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FemnleWmlnau 1'ositiveCure. To The Editor;- Mease Inform your readers tliat I have a posiuve rme1y for the thouwtu.d andoneiUs wtiieh arte from rieranged female oniaus. Ishould heglitil to üend iwo bottles of my remedy frek t'i i nybody if they will eend their Kxpri'ss and P. u. Rddross. Yoiira respeetfölly, DE. B. l). MARCHISI, Utica.N. Y, LEGALE STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY OF WASHTENAW. j - At a eession of the Probate Court for the County of Waiotenaw, holden at the l'rubate Office in theOityofAniiArbor, on Weduosday.the 18tü day of the year one thoiismid eight huudred and ïiinety-threi'. Present. J. Willurd Babbltt. Judfte of Probate. In the matter of the estiite of Aun Marriott, deeeased. Martna L. Smunhwaiio and KminaVVebb eiecutors of the last will and testament of said deceased, come into court and represent tbat they are now prepared to render their flnal account as sucb executors. Tliereupon it is ordered, that Friday. the 10th day of Fenruury next, at ten o'cloek iu the forenoon, be assigned lor examlniiift and allowing sueh account, and that the devifees, légatees and heirs at law of said ileoeased. and all other persons intere-ted iu said esiate, are required to appear at a sussion of said Court. then tobe holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arboi', in said County, and show cause, if any there be, whythe said account should not beallowed: And itis lurther ordered, that said executors (,'ive notice to the perkons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of tJiis order to be publishcd in the Ann Arbor Register, a newspaper pnnted and clrculat'ii in said Countv, three succet-sive weeks pevious to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, Judge of Probate. A true copy. Wit G. Doty, Probate Register. 46 illortgngrc Male. Default having been made in the conditions of a mongase executed by ('liarles H. Manlyaud Tzora MhiiIv his wife to Koah W, Chetver. bearingdate, Jiily 3d. A. 1). 1874, and récordes m the office ot' the Register of Deeoa lor Washtenaw counly, Michigan. July M. A. D. 1S74. in liber 51, of mortyaces on page 23r. and said mortgage was assined by said Noah W. Cheever to AdeliH C. Cheever by deed of at-signnieiit dated April Hh, A. L. 18S2, and lecorded in said Register's office, in liber 74, of mortgates on page 448, by whieh default, the power of sale oontained iu said mortgaKO becatne op;rative, and, no suit or proceoongá in law orequity haviugbeeu instituted to recover the debt secnred bysaid mortgage or any part thereof, and the sum of one hundred and forty-MX dollars, being olaimed to be due upon said mortgage: Nolice is iherefore hereby givcn that said morigage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgagud premlaei therein described or stunt' part thereof, to-wit: All of the following described land sltnied in the City of Ann Arbor, in Liie state of jlichi'an, .z : Commencing in the north west line of the Ann Arbor and Dixboro road, at a poiut four and one-b&lTch&lnfl south wetterly frora the Intcnectiou of said line with tilt; cast lii o of the west half of ihe north eautjqaarter ot section No.twenly-ono(21),in townBhip, No. two ('.') south in range No six (fi) cast; Ihence Bouth fliity-sll degrees west, along said north west line of said road, ten (10; rods; thence north, ihlrty-fnnt di-grees west, two chaina; thence nonli, flfiy-six deerees east ten (10) rods ; thence south, Ihlrty-four ilvgrco east two (2) chains to the )lace of begininp.coiaining one-half a-re of land; at public vendue, on the '28 day of April uext, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon, at the east front door oi the C&urt House, in ine City of Ann Arbir, in paid Oounty of Wa.-hte, that being the pi 'ce of holding the Circuit Court in said county. Dated Jan. 24th, 1893. Adei.ia C. Ciieevek. N. W. Cdeever, Assignee of Mortgagee. Alty. for Assigneo. 57 ÑfREAPXHJgj BcforeTafelní. Fcprlk-iiitjloslill AT. er r: alt Ing. ' BEXONKjRVE. thopreat Turkish Komedy, ..-iires Kor Vous Uebiuty.Wakefiilntss, Vilal ExhauBtlo?i,DL Jfleadache, NervouB Frostratlon, 1 oL 1'ower, fcvii JJreamsand all wastinprtiseii1- s or)ii:-rcl by over oxertion of the brain, abuse orovtT-i 1 alt:' tico alcliultli lead to consu m ption , insanity ani tsuiride. I'nt upio ?onden?oit iUrm in carry in the porkt. !-ncoiI per box jra complete treutMtut of six hoL-s with i Written Cu3rantee for t5. Sent postpuid in plain packugfl .V) any iuldress. Circul.irs true in p!r?i t-;i vcl.ipe. International Medical Asoooiíítion209 Bcurboru Streeta eo, RU BEST LINE GHIGAGOANDSTLOUES DENVER FOUR TRAINS DAILY Pi B tt l"58"6 Persene Kestored m BtgaDr.SLIJTE'fa GRRAT LHB, ,,„ NerveRestorer !f)B!"'''''BHAIN4NRVHDlSKASES. Oavsurc ■H;ir cure for JVcrve Atftcttoxs. Fits, EpiUisy, etc [.''.llWMl.LiBJ.Blf telera s dlracML Krit,r'% ■..■■" 'V' "-"' Trcatise and Jj trial bottle freí to M rc.ii.ved. S;nd names. P. (5. i.n.1 ci;Vrcs i.ljrjüs r,f fl afflictiil to I)(.KLINE.o„ Arch St..lhil.vlelphh P Scoüruïilst. BMIVAXE ÓF UUTATWC MaVDS. DON'T READ THiS ! Audforget all about it, but remember you can düuMeyour mcome ly actJng as our agent and ReUing nu cboico gradea of toas and cortees tynur frlende and acquaintances. Ladies in;ke a jrreat aucce'S of it.rtml earn handsome coromih lo&s. We send teaa and coileesall over the Uuïted States on mail orders. Write for confidentlal circular to apente. Family trade aspeciaity. Extrsordinary ofler to families, on receipt of "J.00 we wül send you 5 Ibs. of any kind of tea you may desire. Cholee selection. Guaranteed pure. Kiew TorK, iünii V Jnpnn T a o.. 4 CoentleNSlip, New Torli City, HAMILTON'S INSUSANCE, Real Estáte AND Loan Ágency. No. 2 Hamüton Biock, FIKST FLOOR. Parties desiringto bnyorsell Keal Kst&U' wiii flnd It to their advantago to eall on me. 1 represent ten First-Class Fire Insurance Cos. R&tes Iow, I.osses Promptly Adjusled and Proniptly Paid. I also issue LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES in the Connectlcut Mutual Life Insurance Co, S-0ic nmiilred Lots in Hamilton Park Addiüou for 8nle. Ofkicb Houks- 8 A. K. to 12 M., and 2 to 5 P. M. A. w. sí tniLTOir.


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Ann Arbor Register