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1 ' - BUSINESS CARDÖ. [. A. BOGLK. W. L. MABQÜABDT. pOGLE & MARQUARDT, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Manonlc Bloeit, Ann Arbor. Fi K. WILLIAMS, Attorncy nt Lnw, Hilan, Hlch. Money loaned for outside parües. All legal business given prompt attention. k LEX. W. HAMILTON, A ttor nev at Law. W1U practlce in both State and United Ht;es Oonrts. Office Rooms, one and two, lst fleo: oí t he new brick block, cprner of Huron and Foarth Streets, Ann Arbor. Michigan . E. N. BiLBIE, Teacher of VIOLIN. Pupil of Sauret Beriln, Germany. Rooms at Ann Arbor Organ Co.'s, 51 8. MAIN ST. Can be seen Tuesday and Friday. 1 A. MAC LAIJGHI.IX, H. U. Diseases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT Office in Eangsterfer Block. Residence 26 S. DiTision Street. Hours: 1 to 5 and 6t3O to 7:3O p. m. DR. J. R. TAFT, DENTIST. Hamilton Block, Room 11. ANN ARBOR. J. F. HOELZLE, DKALEE IN Prssh, S&lt and Smoked ÜVSCeftts Sausages of all kinds. Foultry and Game In season. 31 E. Washington-st., Ann Arbor, Mich, OVERBECK & STAEBLER, DEALERS IN GROCERIES and GASOLINE. . . . FOR ALL KINDS OF hp Hanging liï Cecorating GO TO ZH3. .A.. lErDIMITriETIDS, IS . vo., 1111 Arbor, Stloli. THE ARLINGTON BLOCK. WM. W. NIOHOLS. DENTAL PAELORS over Savings Bank opposite Oourt House Square ARTHUR J. KITSON, Contractor & Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of Architecture. Residence amd Shop, 21 Geddcs-ave CHOICE JffEATS (ir. W)i-Iiiiyi. !■-( and Flfth-ave. Our aim Is to please our customers by always hand) ing the very Choicest Meats that the market aflords. m. p.vogelT DEALER IN FRESH, SALT1 SMOKED MEATS. AMD .WK IN SKASON. 22 E. Hlkon-St. Ann Akbor. TRUCK AND STORAGE. Now we are ready wlth a Kew Brick Storchouse for the Btorage of Households, Pianos, Books aud 8tove8. Pianos aud Furnimre carefullj moved. All kinds of Heavy and Light draying. FREIG HT WORK. C. OE. ÖODFBEY Residence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street. Telephoue 82. DR. F. G. SCHROEPPER, VETER1HARY M Itc; i:ojf. Ponnerly reïimental veterinary sunjeon in the artillcry in Germany. Gradúate wlth honors of the universlty at Gottingen, and a memoer of the Scientiflc Association at Jena. He charges reasonable fees and is thoroughly responsible. He respectfully solicits a part of the patronage of the public and guarantees satiefaction. Thirteen years a resident of this eounty. Residenee, 19 Spring st.. Office at Livery Barn cor. S. 4thave. and Washington-st., Ann Arbor. fiENTSCHLËR PHOTOGRAPHER COR. MAIN S HTOON STS. NewJPirm! HAVIKG BOUGHT THE WOO%AED AND FEED BUSINESS Baleiiïïv11 u"iH Kindllng Wood; also ■■" of the best quality, Charcoal, etc. Goods dellvered free to aay part of the City -Cash paid for Corn and Oats. c aejSSlSSSlue the Truck Buslue88 of Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. EC. O. CLARK, JUST A LITTLE pain neglected, may become RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, Just a little LBAGO. SPRAIN may make a cripple. Just a Hule BRUISE may make serüous inflammation. Just a little BURN may make an ugly scar. Just a little COST will get a bottle of ST. JACOBS OIL, A PROMPT and PERMANENT Cürffc. Years of Comfort against Years of Pain for JUST A LITTLE. txr S ,of lhe " 0Bcial Portfolio oí the of Buildings and grounds, beautifullj fllusín Ha water color effectj will beent to any address upon receipt of 10c. in postaee It Cures Colds, Coughs. Sore Throat, Croup. Influenza. Whoopingr Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption in first Btages, and a sure relief in advanced stages. Use at once. You vrill see the excellent effect after takinjr the flrst dose. Sold by dealers everywhere. Lar bottlei 60 cents and $1.00. Éjr BZ? Sf3lff!gi3v3& f'"'n'' for yRSKflW desiripn'. B lflME4raHV pnmpblet. 1 - ■ III fïlc'ü Beadoúhe ana rolievo i!l tho troublca Lnot dent to a bilious atr.íeof tho '-ystom. sac'a afl lUzzijiess, Nanaca, DroivsineKö, Djstrras aftor eatinj. ria in tho Sida, &o. Walle tlioiriaos.4 T9ir.iirkable bucccöo han boe:: chcnro in cmrïBïJ Heaaaohe, yot CarffA-'a Liítto Lifcr Pilla ar equally va! aablo in Conatipat-.on, ouriug andpra vonting thisannoyingconiplaint.vhilo theyala correct all aisonlcrs of thestoach.stiinulftte tha livor and regúlate tho boweld. Even it tbey oalr HEAO AeliothcywonldboalmostpricolosntotQoaewlKI BUIer f rom thiö cïiötrosaing compíaiut; butíortanaielythcirgoodnoss does notoud here andthoaa whoonca try them will flnd theso littla pills valu. oblolnsomany wayathatthoy will not ba wilUog to do vrithoat them. But siter allslclt hetu] ACHÈ Is the 'uqj:o of bo many 1ÍTO3 tliat iiore Ig when womaVoourBroKtboast. 0ari:)l3 itwhila othors do not, Carlcr"s ticia Liver Pilis t,:o vsvy smli and Tory easy to Uko. Oca or ts-o plU mukua dosa. Tae7 areolrictly vegetabloand do not ripa or purpre, butby theiv gontio acii jc plaajoiUl wba tujctüem. Iuvialsat25conts; livefovil. Sold by druggiita evorvwheio, or oirnt by nul. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL P1LL. SMALL DOSE. SMALLPRICt gk IviftroublediritlKioiiorrlineaH ■WJWi;ieet,Whits,Spen:i!i!oiTliceEB3 MÏhjPQr auy tiiinatural discburea&k fflKSff y""r ö'"181 tor a bottle of raMM "'" 't tures in u few tlavs ■LnHjwithout tl) or ptihücily 0 r. JH doctor. Non-pcisoiious and ■ ■Mf!'iaranteed not to flricture. v- BA ' Manufacturcfi by BligJUIi JJI] i W HkThe EvaDS Chemica! l sülis j. fek CIKCINNAT!, O. Jm Do y ou Know? That more ills resul t f rom an Unhealthy Liver than any other cause-Indigestión, Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, and Malaria usually attend it. Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator is a vegetable specific for Liver Disorders and their accompanying evils. It ctires thousands why not be one of them ? Take Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator. Your Druggist will supply you. BH . tJUIItS. WHtRE ALLEUAlLSTpf tgg Best Consta Syrup. Taates Ciood. Ubc ■I tVI 'une. Sold by druKKlsts IH


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