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CASH STORE!" Best Roller ProcessFlourpcr bb)...$5.20 5Olbe. " " " ;.3O 251bs.Buck Wheat ' 65 Granulated Sugar per ft 4: 'No. 1 Japan Tea por ft M Good " " " .30 Citrón per 1b 2i Sbelled Almonts per ft 3Í Baker's Chocolate per ft U Fine Cocoanut per ft.... 2( Pepper per ft 2( Mustard per ft 2( Ginger per ft 2( Allspice per ft 2( CinnamoQ per ft 20 4 lbs. Crackers , 25 31bs. Raisinp 25 4 lbs. English Currents 25 7 lbs.Rolled Oats 25 3 Cans Corn 25 3 CansTomatoes 25 10 lbs. TableSalt 10 56 lbs. Dairy Salt 50 56 lbs.Rock SaU .. 35 4ozs.Lemon Extract 15 4 ozs. Vanilla Extract 20 Stove Blacking per bar 05 Carpet Ta ks per box , 04 Best N. O Molasses per gal 65 No. 2. N. O. Molasses per gal 45 Vinegar per eal , 15 Short Clear Pork per ib 08 Codfish per ft 08 Best Plug Tobacco per ft „. .25 Everything Warranted. Everything First-Class. m T. BURG, No, 4 E, Washington Street. HANGSTiiRFER'S CONFECTIONERY, Hot Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Hot Lemonade, Hot Beef Tea, süsrrDwioiïEss, etc. Ice Cream Soda Durin the Winter SALES ! SALES ! SALES ! IH Ribbons, Hats, Velvets and all kinds of Millinery Goods I $7.75 Hata, now 34 75 6.00 " " OO 650 " " , 4.OO 3.00 " " 2.00 75 Feit Hats, now 25 Laaies, before buying Hats please cali on me l ana examine my goorts. Respcctfully yourg, MRS. A. OTTO, Cor. Washington nn.l lonrlli Ave. OET A TICKET OF W. F. LODHOLZ 4 AND 6 BROADWAY And you are entitled to a choice of Ihe HOME INSTRUCTOR, LIFE OF GEN. SHERMAN, ORJ-HE fctFL OF P. T. BARNÜM 1 IFIZRIEIZEH 1 When Cash purchaee to the amount of $15.00 has been made. The Home Instructor. Large Octavo, 478 pages, illustrated. A oompendlam of useful knowledge neceseary for the practical uses of erery day Ufe. A complete and perfect gulde to life in public and private. The Life and Deeds of en. W. T. Mberman, Crown Octavo, 568 pages, illustrated. A graphlc narrativo of hls boyhood and early Ufe, educatlon, career In Florida and California, military achievements, Ufe as a cltlzen, last slcknees and death ; with fine steel portiait. The Ure of P. T. llariinm, The World Kenowned Showmau, Crown Oclavo, 520 pages, llustrated. Hls early llfe and struggles, bold ventures and brllllant success ; hls wonderful career, hl wit, genius and eloquence, hls lire as a itlaen, etc.- to which is added hls famous book, The Art of Money Gettlng. Henry Richards, Dealer In all kinds of HARD WOOD, LUMBBR, FBNOB POST8, MAPLE FLOORING, etc., also Pljltapdp.ljiqLÈÊ And all kinds of Firewood. Prices as Low as Anv Dealer in the Citv, AGENT FOR THE CHAMPION BINDERS AND ÜQWERS, n. ttllptrnlIVI.. .. nn rbor. M lob. WursterandKirn MANÜFACTUREB8 OF Plne Carriages, Wagons and Sleighs. Repairing or all Kiuds Neatly Done. SatUfaction Ouaranteed. O-rvJE TTS A. TBIAL. 81, 3, nnl 85 Detroit Nlreer, Aun Arbor, BUeb. ' Common Soap Rots Clothes and Chaps Hands. IVORY SOAP DOES NOT. ■%■ ■ ■k"AïfAKE81H"ffIvcsinitflnt nfi"11 '"'' :"' ' i "" nfiiHiiiio UI L, 1& ( ür.-inri'il. ■.. i I ■■frci-. .■l(ln-..-"AYM -is.-' I I ■■ DB JlHix -11'., ..m ïülk 51 Fhe Greatest Blood PurfierÍ$k KNOWN. # I ■fiila Grcnt Germán Ma ■'# I sheapcstanrtl i. 12Sclo8es i ,M1. I PHUU BITTERS Lorl.00,U-ssthnn# Sf II UJone ot'iit ;i tlo.-i!. It wlll cure tluw 6j UJ aíror ti e, U-nmM " rn a common pimple on the ïm-om S Em IltO th:it nwflll ■■ l:.M II 3SCLPHCR BlTTJillS ia Hir# Ibest medicine to use In all# " I ' nl"'Voiir JCifl I! li'U'c'P scatc I I ■■■# re nut II iuut ever takc #of o'nlor. Uso UI IBLUE PILLS ,!'''"Lí!a ormerciu-y.thevaredeadJ'B1J '' 1JIH K'. I'l K lililí' t.r,f lnJr'oual'c -■!, TloSII SULÏ-lir II' ITTKliS "nt"-v Uat aUa I the pnreet ..i.l ljuöt#i ol use medicine ever mtóe, jKfoUjy J. ;,„ 1 1 Wlttiayellow -WyMr om'í raSt r.nlil j-otil3 nsabstanc ? I unable to walk, orTI Ibroatli foul audjfare flat on yonr bock, III ■ offunslTC? STotirbirtget someal o ■■■-. it ■■■ Istomncli Is outJrvi'ill ('itrcyuu. ïuiphui-lll lof order, i_-i JfWnU'v is g l7:nIifL'i:;iTie Invalid's Frieiid.H .imnie(ll:itely#rtïCyoung-,tlien;.'Pil and 'ot-È2 I Isyüiir ( Djftertng are 'n madevrell ly III ■ me tblckitflts uae. Kcmeinlier wlmt youlll i ropy, Ko-MrvaA lierp, It may 6ave yoiirlll !udy, OTWh; it has saved luimlreüs. 1 1 &■ WUnn't walt until to-moriow, 3 fjrj a Bottle To-dayí Q J ? Are ■■! low-eplrlted an. w-.ik Ijl S? Mov BitoVi'iiitf from the Gxoesses il ï#yofli? II , SCI-PBÜB BlTTKUslll wwlll cure you. Seml : 2-i-cnt ;!;nnis to A. P. ördway Co., llostou. U2ua., tor beat niuUlcaJ H'oi-fc imíiüáhcU? THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT lun NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTE R? LANE'S MEDICINE All druggists soll ltat 60e. and $1.00 por rackaiT $500 Reward ! WE will pay the above reward for aay case of Ltver Complalut, Dyspepsla, Sick Headache. Indtgestloa, Constipatton or Costiveness we canoot cure wltb. West's Vegetable Llver Pils, whe.i tiie dlrectlons are strlcily coraplled wlih. Thev ,rê purely Veïetable. and never fail to glve tatisr!, tioa. Sugar Coated. Largo boxes, contalnini Pilis, 25 cents. Beware of counterfelts and 30 For Sale by all DrugüLSM ILL. "Wooid's Phosphodin-i; The iHtliiiiflisli Kemedr. L'ÍS' Mm Pronip"y and permanentJBf- _3BL Ir cures all forma of NervT&'W&B)'9Wnm tIVf'''"'8n, Kmtudtrmt. aJKjJ SPernvi"rrhea. Imputency WBNhr rfxi ExctHxcs. Been prescrlbed fSVÜhBkovt!r3' years In tbousands ■Biof cases: is the onu 7WiBerore end Arter. a6!e and Hnnent M dwinc {trutten. Ask drungist (or Wood's 1'hosphodine; if ne ofrers ome worlhles9 meJicinu lu place of this. learehls dishonest storo, lucióse pnce in 1 tter.aud we wlllsend bT return mail. Prlce oue pacitage. Si : slx. . One will pleae, ir ivill cure Pamphlet in plain sealed enyelone. 2 stamDa Address v ' THE WOOn CHKIIIIU. ■., 131 Woodward avenue. Detroit. Mich. .SI1 in lun Arbor b ail rewponsible Drnicliii. 5SSIOOKS Cotton Root AWns:rrr compound. H IWfts -l A recent dlscovery by an old 99r v PhysMan. SucneKsfuly used 1 mTLj mnnthly bu thouasndá of ■L jffc -T Ladies. Is the only perfecily k salo and rellable medicine ■k' discovered. Beware of un pnnnipled druits wno of ■ fer Inferior medicines in place of this. Afc for Cook'3 rorr n Root Tompound take nn aubiitituU, or lucióse $1 and 6 cents in postage in lettir. and we will send, sealed, bf return mail. Full sealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only 2 stamp. Address I'oikI I.Hy ■ Oniiiaii) . No 3 Fisher Bloeit, Uotroit, Mich Sold in Vmi A 1 11..1 by nll rexnuiisible nmcrif 'Htn New Firm? HWING BOUGHT TUE FEED BUSINESS 01 GEO. H. HAZELW00D, we propose to keeD WOOI f all h ,. Kindllng aSo Baltd HY hikI MIUH. ll.ili Uiinü rSIsD, of the bestquality, Charcoal.etc. Goode dellvered free to any part of the City. ar Cah pald for lom and Oats. The firm will continue the Truck Business o' C. H. Jones, as befo re. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. h. o. oxj.a.iRIk:, , , . „ SS E. llrirnn-SI. I:lcphono No. 14.


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