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Ne4a. Mis. Van Cump li!(s rt-turaed from i 'lu'.'i' montlis kIhv in l.msini;. ( linloll Sim cier is Mik willi la tttii, e. 8. I!. V!ic. I r lias rvturued frnm visii in Saitiutiu . D.ily vül givean entertainment at her .M-bonl n tbt Boyden distriel Thnieda) ï.iii; . llirifi. Al i. mil Mi C. Frep,'of Dansville, s[ient Sonday at l.ewi Freer'--. Eiiglish.ofBranch County, is visitiug Ik: sister, Mrp. Jay Wood. DieH, at Chrfctlan Kline'son Fridav, tliti 18t h. Miss I.fa Kisenbacti, of Freedutn. A tm-q'ieráde b.ill was enjuycil 1 y tfie Touog propte at Ihe town huil lust Fridaj' evening. W. G. Dancei'x lioroe rati rwsv near Ur. (iales laat Saturday, tbrowing Mr. Dancer out and breaking tbe vagón. Herbort Dancer, f the Universily, isqnite siek at Ann Arbor. Hismother, Mr. V'. H. Dancer, is it Ann Arbnr witli liim LiTaye te Granae eljcted otK .-crs ror tbe year 1892 at J. J. W'ond's laet Fri dav. hs fi.](,w: M.,U. D. Bnldwip; O., W. K. Siockiiie; L, Mrs. H.D. B ildwin, nhaplnin. T. BiUlin; 8., J. Easton: A S.J J. Wond; L A.S., Mrs. J J. Wood; 1 Mrs. W. E. Stockini:; Sec, O. C. Burkhai-!; G. K , W. H. Dancer. Mllnn. Mi-s Grace Hutitingtoi) retnrned rroni Dt'troit öaturday mnrniiig. Mrs A. D.ivis returned from Stonv Creek Saturduy after an ab enreof sis weetij. School is '.uit fur two weeks. Prof. Dennsou heg gone to Ypsilantl 10 ppend his vacation. The Lucius Taylor Post G.A.R. Ae teil the following offii ers a sliolt time sinct-: Coaamander, A. M. Sloan; senior vier coiumander, S. H. Evanf; junior viee commander, Charles Shttlei; chaplain, Hev. Jay Huntington; quartermasier, Alex. Smith; officer of the day, J. Steidl?; color-bearer.A.H. Lewis; surgeon J. G. 8hennan; delegat to department encatupment, ,7. T. Haö'ord. Milán has a fire engine purchased of Arm Arbor for $426 with ho3e cari, and 750 feet of hose. They oryranizd a fire company last week 'with E. C'. Hinkleyas chief. The following are enginemen : P. ,M. Edwards," foreman. Frank Qury, H. A. Taylor, A. M Gaunt lett; ho8e cart, L. Smitb, D. Moody C'. F. Needham, F. G. Wilson, E. Blackmer, W. P. Lninkins, CA. Taylor. C. Gardner, L. Ward, W. Blackmer.'T. Dhv; Axman, H. Braman; Pioemen A Whitehead, C. Davis, L. Libby and Ed. Farrington. IielspH. Geo. Begole, of Jackson, spent Sunday with his family. Elmer Smith and wife, of ('hioag epent eome dayc. here. Mrs. Builey, from Chicago, is visiting her son, Rev. O. C. Bailey. J. T. Öchnaitrnsn has secured a posi tion with the Ann Arbor Organ Company. Miss Anna Henjos, of the Xormal, was the guest of Mrs. E. Negus over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Negus will entertain a laree company of friends at Christmas time. Miss Nellie Taylor was called suddenly to her home in Jackson by the death of her father. Mr. and Mrs. Codd, of Detroit, will be entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Collin Babcock during the holidayp. The Congregational Sunday school will give an entertainment at the town hall some time between Christmas and New Year's. The Baptist Sunday school will have a Christmas house; the Methodists and Lutherans will have a Christmas tree on Christmas eve. The Swedish Mule Quartette willjrivn an entertainment at tbe town hall, Friday eveninc, December 25, assisted bv Miss Laura Barden, the popular recite) from Detroit. As the Grand Rapids train nearedthe depot, Thursday eyening, and the passengars were alightinjg.the North Shore Limited, which was late, carne rushing down the track, and but for prompt fcction a terrible accident would liave ensued. The American Express corapany's truck was smashed. Salm. Mrg. Perkins and daughter, Mis Marión, are recovering from la grippe. The Congregational church will have a Chriáfrmas tree entertainment this year. Chas. Nolier, formerly agent at Beech on the D. L. & N. R. R., left on Monday for Montana. A goodly sum of money was realized by the ladies or Lapham's Methodist church by their fair and supper. Rev. W. H. Shier is seriously ill w iili an aggrayated f'orm of la grippe. His #ife is also suffering from thc malady. Tbe ladies of the Baptist church held an oyster supper i Smith's store last Friday evening. It waefairlv well patronized. The Congrfgatiünal church b;izar, held last Thuisday evening, wae a successful affair. The ladies served tea in the evening. About $95 was realized. Rev. W. H. Shannon wil) preach a sermón under theauspices of the K. O. [ M., of Salem, in the Congregational ihnrch on the evening of January lOth. tfaccabees from neighboring lodires are cordially invited to attend. The following are the oth'eers elected or Salem Lodge No.140K.ofP: Dr. 'weedle, P. C; Geo. Rider, CC; Arthur Vansickle, V. C.j A.D. Oisholm, K. R S ; Newell Withee, P.; Semer Seelev F. K.;P. Mlirray, M. Ex.; Cha. Calron, M. A. There was a full attendauce at the Maccabee Review last Tuesday. The ollowing were elected offlcerB for the nsuing term: N. Rider, P. C; A. D. Chisholtn, C; H. C. Wheeler, L. C; Dr. }. B. Twr edale, Chap.; Henry Stanley F. K.; Fred C. Wheeler, R. K.; Dr. 'weedal , Phys.; F. Coles, Serg.; J. L. Austin, M. A.; W. Geigler.Ut M. of G.W. Mosher, 2 M. of G.; A. Geigíer, ent.; E. Naylor, Picket. WrMirr Soma of onr townsmen liave been bii5'ing (,-orn froni the est. Mr. S ilomoD 8esrs liad a Builden atUck of ihe grip last Sitiin)y. He is mncli lietter now. Oeorge Loman, jr., sturtfd last Friday for Chicago, wheie he will engaged in bu-iness for th winter. ' There will be a social, WVdnesday evenina, IVceiuber l!0, at ilie residenre of Mr. and Mrs W. C. l.itson. Mr. and Mrn. W. K. B !en ore on a Jr.infinjr tour last c k, ir.cludiDg Saturd' ('vciiiiiir. ConFfqiiently, on tbat evening their home furniehed a tnrning table for the W'u d be snrprlser, The Webster Keailinj; Circle nipets ihii week s.iturd.-y evening with Will Aiexander. ïhequestinn for dfbate if, "Roüolved, that the systeffl of farm villages is more beaaftcial than the premt cnstoiBv' TIn aDBual rlection of (flicers tükes place. HrldKOwnK r [. Fii.x, of Tecumseli, bving imuble toatlend lohousehold dntie, is ."taying v í 1 1 1 htr motiier. Mr.-. L. A. Katner. Kivd Palmer, a Bophotnore in the medical deparlrnent at Anu A bor, is spenditlg a part of bis hniiday vacatlon wi'h his randparentp, 1 V. Palmer and wife. Miss Lacy English, who uent to Chieáfo Bboiit two montto ago loei Ratte in vvork ii the na i Rei on m-I'uiI, retnrned to her bome n Suth Manchester, las. .S.tiurday, to remain au indefinite p riod. A. F. Clark, o' Silioe, ia Iryiug to organize a singing school a! Minchester. Jtie is at t:ivsiit(iviii voeil lessons to several stndents in town, and if' ihe namber wit] le increased will eatabüsh a regular school ihere. J. B. Mnrrah, of t!')lilthwai(e, 'IVxap, arrived here las: week with tw.ic.irloads of sheep, and, liavinir ilisnosed of them all, sUrted for home lasl tifooday. Lif-le Milla nccompanied him as far as Kansas, luit will proceed to California. Freí! Wright, son of Rev. G. P. Wrisjht, left Ibis town with lus young bride about three years ago (or a home in Minnesota, nst November for the first time they visiied their native place. While happy with oíd friends a telegram ca in e stal ing that their twMise and barn had been consumed by fire. Mr. Wright left at once, and has since leen fitting a place for his family. Mrf. Wriüht departed last S.Uurday, her inother, Mr. Bond, going lo ('liicago with her. niiilninrr I.nke Tbc lake is frozen over again and the festive skater is happy. John Weber has the Buchoz farm leased for three years more. Collie Stevens.of Ann Arbor, was the uest of Johnnie Itane over Sunday. Qeo. Sheffer was shaking hands with old acquaintances here the firstof the week. Henry Stihon, oi this place, and Miss Mary Root, of Toledo, Ohio, were inarried last week Tuesday. The Epworth League now mimbere i thirty members. The next meeting will be held Saturday, December 26th. Mr?. Dodge and daughter, of Laingsburg, arrived here last SaUirday evenIng. They are visiting F. M." Dodge and Camily. The marriage of Heiiry Dodge and Miss Allie Pray took place yesterdav at the residence oi Jas. Pray. Rev. Jennings officiated. Mit Todd anii Miss Lena Schleimer returned the first of last week from their extended iit at Dimondale and other point. A lie Stevens cmie neur lieino killed !at S.i nnlav while hhingling Ihe roof oí bis uotel. As it waí,be received a bad jar and scar - lic slipped bnt rangbt on the li ï p of t li e roef, luckily for bim. M iss C'arric Rosen berger wa- inarried lat week WViliu'silay to John Heusel from Scio. Tha happy pair was bonored by a berenade from n uiixid orc'Iiestra in tvening hos strains were heard plainly at il, is point.


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Ann Arbor Register