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The peach r p of Michigan will be immense this year. Mre. Eliza Colby of Shiawase (o was killed recently by a C. & G. T. t x press train while driving liouif. Two of the three trainps who neurly killed Conductor Futer of Uiu M.C lf. K., a' Dowagiac, ha re úeen capturad. Evart lailiea are said to ba mimyh".' bard on the village charter and ordinanceB prepancry to voiiug next Sprii g If the peop'e wl o keep dcgs wmihI shut tLem in Uie ctllara nignla ihey wonld eonfer a favor on sufft-riug i.umaaity, especialiy the siik. A i in tosv'n at niiil "wonld tlunk Uinl Uie e way notbing bat dogs here - C.;' a Btandard. A faimer near Ceït-ea adverlited fo youug lailieh to help h.iu m tbe íuuvbm I, male bands beiug scarve. Two g irla answered ihc "aú." And lhu aaotber employment hilberto the i-oltproviace of the niAii lias been invadtd by the gentier sex. Thls is no lie, but we want to sa] right tiere that somebody bas got 10 teil alie to beat it. E. Vradmilimg threrhed a load of oats, whinh re.v uu one acre of Geo. Kattenbury's faim i In. t shelled out jast eigbty-fuur busliels 01 the rain. - Norlhville Record. The Ypsilanti Commercial is giving oirc ílation to úsh stones of enoim .i.b prOjOOition. An alderman gons to Porlage lake and pulls out 20 black bas? ■sveighing 45 lbs., one 5J Ibs., and two of 4 lbf. What iie does not teil is,wberr said alderman's bau was bottled. A gang of tramp3 numbering lii or more was discovered in a box bar on the mianight freight at Birminyiiaiu, and showed flght when the trainmen attemped to rout tbeun. Nearlv all of them were arrned. Thty were jül d partir at Pontiac and uar ivatCorunm. A city dude seldom does anytliing worth chronicling, for he is aniversüliv regarded as empty heade.i, of even arousiuii genuine cunosity. But a country dude - well, he is pretty certain to be mteresting. Here is a specimen: A Buckfíeld youiin man lecently tried to lift his carriage out of the mud while standing on the axle to save soiling his shoes. - Bar Harbor Kocord. Peter Snauble had a tooth pxtracted by the "lüair painlexs process" Inst Satarday afiernoon. He left the Edrose House and by the time he had reached Tred üavis' photograph rooms he was almoBt unconscio'i. He was carried up staire and Dr. White was called. He was In a serious conditioo for soiue time lutat last accounts was impioving. - Clinton Col., ïeiuaisth Herald. neuk thieves created Borne excite - ment in Dfxtfrr Ja3t week. A watch was stolen and some of the citizons lurned put and huuted down tbe culprit, named Penn iigton. He was placed in the loekup while Deputy Sheritf Be 1 went for a hore and carriage tn btiog hiw toAun Arbor.and the rascal brukf ont and sprinted tur liberty at a recoid smashing gait. The "posi-e" got alter him aífiin and now he reposos in the mmmei retort kept by Sheriff Brenner. The lemonade slot mafih;ne fountain nhich the W. C. T. U. have set ap ut Adrián has given the suiali boy of tiiai ïown anothei chance to shnw hm ingenuity. He will S'art. the machine iu a lei:mate mai ner.bit whentliestream is set free he keeps his hand on the Jaucet nntil be and all uis companions iiave had their fill of the rcfreehing duid. One boy was driven away by an olflcer after he had had twenty-seven glasses, by means of the insertion of an iron washer in the sloh. There is a prospect that the agnciltoral college will loose three more of its iDBtruetors, twocertain. Piot. ndge of the mechamcal dppartmentbas accepted the position of prnfpseor of mechanica at the Illinois University at Cuarapaign, 111., at a salary ui $2,250 per aunum. Ilis assistant, Prof. Vandervoort, has been tendered the pobition of assistant at, the Cliainpaijiii college at a ealary of $1,500 per year.biit has not yet accepted. Prof. McÑair bs been made profespor of mathem - tita and Phyí-ics at the State Mining School at Houghton. Ypsilanti Commercial: - "James Trim and wife, whn nsed to live herp, went t" Virginia, wbere 'irim bought Bume lar d The eouple nved unhappily, the husband ilied,vi)d Mrs. Trim moved away iroin Virg na. This week a letter was received from Virginia stating that a big foitune airailecl Mrs. Tr.m if she woald eome and claim it, as the laml owned by her husband was very valuhe. Mrs. JTrim has not vet bpen fonnH." The above clipping is fro.n the Evening Npws of the 2qu instond nas sent froin Port Hu ron. The Mrs. Trim refeired to is the mother of N. B. and E. E. Trim and Mrc. McGregor and lÏTesheie. The snns have te'egraphed the lawveré in Port Huron to that effect.


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