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BUSINESS CARDS. I. A. BOGLE, w. L. MARyüAEDT TOGLE & MARQUARDT ATTORJÍEYS-AT-LAW Dfasonlo Itlock, Aun Ardor. p K. WILLIAMS, Attornpy at I.n, IHllan, M icli. Money loaned for outeide partius. All leeal b isiness iven prompt atteution. LKX. W. HAMILTON, Al Iflirne v at ïittw . Wlll practico Ín botb State and DrUtod Stu Coarta. Office Booms, one and two, lst flooy ai t lie new brlck block, comer of Harón and Foartb S reets, Ann Arbor. Michigan. E. N. BILBIE, Teacher of VIOLIN. Pupil of Sauret Berlín, Germany. Kooma at Ann Arbor Orean Co.'e, 51 8. MAIN ST. Can be seui Tuesday and Frlday. Tv A. MAC LAUeHLIN, iM. 1. Diseases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT Office in Bangsterfer Block. Residence 26 S. División Street. Hours: 1 to 5 and 6:3O to 7:3O p. m. J. F. HOELZLE, DEALF.K [N FresIi,Sah&iSDDkBiMeats Sausagee of all kinds. Poultry and Game in seasou. 31 E. Washington-st., Ann Arbor, Mich. Reuben H. Kempf, From the Stuttgart Conservatory, Gcrmany. Teacher of Piano, Oran, and Musical Composition; Also the Art of Teaching. 51 8. MAIN STKKKT, AUTÜT AKROK. OVERBEGK & STAEBLER, DEALERS IN GROCERIES and GASOL1NE. . . . FOR LOW PR1CES ON ALL KINDS OF WINDOW GLASS! GO TO IS. -A.. IHIDIMITTlírrDS, IS A". Fonrtll-vo., A ii 11 Arlior, MK-li. THK AEL1NGTON BLOCK. WM. W. NIOHOLS. DENTAL PARLORS over Savings Bank oppoaito öourt House Square ARTHUR J. KITSON, Contractor fe Builder. E&timates furnished on all kiuds of Architecture. Kksiüknck ami Shop, 21 Geddest-fvve WM. BIGGS. Coatractor and Builder, m! all klikilN of work in enncet4n wlth the aboye prompt ly essen tl. ftr Shop Cor. of Churcli-sL aod S. Dntversity ave. Telenhone 9 : P. O. Box 1248. GHOICEJEEATS Cor. Wasbinsrtnii-Nt nnd H(ili-vc Our aim is to plísase our cnstomeis by alwy Jiandling the very (Jhoicest Heats Ihat Öih martet fiords. M.P. VOGEL, ' DEALER IN - - FRESH, SALTISMOKED MEATS. AND GAME IIÏ SEASOJÏ. 22 E. Hurox-St. - Ann Akbor. TRUCK AND STORAGEL Now we are ready Tplth a New Briek Storchouse ior the storage of Household, Pianos, Books and -Stoves. Pianos and Fiiruliuie carofully moved. Al] kindaof Heavy and Light draying. KREI& HT ORK. c. e. G-ozDiFiEaiErsr flesidence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street. THE Great Winter Sale! V.HICH HAS COMMENCEDAT MRS. OTTO'S MILLINERY PARLORS Brings the most remarkablebargains totiie Irout uur vnrious departments coutribute items of interest to barguins seekers. Amoug the leaders n the Ladies: Department are fatten Hnts Plumes, Jets, Ribbons, &e. Capes, Hoods, Crochel Jaekets and Skirtó for childreu. Come and convince yourselves that this is the Bsrgain Einporium of Anu Arbor, MRS. OTTO'S PARLORS, Cor. Fonrth and !ln'ii,iii;-ill:, Stres JOHN BAUMGARDNER DEALER IN AMERICAN AND IMPORTED GBAWITES, and all kinds 01 Buildintr Stone QEMETERY Jf ORK A. SI'EICXA.I.T'Tr. Comer ofDetroit aud Catherine-sts. ANN AKBOB, MICH. THREE TROUBLES. 3Three things which all workingmen know give the most trouble in their hard-strain work are : Sprains, Bruis es and Soreness. THREE EFFLICTIONS. Three supreme afflic3tions, which all the world knows afflict mankind the most with Aches and Pains are : Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Lumbago. THREE THINGS. 3to do are simply these Buy it, !==. try ilt0L and be. k$fë prompt- () -pr%M - ly and Perma-rf nently cured by W)5?" 'ñ'r VV the use of y Xy Bvctm Ooueh, Colda, Scrs Thrott, Croap.Whwpi r.-; o-.::;h, J . . ,r„ jr,, Oossum;Uoaln(irnnwe.i!áan ..ccd clli!rt3Kn;:thd KMtdif-,, Sj,j,!y,:-.J.-Kiar-,TTh2ie. !■-■;'-. Butlea, Ou kou ud : nifc B.JUÊ3BUKr descriptivo WËföi CURE Blek EeaSache and reliovoaU the troublea ínof clont to a bilious stato of tho system, suoh aa Dizzlness, Kausoa, Drowainess. Distroes after oating. Pain in tho Sido, &c. Whila thelrmosft remarkable success has boon shown ia omlag SICIC HeaSache, yct Caiter'a Little IA)v Pfflfl aro e qually valuablo in Constipation, curing and pro venting thisannoyingcomplaint, whila thoyalso correct all disordera of thestomach,Btiinulatotha Jiver and regúlate the bowek. Even ií Uiey oalS' Hf Ai Ache thay wonld l almoatpriceless to faose w& eufior f rom thisdistressing coinplaint; butfortunately their goodnesa does notend here.and thoaa who oucetry thom will flnd theao littlo pills vala. oblotaBomany ways tliat they will not bo wilïiag to fio without tiiem. Bat af ter alleick hea4 ACHË Ia tho bano of so many lires that hera la vrheft woinakeour graat boast. Ourpillacuraitwbil Othor3 do not. Cariorti Little Liver Pilla are very smali and ■very oasy to take. One or two)iUs makaa dosa. Tbey are strictly vegotablo nd do not gripo or pnrge, butby üieir gontlo actíon ploaaeaU wha naethom. IuTial3at, Jcents; üvai'or$l. Bob) by diDfjta everywiiere, or seat by mail. .ipARTER MEBIÖIiVE CO., New York. SHALLPiLL. SMALLDOSE. SMALLPRISfe [QQSE'S EXTRAE! XUSIJD OLOVER BLOSSO BLOO I'emalo Weakne s Sores, Ulcera, Tamori dkbgcesses, llloud I'oisoning, Salt K C.itarrh, Erysipelas, liheuinalism nClood and Skin IJi-asC8. Price Si p Bottla or 6BotlIes forS5. i lbcan Sjlit! ?-5o. J. M. LOÓSE RED CLOVEF? CC, Detroit. Mich. Soid b aiidrucjists. WhyuffST? When you can be Qureú Thousands are suffering with Torpid Liver-the symptoms are Depression of Spirits, Indigestión, Constipation, Headache. Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator is a reliable rcmedy for Liver Disorders. It cures tbonsands every why not try Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigoratoi Your Drugrist will supply you.


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