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All lor Barlejr torn. LaFontaine, in one of his fablee, tells of a barnyard fowl that scratched np a geno, while scratching for corn. Not -knowing its valué, hegavo it toa stonecutter for a barley corn. Thus do many persons throw away the pricelesspearl ofhealth. A "trilling" cough ig negiecled, then comes consumption, then death. Stav the cough. or look out for the coffin. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dlscovery will cure catarrh in the head, bronchial or throat aflectionp, or lungscrofula (cominonly knownas consumption of the lungs.) If taken in time, and given a fair tria it will cure, or the tnoney paid for it will be refunded. It 9 the only guaranteed onre, A Kansas farmer who was flshing for minnowB in a creek near his place one day last week pulled out an oíd metal coffee pot, in which $670 in gold lay nestling and waiting for an owner. It's dollars (o donchnuts that he abandoned farming for fiehing. NEW ADYERTISEMENTS. UllllVl"'1- ItlKIni „Ir... i'inximmti. ö rl g F"Sfs A Ml H.AD il- #1 UiMilsi:. UKElt by L- I- I Peck's INVISIBLE , ULAÜEAH i.USllloNS. Whispers heard. Comfortable. Successtul where all Remedies fail. Hls. book and proof freo Address f. If Iscox, :{■ Kroinin), ■ York. A GRAND OFFER. íVS NAI.EMMKX wanted for ourNursery Stock. KT' lo 8130 pernrouthMALARY. orcnmmission. No txperience needed. Address wlth reference, H. E. Merrei & Co., Genera, N Y. f Av B liever FailR to Kstore ( S'P.'-' _ 'attÊk ïf-''i' '■" ' -; Youthfui Co ImmsEM,! ï - rker's frincr Tonic. I '■ "'. KINLJERCORNS. Th. onljHireeareforO .■ BtofM ulTpoiu. I5c al Druggilti, or JJISCOX & CO.. S. 1 GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS'S GOCOA. BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of llie natural laws wlüch govern the operations of digestión and nutrltion, and by a careful application of the fine proporties of well solecied Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our break fa-t tables with a delicately flavoured beveraKe which may aave us many heavy doctors' bilis It is by the fudiclnus use of such articlis of dlet that a constltution may be gradually built up untll strong euough to resitt every teudency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are ñoating around us ready to attacK wherevcr there is a weak point. We may escape manya fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well for tifled with pure blaod and nroperly nourished frame."- Civil Service Gt zette. Made simply with bolling water or milk. sold only in halfpound tins, by Giocers, labelled thus : JAM IOS KI I'S CO., Homo3upathicr.hemists, London, Englan'd. SHÏLOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. The success of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the higtory of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a positivc guarantee, a test '.hatno oihei cure can sac cessfully stand. That it may become known, the PrppfTetors, at an cnormous expense, are paLing a Sample Botlle Free into every home "m the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Soie Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for : cure you. If your chiM has the Croup, or VVhooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease nplion, uce it. Asfc your Drugi;ist for SHÏLOH'S CURE, Price iocts., 50 ets. and $1 .00. If your Lungs are sore or Üack lame, use Shüoh's Forous Í laitet, Price 25 ets. MACEE'S EMULSIÓN No other proprietary medicine has the endorsement of Physicians to the same extent. None is nsed in Hospital practice with so large a percentage of satisfactory resulta. No other remedy has cured so raany case a of CONSUMPTION and other Pulmonary Diseases. 8CROFU LA is entirely eradicated from the system by its use. It i as easy to take as Maple Syrnp or Honey, and can be retained by the most delicate etomachs without nausea. F YOU have a Cold, Cough, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, or a generally run-down system, you can regain health and strength quickly by the use of MACEE'S EMULSIÓN Atk your Oruggltt for It, and takt only thit Ubeled MAGEE EMULSIÓN CO., Lawrence, Mass. How Lost ! How Regamed ! KNOWTHYSELF. JhL Or SKiF-PRESKKVATION. A new and only GoldMedal I'UIZE ESSAY on NKKVOUS and PHYSICAl, 1)E15II.1TY, KKKORS of YOUTH,KXHAUSTÜU VITALITY, PREMATUltE DKCI.INE, and all DISEASE8 andWEAKNESSKSofMAN. 300pageg,doth, fllt; 125 invaluablo preacription. Only $1.00 y mail, doublé Bealed. Descriptivo Prospectos with endorsementa rnrr I QTUn of the Prens and volunlary tKh T I umu teetimonialB of the cured. I IIU.I! NUW, Consultation ín person or by mail. Expert treatment. INVIOLABLE SECKECY and CEKÏAI CIIHK. Addm Pr. W. H. Psrker. or he Pcabody Medical Instituto, No. 4 Bulfinch St., Boston, Mats. ! The Peabody Medical Inetitute has many iml tator, but no equal. - Jerald. The Science of Life, or Belf-Preaorvatlon, la a I feasurc :nore vitluable than gold. Kead it now, ïery WEAK auii NERVOUS man, and learn to STRONG .- Medical Jtetitw. (CopyrlghtedJ Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street Railway, Time table laking effect December 12, 1891. Leave A"'i Arbor from Vaart House at 7.20, 8.50, 10.50, a. II , and 1.05. 2.50. 4.50. 8.50. 8.50, 10.50 P. M. Leave rflllantt at 7.00. 8.30, l".S0 a. m., and 12.45, 2,30, 4.80, 6.30, 8.30 and 10.30 r. K. ■ ïl.s-iiay Time Table. Leave Ann Arbor from Court Home at 9:20 A . M. and 2 20. 3.50, 5.20, 6.50. 8.20, 9 50 P. X. Leave YiMitanti at 9:00 a.m. and 2.00, S.30, 5.00, 6 30 8.00. 9.30 p. M. Cara run m City Time. Coupon tickets 15 et. For sale by conductora. DETROIT Nov. lóth, 1891. I.Asi; AMO NORTHERN R. K. GOINO EAST. A. H. P. 31 P. H. Leave HOWELL 7 27 4 10 8 59 Arr"veSOCTH LYON.... 8 0i 4 50 " PLYMOUTH 8 30 5 13 9 45 " DETKOIT. 9 25 6 05 10 40 OOING WEST. A. M. P. M. [ P. M P. H. Leave HOWELL JUNC. 8 55 12 88 1 7 28 6 45 Arr'veLA.NSISG 10 05 1 50: 8 18 8 05 " GRAND LEDGE 10 30 2 30 8 40 8 30 LAKE ODEASA.. 1110 , 9 15 GR'ND RAPJDS.. 12 10 10 15 IONIA 1135 8 45 9 40 GREENVILLE... 12 32 4 58 10 37 " HOWARDGTTY.. 110 5 35 H 20 CHICAGO Nov. 13th 1891. AVD HKSf MICHIH VX R'V. OOÏNG SOUTH. A. H. P. M. P. M. P. M. Leave GR'ND RAPIDS. 9 00 12 05 5 30 8 30 Ar've HOLLAND 9 55 12 45 6 25 9 30 " GRAND HAVEN. 10 87 3-14 7 05 1 13 MÜSKEGON 11 05 4 15 7 35 10 45 GOING NORTH. A. 51. P. M. Leave GR'ND RAPIDS ! 7 25 5 17 Ar'vc NEVV4YGO..... ! 8 52: 6 49 WHITE 'LOÜD 'J 17 7 15 " BIG RPiDS.. 10 45j 8 15 BALDWIN' 10 2 8 34 " LÜDINGTON, I " „ „ via. F.&P.M. R. R. f 9 m - MA. VISTEE, ) ,.,, vin M &E. R.R. f U 2(l 10 22 " TRAVERSE CITY 12 5! 10 69 Parlor ('ars on all traína between D. trolt and Grand Raplds. Peats. 25 cents for auy distance. FreeChairOar between Grand Raplds and Man istee. Leave Grand Rapids 5:17 p. m The " Favorites " between Detroit, Grand Raplds and all polnts in Western and Northern Michigan. GEO. DeHAVEN, General Pase:iger Agent. tciNCIK'UTI.HAMIlTOH&PAYTOHftR] c!NCirHATl.HABIlTOttaOAYT0ftHj CINCINNATI, HAMILTON & DA Y TON R. R, A.M. A. M .'f. M P.M. Lv. Toledo f6 15 10 15 3 30 11 40 A.M " Deshlir 8 10 11 2fii 4 46 12 50 P. M. " Lima 9 35 12 47 6 15 2 02 " Sidney 10 47 1 45 7 20 8 10 " Piqua 11 13 2 08 7 45 3 35 " Dayton ÚÚ 3 15 8 50 4 50 " Hamilton 1 45 4 16 9 52 6 03 Ar. Cincinnati 2 85 5 05 10 50 7 05 A. M " Indlanapolls 7 45 7 45 12 35 9 20 The only line leaving Toledo in the evening, by which you can secure Sleeping Coaches, reaching Cincinnati early following morning, Parlor Cars on Day Express Trains. Direct connections with all Southern Lines. See that your tickets read via. C. H. & D., between Toledo, Cincinnati and Indianapolis. D. B. TRACY, N. P. A., 155 Jeffènon Ave., DETROIT. tExcept Suudays. Daily. AAa Scientific Arnericar _jBKA Hb. Agency for tSLJH W& caveats. fl K TRAOE MARKS, THBHT DESICN PATENT3 Pfff ' COPVRICHTS, etc. For Information and free Handbook wrlte to MUNN & CO., 361 Bhoadway, New Yohk. Oldest bureau for secnring patenta in America. Bvery patent taken out by us is brougbt bofore the public by a notice given free of charge In the f ütntiüt mtxian Largest circuiatlon of any soientiflc paper in the worm. Splenaidly Illustrated. Jo intelllKent man hould be without it. Weeklv, S.'i.OO a year; $1.50 eii months. Adtfross MUNÑ & CO, -"fin ishehs, 361 Broadway, New Tork. Eï OF A DOLUR @ # ONE FULL YEAR FOR THE gTHMERICHN rBRMNEWS, Among the Best of Agricnltural Monthlies and the only one of First-Clasa Quality that cost o little. Don't lose a number, but send your 20 CENTS at once to the dnERicdNFdRnNEws AKRON, OHIO. AOENTS WANTED - - Writc ron TrHM. , BÜYS POÜND BAR k 5 J BEST & MOST yECONOMICAL . A27v &. wjfszjs'r' A S Cv C A GO. ! irALLEH B-WRISIEY-Sll & SPAR ZiW


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