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John Donovan, of thefifth ward, has received an original pension. G.C. Rhodes has started a new house ■ m Broadway. It will cost about $1500. Jo-eph Clark and H. J. Reeves will build houses near the new hospitals in the spring. F. W. Buss has moved into his new residence on the corner of Wist Sejond and Madison-sts. The supreme court has affirmed the decisión of the circuit conrt ji the case of Tolbert vs. Burke. The case of Fred Scliible vs. Ilie L. S. & M. S railway has beun continued without costs witli consent. The Ann Arbor Conamandery, K. T. conferred the order upon J. D. Co!vin of Ypfilanti, TueBday night. The new homoeopathic hospital will not be ready for occupaney until next spring and possibly not till summer. Miss Etnma Hutchinson.of the fifth ward, last Saturday caught her foot and feil in such a manner as to cause quite serious injuries. Mrs.Regina Switzersued her brotherin-law George Switzer, for slander, asking $5,000 damages. The jury on Monday awarded her $1,000. W. E. Beach, of Howell, takes the position of cashier at the Toledo and Ann Arbor freight office, in place of E. S. Gilmore, who goes to Saginaw. Thomas Fordhamand Frank Howard, two tra eling gent?, stole two pairs of gloves from Goodspeed's store Friday and were arrested. They wül spend sixtydayp at the Detroit House of Correction. At the meeting of the Michigan State Teachers' Association to be held in Grand Rapids next week, Superintendent W. S. Perry, of this city, will read a paper on "Psychic Studies in the Public Schools A billiard tournament between Ered Olp and Arthur Seymour, two of the best players in the city, was heldThursday night in Haz lwood's parlors. S.-ymour won three out of fl ve games, after a close contest. The ladies of the se wing school again appeal for donations. They have 100 to provide for and are anxious that all contributions be sent in before January 1, as their entertainment wil! take place the following day. The high school lyceum and the newly organized Uoiveraity lyceum will hold a joint meetingjjjJjiil-'iif''"iüfi "J"1''"-'-"";-"' discussion is "Resolved that prohibition in any ol its existing forms is a tailure." Tae Prohibitionists wil! taold a county convention in the supervisors' room at the C-iurt House, Saturday, December 26, at 1 r. ., to elect delegates to the Fedérate Reform convention at Ltnsing, December 29, and for other business. Ann Arbor Encampment No 7, I. O. O.F. has elected the following officers: George Scott, chief patriarch; Eli S. Manly, high priest; J. J. Ferguson, senior warden; H. Krapf, scribe; James Ottley, junior warden; C. Schlenker, treasurer. Faith has almost entirely disappeared from the soul of one little miss of Ann Arlor. She was informed that Santa Claus was a myth and that no such pereon really existed. "Well,"said she, "the next ihing they will teil us ie that there isn't any God I" Tiiree boys, all under sixteen, whoee names are Adam Ritz, Wm. Bowen and Frank Garlinghouse, were arrested Friday for breaking into Donocan's store in the fi'th ward. They returned the stolen articles, paid costs and were dismissed by Justice Butts. Mr?. May .lenkins, formerly MUs Murray, died on Sunday last, in Tuledo' of peritonitis. Her remains were brought to this city and funeral services were held Tnesday afternoon at the residence of H. Krapf. Mrs. Jen' k'n.s was twenty-seven years of age at the time of herdeath. Mr-i. Etta Q. Watson, wife oí the late Ethan Wutson, passed away on Saturday last at her home on South Univer8ity-ave. The cause of her death was cáncer. She was forty-seven years of age. Her funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. WaUon was a Bister-ln-law of the famous Prof. .lames C. Watson Mrs. Julia E. Shankland, of Salem, commenced suil against Alexis P. Reawick, some time ago for selling her an unsound horse. She returned the animal, it was claimed, but Mr. wiek did not return the money. On Saturday last the jvjjy b'ought in a verdict of $165 for the plaintiff. O. H. Butterfield was MrB. Shankland's attorney. Thecouimittee of the Business Men's Association, wlio are eoliciting subBcriptionB for the guarantee fund of the propoeed school of music are meeting with jrreat success. Oiily a limited number of men have beon approached and nearly iifty have subscribed already. There can be no doubt but that the requisite 100 names will easi)y be secured. John Taylor, dronk on the streets, on Monday was fined $2 and costs. Two new bouses will be built in the Hamilton addition early next spring. The Methodist Sunday school will ho'd its Christmas festival thia evening. Phili]) Si'lniniacher has taken a position as collector in the First National Bank. About forty persons have been employed by Maek & Scbmid cjnring the past week. Frederick Schaible, aged twenty-six years, died on Tuesday morning of consumption. A boy named KnyiiRka had one of his fingers cut off in the furniture factory yesterday moraing. Drs. Nancrede and Carrow on Tuesday attended the meeting of the TriState Medical Society at Hillsdale. Der Deutsche Hausfreund argued last week to the extent of a column and a half against the proposed five mile act. The work on the new Toledo bridge is progressing very slowly. It is hoped, however, that it will be completed by February 1. The fairgiven last week by theyoung neople of the B;thel A frican Methodist chtircb proved a great success. Tne tiet receipts amounted to $112. The baggagemen of the two railro ds handled 1311 pieces of baggage during tbree duys laat week. The exodus of students was unusually large. Martin Clark, health inspector, savs that the sanitary condition of Ann Arbor is now very good. Diphtberia has almost entirely disappeared. The Ann Arbor Young People's Literaiy Society has been disbanded, all revenuesin the treasury being tnrned over to the lodge of Good Templare. Rev. Mr. Stewart, State Evangelist of Illinois for tbe Dieciples church, will preach in the Church of Christ, South Universityave, next Sunday evening. Everybody is delighted with the Christmas souvenir gotten out by the Register. Any subsciiber who has not received acopy mav obtain one by calling al this office. Nxt week The Register will give a complete list of the building improvements made in Ann Arbor during the past year. The record of '91 is quite likely to exceed that of '90. Jfe-jfliyTn he caSêFMartha L. Smurthwaite vs. Mary A. Thomas were out twenty four hours before they could agree upon a verdict. Their decisión was in favor of the plaintiffs. A mo'ion for a new trial has been filed. The Jeffersonian society oftlie lawdepartment will moet tomorrow evening and discuss the following important qnestioiis: Firt, "Resolved that the junior class of the law department is the missing link; second, "Resolved that the criminal sliould not gain relief by turning state's evidence." The Ann Arbor Knights of Pythiafl have eleeted the following officers: Dr. J. L. Ross, C; Dr. F. H. Brown, V. C.j J. H. Hurley, P.; .1. H. OUley, M. of F and K. of R. and S.; John Looker, M of E.; Wni. C. Jacobus, M. at A.; Leslie A. Walker, I. G.; Emil Baur, jr., O. G. Fred Barker, Rep. to G. L.; L. .1. Damm and Fred Barker, trustees. The railroad cotnmissioner, the Aun Arbor council and Czar Ashley of the T. & A. A., held a high joint session last week and a systein of protectionagainst killing any more of the universily city people was agreed upon. It is very rarely that such august bodies come in perigee and a radical change of weather ia looked for, to occur soon, if not earlier.- Adrián Press. The January meeting of the Washtenaw Hortioultural Society will be held January 2), in the court house at 2 p.m. The topics are, To increase the interest in our society, by President Scott; "Nut Culture," paper by J.GLinzhorn;"Review ing tüe lessons of the past season," paper by W. F. Bird; "Entertainment of the next annual meeting of the State society, by this society and the citizens of Ann Arbor," A. A Crozier; exhibit of fruit and jeilief . Tliere will be a merry Christin a time a! the Presby lorian church next Monday evening at 6 o'clock for the special benefit of Mis Brown's industrial school, It will be in the audieuee room. Songs and speeches will be given, and a large Ghristmoa tree loaded especially with useful articles will make up the entertainment. The Sundav school is getiinc up tbc atfair, and will have a bou nt i ful tapper at the close of the entertainment in the rooms below. Special Christmas services will be held al the Methodist cliurch next Sunday. In the morning there will be a trio, "Lord, Thy Glory Filis the Heavens," Mercadante; duet , "Forever with the Lord," Gounod; in the evening, Christmas anthem, "Sing O Heivens," Tour; tenor solo, "Cliristmas," Shelle-y. In the morning the ubjectofthe sermón will be "Chri&tmas Idyl- the Madonna." The presiding eider, Rev. Dr. Ryan.of Adrián, will preach in the evening. A persen walking down Main-st would see a number of line displays in the windowp. Mark & Schmid have a real live Santa Clans sitting on athrone and surrounded by the most beaHtiful fabricf-; B.ich & Alx-1 and Gjodyear & St. James display fancy articles; E.F. Mills & Cutnp ny liavc : stuffed Sinta Claus and a Pponish lady who sings most beautifully and gestures most gracefully. G oilfpeed & Sons exhibit a fire place with stockings and othcr Christmaa parapherualia. The Two Sams have lit rally a "t-age of monkeys" - pfvrbaf.s lbo mtEBicg link -and Schairer & Millcn eztiibit a fiie lot-of aproiis. The diuggibtp, elothiere and book dealers ftlso make tiue displays.


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Ann Arbor Register