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A NEW YORK A KEMARKABLE AFHUAVlr lint; KV A WELL-KNOWK HrsiXKSN MAN. Afliirted nilli Locomotor Ataxia for Fiftreii ar-IUI iiot W1U a Sl p for Flve ïcars Hi lihrn l by the l.iiuliiiï l'l) -.iciiiiis ol Mtv ï l i Ity mul IliNrharvd From tlie jTluit liattan ifoNpil tl a4 Incurable. (From the New York Tribune.) Fursouue Unie Uiere iias leen an ïncreasing number of atories published in he newspapers of New York Cily, teling of the marvelous cnrea of varioua liseaeee tfaat have be;n mide by differ'iil medicines und treatments. It, bas ongbeen the ititentioii of the Tribune 0 investígate one Of the most interesiüg cases that could be fuund and give he troth to the world as a matter of ïewe. Ilippening on the case of Geo. Li'Hommedieu, the other day, an invesiation was made with the following nippy reduit: When the reporter called on Mr. L'Hommedieu at the residence of his cou3in, Mr. Edward Houghtalina, 271 W. 134th-st, he said: 'I am 51 years of jge and was bom in Hudson, N. Y. I served my time in the armv, beiny corporal of Company A, 21st N. J. Volunteers. It has been about fifteeu years since I noticed the first symtoms of my disease. I consultedDr. Allen, of Yurkville, and also Dr. Pratt, since deceased. Dr. Pratt exhausted his powersin my behalf and flnally toid me that he could do nothing more for me "Finally I wasadvised by Dr. Gill to eo to the well-known scientist, Dr. Hamilton. He gave me a most thorough examination and did me no good. 1 feit I was growing weaker every day, and went to the Manhattan Hospital, al 41st St. and Park Ave., and was under treatment by Dr. Segiiin. He treated me for about three months, and thtn told me that I had locomotor ataxia and was beyond the aid of medical science. I was uovv a complete physical wrecfc; all power, feeliug and color had lefr m; legt, and it was impossible for me to teel the most severe pinch or even the thrust of a needie. "It my skin was scratched thertwou'd be no flow of blood whütever, and it wou d take it fully six weks tci heal up. In the night I would have to feel around to find my legg. My u:úi weie excruciating and at times almott uubearable. I would take large dusesof mor.hine to deaden the pams. About five years ago Dr. ewis A.Sayre of 285 5th Ave., made a trial of the Frencli method of stretohing the spine. Although I received no benefit from this treatment Ishall always feel grateful to Dr. Sayra for his great interest and kiudnets. Sj severe bad my case become by this time that I couid not walk without assistance, and was almost ready to give up lile. "I began the use of Pink Puls for Pale People in September last. I took them rather irregularly at first with the cold water treatment. In a very short time I was convinced that I was getting beiler and I began the use of the pills in earnet, taking about one box every five days. "The first sign of improvement was in November 1892, when I had a rush of blood to the head and feet, causing a stinging and prickling sensation. February 22d, 1893, was the first time in five years I had ever seen any tign of blood in uiy feet. From this time on I began to improve. My 8 ength and appeüte have gradual ly leturned; 1 now have perfect control of my bowth, ant the pains have gradually left me. I t;tn sit and write üy the hour and walk up stairs by balancu.g myself with iny tii,ndti. Without doubt I am a new ujaii from the ground up, and I have every reasou to believe that I will be hale and hearty in les than six rnonthp. I have taktn about 12 boxen of pills." Sworn to before me this Eleventh day of March, 1893. II. E. Melville, Coinmisbioiier of Deeds, [seal.] New York Cuy. Xne reporter next called on Mr. Roben VV. Smith, a meinber of the ürin of Marchal & Stnith, who said: " I have known Mr. Geo. L'Hommedieu for twen'y years. He became connected witli our tirm as secretary in 1879, aud atteniled stric;)y to his oilice duties until 1881, when he was stricken bown witü hisirouble. As the diseuse advauced he was obligeJ to succumb ind reluctantly gave up his office work. I know that he tried various physicians aud their treatments without the least biiccess, and, as he states, he was fiually discharged from the Manhattan Hospital, ana told that he was in the lat-t stages of locomotor ataxia and was beyoud the hope of hurnan aid. About six months ago, or so, he was a(!vised to try Dr. WUliams' Pink Pilis for Pale People, withthe coli water treatment. ïhe labt time I saw Mr. L'Hommedieu he had gained the use of his limbs to such an extent that he could walk up stairs with help of his wife, and is now doing touch important work for us at his home. Robt. W. Smith." Sworn to and subscrlbed before me this Eleventh day of March, 1893. [SEAL ] W.H. WOODHCLL, Notary Public, New York Couniy. An analysis of Dr. William's Pink Pilis show that thpy contain, in a condensed ferm, all the elementa aecessary to give new Ufe and nchness to the blood and restore shatlered nerves. ïbey are unfailing specific lor such diseases ik locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, Sc. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headaciie, the alter'effectis of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, and all forma of weakness either in male or female. Pink Pilis are sold by all deüier, or wilt be sent post paid on ïeceipt of price, (50 cents a box - ihey are never sold in bulk or by the 100) by addresbing Dr. Wnliams' Medicine Co., Seheueotady, N. Y., or Brockville, Ontario.


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