Real Estate Transfers
Rr-al Estafe Transfiera furnished by I moa Ke iros & Co., Connty C:eiks Office, Arin Arbor. : . v . F. Bal) lot 21 Wlleon &Wi ; ;!nn lis ' l U y by hair to Johu u'Mara w V' of n e 14 mc '6 A. A 1 John M domine lo O. Adam Horiiing 95 1M and '.''I B ■ 1000 F. W. Flnth to chaylerVan Glo-' eat 20 aereóos U o! e 14 n f i J sec 11 7"0 Gto. P. nii.z-.trto H" w. & v. J. Beala lots i nud 5 ; of lot 1 bik 8 J. M, ;Congdon"s 2ui adfl i 325 to Edward Hiscucklot 7 Uk 2 Hi.euck'sïndadd t A . 1500 SiptaiaG llnnie L. Oliis 40 aeree on Kec31 Ye rk 1600 Thos. Sbaw h. t Suplí ia Davenpo acres im sec 81 York „ S'JOO nnn i ) Henry B. Foidkamp lnntï on Mí ] ■ 1 Herman . t. A, Wtbbp&rc ui loi V;. i. (;ity 300 mkof ATatuli ftertit Joscpíi B l.ow rycjií.fw y2 of n w (í of toe 9 1 I Staib 800 Alva Fri lot 8 bik lü K. i. a 100 : r , to Win. Goetss 19 feeí in .(llv 1 teld to C. & H. E. Canfleld u e ',.o ■ SM ir 1 roiis by i I fimt tjlk lr Vi adil ■ I D. G. Orommi i; o irnon v. ris Koliett, II 'Saunde 1 2000 .1. No. 1 Hlllit 1.Ü0 : arab P. Fo&nck 4 - .". 1300 Fo'e-t í! II Cemeteiy4 -■HA A 1000 lo J-triH'rt L. Btudlck 1 ■ l.Northfield loo heeban t' 1). Roroteck id A. A COO Unson IjyShirff to Eiiza Bisele 81 . A.T'wn 5127 JobnlJ i. ü. Hookevt%oTnc]4 1 00 ■'Ilots37a,.d ty 1 Dan'l I & A. Swttz r Yp'f... 1 Cbas. E lü.lerí acres off the i acres ?i.é. 12 -al m G000 ler lot 3 Uk .. A. i: iv 860 L. Gru. elot 11 blk ty 373 I e lot 17 Jas. B. 'S Krt's aú add to A. A. Oity ;i2 tjVni. 1 : i íi trusi No. 14 rlk 2 ■oiitli unt-a 11 eaiit A. A. 1735 i. Kícr.Io iV.ti. MnitQ ,y(!t part of lot 0 bla e H c-ist A A. City H50 ■ (tal to a. P. Stcphens lot Etill U'iil to A. A. City 160 Frank Hathfou to Sumner Damou und y2 of part n tal plat, Ypal. City. 1500 FrAuk ' inner Damtia part o(3ots 21 i ...,.s. 1800 o Nannette B. G. Smitb e Ü of lot 8 blk 1 A. A Ci y it s. Stuith's 2nd add. 2100 Thomat I kiwan to Perry I.. TownsBOd uiul . -iuperior i ■ifre ' o f w í mui iv i.. f (■',.■ -i, alem '... 1100 H. ct T. Hu(zel io Stepheu l'ratt und % of lot 15 blk 3wutn rao t A. A. City 1200 ■ - w ]4 oí s vi '4 seo i ' 425 lores Smith lot 682 Forrls eastern ad j 07 L, W. -i Mi i August B!rk lot 9 I A.CitV 175 Henry a. Kiison et I of li.l.s 5 and 6 blk '2 north ranuo 3 K A. A. City 32CO .itsonby l)?iis to Arthne J. Kitson pait oí lüts ÍW and !0!J pmith's 3rd adfl A.A, City. S63 Jamt s Kit-on by lieirs to M. A. Olearer lot 9 tik ñ s"iih rango 1 eafl 805 H A H. Curnwell toParah Knrial iiart of w I4ot& w 'i seo A. A 570
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
F. C. Davenport
A. F. Ball
Rosanna Ray
John O'Mara
John M. Horning
G. Adam Horning
F. W. Finch
Schuyler Van Gieson
George P. Glazier
H. W. Beals
A. J. Beals
Daniel Hiscock
Edward Hiscock
Sophia G. Davenport
Minnie L. Olds
Thomas Shaw
Isaac Dunn
Henry B. Feldkamp
Herman C. Fisk
E. D. Webb
M. A. Webb
Joseph R. Lowery
Alva Freer
Fannie E. Wines
John Goetz
William Goetz
Charles E. Canfield
H. E. Canfield
Mary J. Embler
Fred Stagemair
D. G. Grommon
Sarah E. Grommon
W. H. Platt
H. S. Platt
Caroline Sanders
Lois Leech
Thomas E. Judd
Olivia B. Moore
Sarah F. Fosdick
John Woodmansee
Leonard A. Burdick
Earnest L. Burdick
D. Rorobeck
Fred C. Huson
Eliza Eisele
John G. Rooke
William S. Rooke
John Gilbert
Adam T. Turnbull
Daniel G. Switzer
E. A. Switzer
A. Switzer
John F. Lawrence
John R. Miner
Leonhard Gruner
Thomas Eagle
William Lymburner
James R. Bach
Emma R. King
W. B. Smith
John B. Corless
William P. Stephens
Frank Rathfon
Sumner Damon
Phebe Miller
Nannette B. G. Smith
Thomas Cowan
Perry L. Townsend
William Bolger
Gottlieb Bolger
H. Hutzel
T. Hutzel
Stephen Pratt
S. Barnard
John A. Riggs
Amelia Schneider
George Smith
L. W. S. Morgan
August Birk
James Kitson
Henry A. Kitson