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CJrO TO RATTI'S 5 EAST HURÓN SL, For Nuts of all kinds, rare Fruit, or an elegant Oyster Stew. RATTI, 5 E. Hu ron St 81 Years l.xperlence !■ tue Business CITY LAUNDRY. M.M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. GEO. W. JOHNSTON & CO, No. 12 Forest AveQroceries AN D prmnsions Canned Goods of all kinds, Olives, Mixed Pickles and Table Sauce, Garden Seeds, and in fact everything. Oil and Gasolene! We are nowselling and shall continue to sell a flrst-class quality of gasolene, which is far superior to any other. Everyone fhould use it. Leave your order at the store and we will fill your can. GEO. W. JOHNSON & CO., No. 12 Forest Ave. LEGALS. Sioii' i uii m Atmchment. The Circuit Court for the County ef Washtenaw Jamks A.Jaycox, Plaintiff. vs Adilph Hoffstetter, Defendant. Notice is bereby given that a writ of attachment. was. on the ninth day of Feb.uary, A. D., 1893 duly issued out uf and uuder the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan, at the snit of James A.Jaycox, as plaintiff and against the lands and tenements. goods. Chattels, moneys and effects of Adolph Hofitetter,the defendant thereinnamed, for the sum of Oue Hundred and Two Dollars and Forty cents, which said writ of atiaehment wai returnableon theSeventh day of Mrch, A. D„ 1893, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said date. J. W. BENNETT, A ttorney for Plaintiff. ■ Dated the 25th day of Marrh. 1891 62_ Probate Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN ( County of Washtenaw ! At asetsion of the Probate Court for the Conn'.y of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the I City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the 3d day of I May, in the year one thousand eight huudred I and ninety-three. Present, J Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of William P. Brown I deceased. William P. Brown, and Foster Brown, I tors of ths last will and testament of said I ceased, come into court and represent that Uier ■ ae now ready to render their final account as I such executors. Thereupon ittsOrderod, that Friday, the 26th ■ day of May instant, at ten o'clock in the fot I noon, be assigned for examining and alln I such account, and that the next of kin of sant I ward and all other persons interested in saifl I estáte, arerequired to appear at a session oí I Court, then to be holden at the Probate 1 1 I in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County ■ and show cause, if any there be, why tlie I said account should not be allowed. And it is further ordered that said executors ■ give notice to the persons interested in said estáte ■ of the pendency of said account, and the I ing thereof, by causingacopy of this order I I published in the Ann Aebor Ekgistkr. a I paper printed and cireulated in Biid county. ■ three successlve weeks previous to said day o: ■ hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT. Judgeof Probitc ■ (A true copy) Wm. j. Doty, Probate Register. Cl I Kcnl Inii.Ii' For Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, I _ County of Washtenaw. ( lu the Matter of the Estáte of Mary P.Br: I decrased. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of sa ■ order granted to the undersigned John W. Bennelt ■ Administator of the Estáte of said deceaed by the ■ the Hon, Judge ol Probate for the Cour, I Washtenaw, on theSecpnd day of May A. D. 1893, ■ there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the ■ est bidder, at the East front door of the Court ■ House in the city of Xnn Arbor in the Cour: I Washteuaw in sai.l State, on Tuesday the 2011 I of June A. D, J893, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon ■ of that day (subject to all encumbrances by ; I gage or otherwise existing at the time of the I of said deceased) the following describtil I Estáte, to-wit: Commencing at a point 42 roda ''outh of tne ■ Northwest corner of Section fiiteen (15) t! I running East ten (10) rods thence South s I rods, thence West ten (10) rods tlience Nortli sil ■ (6) rods to place of begtnning. Commencing at the Southwest corner I Northwest quurter of Section flfteen (151. tl' I North fourteen (14) rods, theuce East eleven i forty-two one-hundredths rods theuceSoutti I teen (14) rods thence West eleven a forty-UV" 1 hnndredths rods to place of bcginning. Commencing at a po nt fourteen (14) rods I and seventeen (17) rods East of Southwest c I o( Northwest quarter ol Section iiftecn (15) tl I running Nortü nine (9) rods thence East I three (iS) rods, thence South thirteen (13 I thence West to the p'.ace of besiuning. All of the above dtscribed land being i:i ship One (1) South Range Seven East (Sak: 1 Michigan. Dated May 2 1893 John D. Benhett 61 Admlnis;rator. ■ Probate Ortler, STATE OF MICHIGAN, ( COUNTY OF WASHTENAW, ( B8 At a session of the Probate Court for the Co I of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Office in tíf I City of Ann Arbor, on 8aturday, the 2Ttti W I of A pril , in the year oue thousand eight hui I andninety three. Present, J. Willard B&bbltt, Judge of Probatí. I In the matter of the estáte of Mabelle Halla ■ deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly "' fled, of Richard Waldron, guardián, pray I hat he niay be licensed to sell certaln Keal Est1' I belouging to taitl Minor. I Thcreupon it is ordered, That Monday, 'M ■ 29th day of May next, at ten o'clock in the I assigned for the hearing of said jw' ; ion, and that the next of kin of said n"0. I and all other persons interested in sa:: ■ ate, are required to appear at ■ sesslon o' ■ aid Conrt.then to be holden at the Probate 0; I n the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, " "II M here bc, why the prayer of the petitioner suulu ■ lot beeranled. 11 And it is further ordered, that said P?atl0,„H give notice to the persons interested in said fStaI' I of the pendency of said petition, and the ber 'ïï hereof, by causing a copy of this Order to J" v lublinhed in the Ann Arbor Registee, a ne ,' ■ aper printed and eireuiated In said Co111; I hree successive weeks prevlous to said dv " hearing. J. WILLAED BABBITT, Judge of Probate. [A true eopyl Wm. G. lioty, Probate Register. el


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Ann Arbor Register