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S mr Ilii uk fur ili Hew ïcnr. The world renowned success o! il - tdter'n Bitter, aml tlieir continned popularity for over a thitd ofa century is a stomacbiCjisscarcely more wonderful tlian tlie wi-li ome tliat greetsthe annual appearance of Host etter' AlmaDttc. 'f liis valuable medical treatise is publUhed by the H Btetter Company, Piltebnrg, Pa , nnder their own inniediale supervisión, employine 80 bands in that department. They are running aboutll montlis in the year on this work, and the issue of same for 1892 wil] be more tlian ten millions, printed in the Engligh.QermanFrencn.Weleh, Norwegian, Swedisb, Holland, Bohemian and Spanish languages. R-fer to a copy of it for valuable and interesting reading concern ing health.aud numeroub testiuioniais as to the eflicai y of Hostetttr'a Stomach Bitter-, amusement, varied information, astronomical calculations and chronological items, &c, vvliich can be depended on for correctness. The Almanac for 1892 can be obtained ftee of cost, from druggists and general country dealers in all parts of the country. Doos fu. i. .(i. in Prol cel? Certainly, in one instance, it does. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the great protection against the daugers of impure blood, and it tril] cure or prevent all diseases of this class. Ithaswell won ita name of the best blood puiifier by its many remarkable cmes. Tbe bighest juaise lias lieen won by Hood's Pilis for their easy yet efficiënt action. Sold by all druggists. JPrice 25 cents per box. I ■ ! -! lln raij. It was General (runt who said: 'The Democratie party tan always be depended upon to do tbe wrong thing at the right time." The split over tiie Speakership means a división of Presidontial forces It means jealousy and contention throughout the session of Congress. And it means Republican eucces8 in the country in 1892 ;uul 1893. r:iltimore American. A Wlse Tounic Woiimn. Voung Adolphus Fítzwilllam, he loved a fair maid, Bnt toask her to marry him he was afraid. Because of catarrh. whlch she had very bad: So much so Ihat often the youth was quite glad To omit, at tbe parting, the kiss of a lover. The reaflon of thls she set out to diBcover. 'Catarrh maken me loathsome. H'e fatal to love. 3, darllng Adolphus, ljy all that's above, [ tow I'lluot lose thee f something there i To drive out catarrh and to sweeten a klss." So this wise young woman begau gearchÍDg tot a cure, and good lock at:ended her. She found Dr. Sage's Catarrh remedy at the drug store, and ieit corn ihcedthat a preparation which ;he proprietorshad such confidence in ;hat they were willing to offer to pay S500 for a case they cannot cure, raust ie wortli Irjing. Sin: bought it. She ried it. It cured her. Aiul when Adolphus kissed her at the altar last week, her kiss was as sweet and pure as roses in June. Girls, a word of advice: If jou want a lover to stay a lover, you mustget rid ofoatarrh. Do as the sensible girl did, and get the only sure remedy for this disgusting and dangerous disease- I)r. Sage' Catarrh Retuedy. Animal Vol. I. iScientiüts ay that a grasslio)per lias ts ears on its forelefts. A naturalifit says that of all animáis he horro has Ihe acutest Bense of hearng. A Colorado cat viciously attackeJ a burglar and íorced him to withdraw seriously wounded. A prominent Indianapolis business man has two cats that are better retrlevers thau iaost dogs. A deer was shot in a Boheinian forest on whose head was a huge ball of bone r hom in the place of the usual ant ers. Wise Mothprs. Will uever be without Dr. Hoxsie's Certain Croup Cure. It is a sure and prompt cure lor croup in all foruis, also a prevcntative of Diphtheria and Pneumonía. It contains no opium, and causes no nausea. Ask your druggisl tosendtoany Detroit wholesale drug house for it. 50 cents per bottle. DMd I Die. The tiOplate ndiistry will liave been established so íirmly in this country before the Presidencial election next year that the Demoerats will be obliged either to eat their words or remain uilent.- Cleveland Lt-ader. For Over 1'ill.v Vears Mra. YVinslow'sSoothingSyrup has been used für children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy fnrDiarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists tliroughout the world. 0 Tlie World'" View of Iliirri-oii They who credit Mr. Harrison with sinall ability either as a President or a politician are mistaken in their estímate. The Republiean party ha6 very few abler men than Benjamin Ilarrison.- New York World (Dem.) The oiiiiiimi.i, r I ii n{ I oi' the Grand Ariny of the Republic, Major GeorgeS. Merrill: Few remedies are better known in this vicinity than Sulphur Bittere; Ibeir sale has been very general throughout this section, and the number of reliable and welltested cases of beneficial results and recovery by their use, is large and beyond dispute. 2 A Prlze. Do I eatisfy you, the young wife said. In all ihiüKS; teil me, pray. As on hls shoulder she leaned her head In a sweet, confiding way. And tlie husband answered, you do my life Of that there isn't a doubt; Tor you're better far than the ideal wife Tbat I used to drcam about. N. Y rrmni


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