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l'red Lichfiüld is still dangerously The wind storm this morning did considerable damage. Irviue Goodwin wis up froin Arm Arbor the flrst of the weck. Mrs. Gidarn and daughfnr Inez are spending a few days with Mrs. Dexter. Miss Rena Glenn is spending a few day.s with lier iriend Miss Mollie StantOD. Mr. and Mrs. TI i ram Wiltse o"" Manchester spent Sunday wilh Dester friends, Mrs. H. Roger?, formerly ofDexter, speut the S'.mday with frien-is in this vicinity. S 'V-ral of the members of the I. O G. T. have eone to S.iline to day 10 uitciiii District Lodge. The elock is going up in earnest nowThe iiiftcription reaits: Presantpil to th villnge of Dexter, hy Mrs. Dexter, in metnory th son Marsbal. The I O. G. T. gave u very good play Saturday eve , the last. tableau w peoially ;ooil for the real rats appeared; h must speak highly o the others aleo. Ciiarlie Larey, a mach respected yoiiaj m:in ofDuxter, was buried Fri'i.iy. AU have beeu expecting the time When Charlie would be at resr, bat tlie death meísanger carne very suddenly. AVF.!!Srt:K:-Corii is Planted; W s. ■ionarlea 1 SflMiona; Pcople In Hl Health. Miss Ala Latson bas for some time been coufined to bed. Tlie S.S. of ttieConsrejtaMonalChnrch wil] observe Childrc-n'B Suaday. Arthur Alexander has been seriou;-]' 111 wit h erysipilap, but has now nearly red. Ie in tbis vicinity oonilate startinsi for the World's Fair the l'ore part of June. Tlie Lüilies MS8onary Society meet iliis wtfk Tbursday P.'M. at Mra. Alsnvci'í. Tea will ba srved. ïhe past, wnv.k or so has been exc. Ilent growing weatliei. ïhe (ruit-lrees are literal iy co vered with blows prora icing a good Top of pean, peacfaes, pies and fruit gonerally. Uorn ia nearly all plantod in tbis vicinity. M.iny are sliPiirir.g or have shoru their shei i without thi pi. ashing which y íf not quite fallen uto disuse. A we-k (V20 Mr. Waples told l ! oi tbe Congregatlonal He 8[ofc suüiewhat of tbe ei lity. ïhe evolution i ras morti myaterioua ihan itatioo. líe ehowed h iw niany were dying in hin every miaute. the supreme eini ol I in umlerstood tluit Mr. Wap i China, WniEMOKE LlKK-WkM Ii-ilc Are loi;ir; Kole tïie (ioai: A Píenle. Mr. Frank Bodineia on the sick li Mr. Cbas. Spray spent list week in .Í G. Pr.iy and lalüer vi!-ited Adii Arboi' Monday. W II R xencrans of Ann Arbor t-pent Suiulay in Whitmore. The Arm Arbdritea poured into the Ltke and Clitton H.nif-e oa Sanday. A Union Sunday S :iiooi picnic will be held i tl the Kr"vt' at Lhis place uu June 17il). Mi8 Richirfts of Fr.incipco has been 1 1 1 1 ■ ijuesi ofMiaa Mollie Weber for the reek. yr. and Mrs. Richardo of Cheisea viuiting lier párente Mr. and Mre. '.:. Weber. A load of I. O. G. T.'s left here on Tuesday mornin; at 4 o'clock for Saline to attend the District Lodge Convention to be held at that place. At the I. O. G. T. meeting last Friday eve. tho following were initiated: Miss L zz:e Green and Miss Anna T. Tnthill of Green Oak. Miss Richards of Fran cisco and Mr. Pliilip Smith of Ann Arh( r. Mr. R. Lincoln Kirks, the greai "Impersonator", entertained a small crowd Bt the Lake rio'ise last Wednesday eve. His impereonation of the "VVidow Bedoti" and '4A Green Boy's Recitation" were weil renderod and mle the audiance forgPt, for the time, that they ever had a sorrow.


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