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Miss Hundredmark is an applicant for a post office in Minnesota. A. Countryman is the name of a poultry raiser near Anniston, Ala. The Poppera aml the Mustards are neighboring families in Sus-sex, Del. Change of Time on the M. C. K. K. M. C. R. R. TCOK EFFECT MAY 23 1893. GOING EAST. OOINQ WEST. Mail &Ex.... 4:27 pm Mali 9:37am Detroit Ex.. :.::) p ,„ ]).iy gxp 8:19a m NthSh. Sp'l. 5:58 p m vtïi 8h. 9:45 u ui N. Y. & Eastorn Chicago Exp. 2:14 p m Express.... 9:45 pm Chicago Nlghi N.Y. & Chicago Expres.... 9:06 p m Limited.. ll:40ara Pacific Ex.. 10:32 p m Atlantic Ex.. 3:50 a m -,,■[ 4:Ha m Niágara Falte & Grand Kap t '"'.(:!"' -■ ?:!2am Kal. Ac... 8:13 pm Pet Nlgnt Ex 5:4a Jackson Ac. i:M am Grand Rapids Express.. . 10:53 p m OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Advertisements, sueh as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three Unes, can be ! üiree weeks for 35 cents. WANTKII. WTJTBI-Vlsitors at the World's Fatr to stop at Pleasant Home, only 4 blocks from 67th street entrance. Ratcs of rooins #2.00 when tvo occupy the rom SI. 00 each, doublé bed room $3.00 or75 cents for cach person. For circulara on applicatisn apply to Martin G. Good. 11S8 W. Harrison-st, Chicuge. lll.or D. F. Schairer Ann Arbor, Mich. r-9tf TIJ A NTIÏO- Ayoung man who wishes tolearn TT Shorthtmd and Typewriting and pay his enture tnition by taking care oflawn thissummer. A Rood opportunity to the right person, If rn-rferred.wili glve ascholarshipentitHncthe hol Ier to a full conree in a flrtt-clnss commercial eolle.-cfor this work. Enqufre at once at the School of Shorthand 20 South State Pt. Third fioor front. 65 WÁNTED- Salfsniwi; salary and expenses from start; steady work; good chance for advancemcnt. BROWN BROS. CO , Xurs rymen Chicago, I1L ' 59 W" AXTED-Bedding and all kinds of piain sewing. Over Sheehan's Bookstore, third door to the right. 23tf YVTASiTKtt- To rent for the next three monthi TT a ladies' safcty bicyc.e. Address S.A.M. Register Office. 64 FOK NAIC. F MUi SA1.E- Window shade, carpets.couches and bedroom furniture etc, at 25 Lawrence-st 63_ POR AI-E- An excellent family horse and ■- new phaeton for sale at 50 S. Ingalls st. 65. Fok SAljÊ- The best coin coilecror books piiblished by Wm. Von Bergen. If you are interested fn old and rare coins, this is the book you want. 200 pages, Hundreds of illustrations, jl.OO. C'all at the Kegister Office. 5ltf JjMR iALi;-So. 3 Willard-st., 2nd door from l' E. University ave. First block from campus. Faces south. Nearly new. Modern convenieuces. Inquire same address of Miss Oakley. 51tf trtli SAÏ.E R kkjst- For a term of years the propertv No. 16 E. Universiry-ave. In flrst block from campus. Inquire on premises of L L Janes. Sltf ' FOK MAl.ü - Desirable Iota at reasonable pnces in Sehai:er and Kemp's addition to the city of Ann Arbor, Htuated on corner Uill and Packard-sts, on street car line. For plat and further particulars cali on D. F. Schairer, 1 South Main-st. 35tf (7aK.1I FOB 120 Acres oi Land, six V miles from city, or will exchange for city prop. erty. Enquire at No. 3 E. Libertv-st. 31tf 'OB SAliE- - Two Farms. Mrs. North's larm nep.r county farm and Everett farm in Salem town. Andrew E, Giosoa,.io Aiayuard St , Ana rbgr. ntf ■LOK Avaluable farm.Tnewell known farm of Hanson Sessiouon section two(2)Townshipoi Konuneiu ot aDout 220 acres of land at the low price of 840 per acre. Anyone wishing a ■ plendia larm to make a home of this is a rare chance. Time will be given for two thirds of the purchase price paid if desired. For further particulars, cali on. or address E. Treadwell and Harriet L, Sessions, executors of the late wil! of Hanson Sessions, deceased. Dated Ann Arbor ,Mich . , Dec. 21, 1892. 39tf T7ÏOR N A Le- Household goóds at 74 WashteX' naw are. 64 mk KBST. PUR REST - A large new house, corner of State and Hill street for rent at $500 per annum, or for sale at a bargain. Inquire at 52 Rot'kard str. 55 TTOR RïST- 5 acre pasture, well watereQ, J: term': easy. C, R. Wllkinson, 5 Mill-st., Lower Town. 63 nr Hi-.JIT- Wholeor part of house, suitabïe X for roomers and boarders. cor. Jeffereon and Div[sion-6t. A. M. Clark. 47 División. 60tf F1OR After July first, a good house on' South Thayer-st., near the campus especially suitabïe for keeping boardera. Seven rooms basement. Rent reasouable. Euquireof S. A. M., Register Office. 54tf MISCELL A X KO I 'S . INFOKMA'IION as to accommodation for theWorld's Fair can be obtained by calling on D. F. Schairer, 4 S. Main-st. Low rates. 51 tf World's Fair Accoiumodations. Furnished rooms for rent at reasonable prices witbin % block of Midway Plaisance entrance to Fair Grounds, permauent residence, 22 rooms, all modern conyeniences. For further Information inquire at 14 8. State-st., Ann Arbor, or write to Mrs. M. E. Hill, 6815 and 5817 Madiaon-ave., Chicago, UI, 60 LOST, VIOLIN. Taken from the atore of the Ann Arbor Orean Co., between 10 p. m.. May 22 and S p. m., May 23, anold Amati Violin, llght canarj' color, ívory pegs with Albert patent rubber tail piece. Top of violin had been split and repaired by Aug Gemeiudertunder w.ose card is on lnside Scroll had also been repaired on each Bidé. A liberal reward will be paid for lts return to Lew H. Clement, 51 8. Main-st., Ann Arbor. 61tf THAT ODOR, Coming from your cess-pool, vault or barn,can be destroyed by the use of a sirongsolution of Copperas. Copperas is cheap, (5 ctf . per pound, 6 for 25 ets.) and you ought to use it to make your home more healthful. More about dislnfectants ia a later "ad." CALKINS' Sells the Best. 34 South State St.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register