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notes ,v. i o.nti i:is. Little Girl- "Why do the ílies bite so toda)?" Mother- "Il's goin to rain." Little Girl- "Well, they miht know 'tain't my fault." - Good News. Torpid Liver is cured by TUTT'S PILLS. , A capital and cheap forra of life insurance tbat may be coinmended to sportsmen is not to ciimb a fence witb a gun at fall eock.- Philadelphia Times. Catarrb in the head is a constitutional disease, and requires a constitutional remedy like Hooü's Sarsaparilla, to eféct a cure. Teacher- '"Tommy Tucker, how many easons are there?" North Side Youngter- ''Two, ma'ain. Winter an' wben he 6treets is all tore up."- Chicago tribune. It is because persons who once try Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, always buy it again, that its sales have become so normous. The success of this great emedy in curing cold, croup and Borehroat'is timply marvelous. Putting it Mildly.- Customer (who íad lost all his teeth, to umdlord who. íad served Mm with a very tough teak)- ''Landlord, you are a Uitterer!" -Humoristische Blatter. How often we hear middie-aged peole say regarding that reliable oíd cough emedy, N. W. Downs' Elixir: "Wliy, my molher gave it to me when I was a bild, and 1 use it in my fauiily; it always cures." It iaalwaysguaranteedto ure or mouey refunded. Two friends meeting, the following olloquy ensued: "Where have you )een 't" "To my tailor and I had hard work to malte him accept a little niony." "You astonish me ! Why?" "Beáuse he wanted more."- Tid-Bits. I have been a great sufferer from dry atiirrh for many years, and I tried many remedies, but none did me so inuch benefit as Ely's Cream BaIiii. It ompletely cured me. - ML J. Lally, 39 Voodwarü-ave., Boston Highlanus, Mass. 2 Tothng- "I buppose Hilloiv will gct 11 his lather's property, as he has no rothers or sisters." Dimpling - "lie ías, though, I know of at least live ;irls who have promised to be sislers o him.'- Detroit Free Press. Look out íor counterfeits! See that you get tne genuiue Salvation Oil! Do not let ttie aealer sell you some "just as good," but insist upon getting the geuuue with the Bull's Head trauemaik ou he wrápper. The volume of poetry which Lord Lytton, "Owen Merednu," leít uufiushed at his death will be published hortly. Every mother should h"ave Árnica & Oil Liniment always in the house in case of accident lruaa burnf, scakts or bruists. Abraham Lincoln's speech at the battleüeld o: Guttysburg was lately used at the Cambridge university in England as an exampie of the bebt Etiglisn prose. I think Ely's Cream Balm is the best remedy lor catarrh 1 ever saw. I never took anything Üiat relieved mu so quickly, and 1 have iiot ielt to well fora long time. 1 used to De troubled with severe headaches two or thiee times a week.- J. A. AlcorE, Ag'i U. P. E. R. Co., Eaton, Colo. 2 MÍE8Mary E. Wilkins, the novelibt, is said lo write a thousand words - nu more, no less - every üay. Öometimes when the spirit of iinagination is especially fiery abe does this much withïn au hour. Coativeness can be permanently cured by the use oí Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. Charlotte M. Yonge, though seventy years old, is une of the most popuiar woman writers in Eugland. She writts regularly, except Buudays, Irom mne iu the morning tul oue o'clock, and again irom six tu seven. FITS- All fits stopped free by Dr. Klme's üreat iServe estorer. Ku lita alter the ñrst uay's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and S2.UI) trial bottle free to lit cases. Send to Dr. Kliue, lJ31 Arch Street, iJliila., Pa For bale by all druggist;-; cali on yourd Helen Keiler, the blind girl, who hoe maüe heiself so famuus and beloved in Bustou and vicinuy, is writing a story lor St. Kicholas, the proceeds ol whicli are to De deveted 10 the children's building at the Columbian exposition. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. "The good die early." This axiom canuoi apply to many clergyoieu, who are not only good, but accustumed to ui-late. - Boslou Transcript. Üipiins Tabules banish. pain. Kipans Tabules cure scrofula. Hipará Tabules curo dizziness. iüpans Tabules cure jaunüioo. Eipans Tabules : for bad temper. Iüpans Tabules ; for sour stomach. Kipaus Tabules : standard remedy.


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