BïirSlY & SSáBOLT, ÜTOS 6 A.JSTD 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbo, WicMgan. JT6 alwavs on hand a complete Stock of eTey ÜROCERY LUÍ! Teas, Coffees and Sugars l; ;idme Artic'es bought for Cash and can sell .1 u.w figures. Onr Irequent large invotces of teas is a sure sign that we give bargains in QUALITY AND PRIOE. - roast our own coffees every week, always iresh and good Our baltery turuf out the very ust ol Rread, Cakes and Crackers, ('al! and íessee HAMILTON'S INSURANCE. B eal Estáte AXI) Loan geney. No. 2, Hamilton Block, FIRST ri.oott. Partlcs liesiring to buyorsell Real Estati mil flnd it to thelr adrantage to cali on me. 1 represent ten First-Class Fire Insurance Cos. Ratex Low. Losses Promptly Adjusted and Promptly Paid. I also Issue LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES n the Connectlcnl Mutual Lire Insurance Co. Oiul Himtireil Lots Ín Hamiltou P&rk Additlon for sale. Office HorRs- 8 a. m. to 1 m., and 2 to 5 r. m. A. W. HAJHILTOK. I G. H. WILD, I Merchant Tailor is showing the largeal stock oí 7AZ.Z. GOODS. ' He has the finest 'l'KOl.'KKKIKGS Ín Ann Arbor. Examine G. H. Wild's stock oí English Dress Suitingsm All the latest Novelties can be seen at .V. 1 WuNHlnston Nt., llr ÍIbIii. JOHN BAÜMGARDNEK ■ DEALER IN AMERICAN AND IMPORTED GRANITES, and all kin. Is or Building Stone! QEMETERY ORK SPEriALTT. Comer Detroit and Catherine ts. ANN ARBOR, MICH. PVBETToirsi WINKELMANN&BROWN j Orug Co eutirinri). Mis. TtIB "erms of headïcae. rpoili who havo snffered, cn-v int to use. No bad TW' cfle-tf. Curecertain ird iiHick. For sale by ilruat'ists, pr by mail 2o o'iit. %EK! ntllllHUnE1 "B Rfev t' ■' u r 1 1 c r. ín -r,n ■,. .VB HtFF. tnd trt Pí T2m Wn I at ttie "rt "'' v"' ■ "'JSteSfc' y - on It..t - VMpHHnm Mwy 11 g-i1. l;i ny m Mñil n m, ttiut enitehei a1! n rlwt. I la in-obablr tlie rrrtl opportunitj lb r--. BwttM wril :it once. A.KIi-", 4KIIÏi: SHSA u,,Uus l-H.I'.d.uK.UaliK:. fci Uitphpll9 íffinrv Phti } y ETiIlülicl! 5 uiUiKJ ï lu 3 r' "r ' m 04 ( I ' :■ 1 11] r ;íf f.i.N hiu.n;.v PLAKTEttH. 14 rerywbere, or Bnt ly nutílf uvit PllMiBT WrlÚa Iíoill,
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