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Michigan State News

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The following is the abstract of reports made by 155 state banks andthree trust companies to the commissioner of banking, showing the comlition of the state banks at the close of business on Wednesday, July 12: L,oans and discount VS Stocks, liondsand mortgaKes '""S'S! ?ï OverdraftB ÍStm Total resources „5in5 i .il stoi-lt paidin ]l.u,t.U 18 Surplus tund a,:ii UMn 07 Ui. tivided profiis '.T.'?'S?SS lndiviu'l deposita Bubjeotto check. U, 1,842 97 posii txSs! in Savlngg deposits !8,0i,ïe6 39 EarniiiKS of Miilusan Itallways. to a report of the commissioner of railrouils the earnings of Michigan railroad companies for the month of May, 1898, were 19,884,368, as compared to f7,934, 120 for the correspondini month of 1892, the lacrease $1,91)0,140. The total earnings of Michigan companies from January 1, 1S93, to June 1 was $45,247,009, and for the period of 1802 $40,1 17, 15S, the per cent. of increase being10.78. Growing a Second Tongue. William Teller, of Detroit, 23 years of age, has a seeond tongue growinp directly over the one nature first gave. hiin. It started to rtow only a few weeks agr and is making steady progress out from the base of the original tong-ne. It is formed on the same plan as its neighbor and is of a healthy hue. Tegler can talk as well as ever. This is the first instance on record of a double-tongued man. Health in MUlilgnn. Dui-ing the week ended July 29 reports sent in by sixty-six observers in various portions of the state to the Btate board of health indicated that intermittent fever and erysipelas increased and inflammation of the bowels decreased in area of prevalence. Typhoid fever was reported itt nineteen places, diphtheria at thirty-three, measles at fifteen and searlet fever at thirty-six places. A BIíí Steamer ï.nnmlird. To West Bay City belongs the honor of turning out the largest wooden boat ever built. The big ilf0,000 wooden steamer, the Thomas Cranage, was successfully launehed at the shipyard of Capt. James Davidson, in West Hay City in the presence of a large crowd of people. The Cranage is 324 feet ove all, 43 feet 6 inches beara and 26 feet molded depth of hold. Incmriiury Fire at Bay City. Incendiarios tried to burn the large unoceupied residence at the corner of Center and McLollan streets in Hay City, owned by the Dolson estáte. Only a email portion of the rear end was degtroyed and the loss was not more than 9500 Twn were Been around the fire 'during its early stage, but suddenlj' disappeared. WUI Be Absent Ninety Day. (íeorge Mcdregor. keeper of the lig'hthouse in Mnntsing baj'. who has herotofore borne an excellent reputation, has been sentenced to pay a fine of $50 and to be imprisoned ninety days for stealing fish frora pound nets. His wife will attend to the lighthouse hia absence. Detroit Celébrate lts Hirthilay. The two hundredth auniversary of the birth of netroit was celebrated, and in honor of Antoine De La Motte Cadillac, the French eocplorer, who first Kettled there, the day wiU hereaftcr be known as Cadillac day. The largue lumber mili and yards oí A. E. Cartier & Co. in Ludington were coinplctely destroyed by fire. The loss is 160,000: ínsurance, $30,000. The towB of Ewen, recently destroyed by fire, will be rebuüt. Farmers in the vicmlty of Holland report that owing to the drought a rejular yrasshopper plague has fallen upon the oat and clover fields. I. M. Weston, of Grand Rapids, has filed mortgages aggregating fSP.OOO. Samuel Spinks, a shoemaker at Marine City, was found dead in his shop, presumably from heart trouble. Potato bugs are doing great damage in Grand Traverse county. The Industrial uorks at Bay City, ranking among the largest iron works and boiler shops in the country, have been closed because the firm opcrating them cannot get mone3' for the goods sold. Kalamazoo county Sunday schools will hold a grand rally at Kalamazoo August 24. Forty-seven sheep belonging to Austin Pease, of Scotts, Kalamazoo county, were killed by lightninrr. Harry Wood, a lad V4 years of age, while trying to catch on the car at JonesviUe. was thrown under the wheels and lost a foot. Freddie, the 4-year-old son of William Meiers, of Port Hnron, feil head first into a pail of boiliag water ani! was fatally scalded. A Christian workerb' conferonco will be held at Flushing August 22 to 28, the object of which is to incrcase the interest in the study of the liible. Rev. C A. Heminway, of Kalamazoo, has aecepted a cali from the Pourtb Street Baptist church at Crystal Kalls. A Vicksbnrg child has four greatgrandmotliers, two grandmothers, nc úneles and ouly one aunt The family of August Hartman, of Gagetown, was afflictcd with diphtheria. Three childron had died and a fourtli was ill with the disease. Traveling solicitors for Chicago coramission houses are so numerous in the lake shore fruit belt that nearly every farmhouse has become a lemporary hotel. Phil Wareham, of Charlotte, has just closed iwcnty-three years of continued service as baggagemaster for tluigan Central Uailroad eompany at that place. At Houghton the Atlantic mine copper product for July was '.VM tons; Franklin, 175}í; Hurón, (530.


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