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Rr-al Estafe Transfiera furnished by I moa Ke iros & Co., Connty C:eiks Office, Arin Arbor. : . v . F. Bal) lot 21 Wlleon &Wi ; ;!nn lis ' l U y by hair to Johu u'Mara w V' of n e 14 mc '6 A. A 1 John M domine lo O. Adam Horiiing 95 1M and '.''I B ■ 1000 F. W. Flnth to chaylerVan Glo-' eat 20 aereóos U o! e 14 n f i J sec 11 7"0 Gto. P. nii.z-.trto H" w. & v. J. Beala lots i nud 5 ; of lot 1 bik 8 J. M, ;Congdon"s 2ui adfl i 325 to Edward Hiscucklot 7 Uk 2 Hi.euck'sïndadd t A . 1500 SiptaiaG llnnie L. Oliis 40 aeree on Kec31 Ye rk 1600 Thos. Sbaw h. t Suplí ia Davenpo acres im sec 81 York „ S'JOO nnn i ) Henry B. Foidkamp lnntï on Mí ] ■ 1 Herman . t. A, Wtbbp&rc ui loi V;. i. (;ity 300 mkof ATatuli ftertit Joscpíi B l.ow rycjií.fw y2 of n w (í of toe 9 1 I Staib 800 Alva Fri lot 8 bik lü K. i. a 100 : r , to Win. Goetss 19 feeí in .(llv 1 teld to C. & H. E. Canfleld u e ',.o ■ SM ir 1 roiis by i I fimt tjlk lr Vi adil ■ I D. G. Orommi i; o irnon v. ris Koliett, II 'Saunde 1 2000 .1. No. 1 Hlllit 1.Ü0 : arab P. Fo&nck 4 - .". 1300 Fo'e-t í! II Cemeteiy4 -■HA A 1000 lo J-triH'rt L. Btudlck 1 ■ l.Northfield loo heeban t' 1). Roroteck id A. A COO Unson IjyShirff to Eiiza Bisele 81 . A.T'wn 5127 JobnlJ i. ü. Hookevt%oTnc]4 1 00 ■'Ilots37a,.d ty 1 Dan'l I & A. Swttz r Yp'f... 1 Cbas. E lü.lerí acres off the i acres ?i.é. 12 -al m G000 ler lot 3 Uk .. A. i: iv 860 L. Gru. elot 11 blk ty 373 I e lot 17 Jas. B. 'S Krt's aú add to A. A. Oity ;i2 tjVni. 1 : i íi trusi No. 14 rlk 2 ■oiitli unt-a 11 eaiit A. A. 1735 i. Kícr.Io iV.ti. MnitQ ,y(!t part of lot 0 bla e H c-ist A A. City H50 ■ (tal to a. P. Stcphens lot Etill U'iil to A. A. City 160 Frank Hathfou to Sumner Damou und y2 of part n tal plat, Ypal. City. 1500 FrAuk ' inner Damtia part o(3ots 21 i ...,.s. 1800 o Nannette B. G. Smitb e Ü of lot 8 blk 1 A. A Ci y it s. Stuith's 2nd add. 2100 Thomat I kiwan to Perry I.. TownsBOd uiul . -iuperior i ■ifre ' o f w í mui iv i.. f (■',.■ -i, alem '... 1100 H. ct T. Hu(zel io Stepheu l'ratt und % of lot 15 blk 3wutn rao t A. A. City 1200 ■ - w ]4 oí s vi '4 seo i ' 425 lores Smith lot 682 Forrls eastern ad j 07 L, W. -i Mi i August B!rk lot 9 I A.CitV 175 Henry a. Kiison et I of li.l.s 5 and 6 blk '2 north ranuo 3 K A. A. City 32CO .itsonby l)?iis to Arthne J. Kitson pait oí lüts ÍW and !0!J pmith's 3rd adfl A.A, City. S63 Jamt s Kit-on by lieirs to M. A. Olearer lot 9 tik ñ s"iih rango 1 eafl 805 H A H. Curnwell toParah Knrial iiart of w I4ot& w 'i seo A. A 570