sa since she made sucl Jas this. She says GlLLETT'S MAGIC ÏEAST hkf the :eJ to make herself, -nd she : I II never have to do without it . id we all hope so, too. Ca'l or it at your Grocer's. ï s aliways öood aiways ready. Two Bottles Curoil Iïr. VI Oarroll, Iowa. July, 1889. I was Buffering 10 years frotn shocks in my ! ad, so mach so that at times I didn't expoct recover. I toot medicines from niany doc■s, but (lililí 't get any relief until I took Pastor i uiR's Nerve Tonic ; the seooml relieved and 9 bottlos cured me. S. W. PEUK. Krrominend It to M:iiij . Sktmocb, Ind., Oct. 1, 1890. viy daugbter botanie epileptic abont five yeara - o throngb a friL'lit. All physicians' trfiatment lüod not hing, untit I unod Pastor Koenig'e rvo onic, whioh at once disiielled tho at■ -s. i; ia the beBtremedy I ever used and I . reooraznonded V to mnnyof Hueh a.s are i uu ironi tliib divn.l dlsettMi MA1UHA ZICKLEB. mrP-'1 VaTuable Rook n Nervoua L M3 Eé M Diseiutes sent free to aoy address, T K W f and joor patieuts can alHo obtain llbL this medicine free of charge. This remedy han btien prerarod by tho Eeverend r-tr KoeniK. of Fort Wayne, Ind., since 1876, and i ov prepare d underhisdirection bythe KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, III. old by Dmssists at St ' 'ïottle. 6 for 85. :,arse SizcSl.75. aïjot!islor9. I H I V tn wiPÏB CURE Sick Headacbo and relieve all tbo troubla inof dent to a bilioua state of the systcm, stich &9 Di22iness, Nausea, Drowslnesa, Diati-.aa aftec eating. Pain in tbo Sido, .te. Vhilo tboirmosft xömarkable succoüs lias boou showu ia cuiing SÏCK Heaaache, yet Carter' Iittlo Livor K1H ar equally valnablo in Constipation, cviring aiad preven ting tlaiaannoj ing complaint.whilo theyalao correct alldi3ordcrs of thetomach,3tinaulata tha live " and regúlate the boweLi. Lveu it taoy onlf HEAD Aclithej'TrnuMbGalmoetpricIe8stothoawIiO Snier f rüui tilia diat resHing coiuplaint; but f ortusately their goodnees does tioteml horeend thoM vho unco t ry thom will flud theao Iittlo pilla Talo ble iuBomany ways that they will uot be williag to do without them. But afterallöick head ACHE la the bane of so many livea that hero is whevt wemakeourgroatboaat. OurpïllscurJtwiiila otliers do not. Carícr's Little Llver Pilla are very smal and very easy io tako. Ouo or two pilla mako a doee. They are Btrictly vegetable and do iiot gripe or purge, butby tlieirgeutloaction pla-iseall wha usethem. Xu vialaat 26 cents ; live for $1. Sold by dxaggiata everywliere, or sent by maiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SHALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRIGt MRS. GRAHAMS Cucumber and Eider Flower Cream 18 not a cosmetic in the sense in which that tetm is popularly used, but permanenüy beautifles. It creates a soft. mooth, clear, velvety sklu. and by daily OBe gradually makeB the complexion several shdee whit r. It is a constant pro tection from the effects of sun and wind and prevente eun burn and freckles, and blackheads ïrtll never come whüe you use it. It cleanse the face far etter than soap and water, nour.'shes and builds up the skin tisues and thus prevente the formation of wrinkle. It glves the freshness, clearneas and smoothness of skin that you had when a little girl. Every lady, young or old ouïht to use it, as ft gives a more youthful appcarance to any lady, and that parmanently. It coutains no acid, powder or alkali, and is as harmless as ilew and as nouriehing to the skin as dew is to the flower. Prioe M 00, at all drugglsts and hair-dresser, or at Mrs. Geivaise Graham's establishment, 108 Post Street, San Francisco, where she treati ladies for all blcmlshes of the lace or figuro. La'lies at a distance treated by letter. Send stamp for her little book "How to bi Beautiful." Sample Bottle malled free to any lady on reoelpt of 10 centa in stampa to pay for poitage and packing. Lady Agents wanted. MRS. GRAHAMS FACE BLEACH. Cures the worst cases of Freckles, Sunburn, Shallowness, Moth-patches, Pimples and all skin blcmlühes. Prlce 81 .00. Harmlt ss and effecUve. No sample can bo ient Lady Agents wauted. The Druggist ia ai uWn who mt orders a bilí of my preparations will have hls name addedo thts advertiseuient. My preparations are for sale, by Wholesale druggists in Chicago aml every city west of it. 926 _ ÍI1IA HIPltu""n"'10 lniiii)ripni HIS PAPcnt "' se1-" Aí-fi nlq sSÜHttsliKiAip-iii-v "f Messrs W. AYER A SON. ourautlmrizcü atenU
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