . e DR.MILES'NERVINE Ttaen Dothing Hke the RESTORATIVí, NEfíViNE diícovured by the great speciallBt, Dr. Mllee, to cure all nervoiis diseasee, as headache, the blues, nervone prostration. Bleeplessnees, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, fita, and byeteria. Sluny phyeieiaue use it in their practice, and sajino reeults are wonderful. We nave hundreda o"f testimoniáis like these from druggists. "We bave neverknown anythlng like it." Scow&Co., 8y racuee, N. Y. "Every bottle sold nrintrs worde of praise, J. G. Wolf. IlillBdale, Mich. "The best Beller we erer had.'' Woodworth & Co., Port Wayne, Ind. "Nervine Bells better than anything we ever had." H. F. Wyatt & Co., Concord, N. H. Trial bottle and finebookof teetimoniaUFREE at druggists. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. tui ai. Borní; free. S.,1.1 hv KRERRACII tWB. Health iiWealthl N ERVE ,A1P4 Dr. R. C. West's N'ervk d Brais Treat ment, a guardiiteed speciöc for Hysterla, Rizziness, Ooiiviilsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache. Nervous Prcstratidn causad by the use of alcohol or tobacc;o. Wakefulness. Mental Deprussion.Softening of tbe Brain resulting in insanity and leading to mlsery, decay and diaih, Premature- Oíd Age. Barremiess, Loís of Power in either sex, Invoïuntary Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion ol the Biaiii.self-abuse or over-indalgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. 81.00 a box.orsix boxes for f'.' 'i, Knt by mail prepaid on recept of price. M'K itKAMIE KIX l!(tXKS To cure any case. With each order receiveJ bï us for six boxes, accompanied with $5.1 0, we will send the purchsser our writteïi guarantee to refund themoney if tbc Ireatment dots net effect a cure. Ouarantees i.ssued only by i:ill-l!t:H'lk al' Kol. lrllj '.'isís and Sole Agents, Ann Arbor, Mich Henry Richards, Dealer in all kinds of HARD j WOOD, LUMBBR, PENCE POSTS, M A.PLE FLOORINQ, etc, also And all kinds of Pirewood. Prices as Lnw as Anv Dealer in the Citv AGENT FOR THE .Vo. Dolroit Si.. -- Ann lrhr. Mloli. WursterandKirn MANCFAOTCRKRS OF Fine Carriages, Wagons and Sleighs. Repairius; of all Kinds N'eatly Done. Satisfaetion Guaranteed. QIVE IJS A. TI4IA.X,. 1, M, :m ' '!5 Detraía Sirel. Aon rlor,.MÉ-t.. psiöNs'Sr I Lost Discharges Quickly Duplícate; , )8Yoars EXAW1NER U. S. Pensimi BureL'. D. I. MURPHY, i P. O. Box 534. Vshiriqton, D. C
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