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A NARRO W ESCAPE! How it Happened. The followtngremarkahle event in a lady's Lfi ill interestthe reader: "For a long time I terrible pain at my heart, whlch flut- ; ■{ , incessantly. I liad no appetite ■..uld not sleep. I would he compelled ■■ -it np In bed and belcn gas from my stomi ntll I thought every minute would be ■nv last. There was a feeling of oppression ibout my heart, and 1 was afraid to draw a full breath. I couldn't sweep a room wlthil sittiiij? down and resting: but, thank ■nú. by the help oí New Heart Cure all that i past and I feel like another woman. Bir" re using the New Heart Cure I had taken Uíferent so-called remedies and been treated tv rOCtOTS without any benefit until T was ! 'íli discouraged and alsgusted. My husband bought me a bottle oí Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, and am happy to say I never regretted It, as I now have a splendld appetite and p tvell. I weighed 125 pounds when I beiii taking the remedy, and nowl weighl30H. la eflfect in my case has been truly marvelpus. It far surpasses any other medicine I have ever taken or any benefit I ever reeeived from physicians."'- Mrs HarryStarr, l'ottsviUe, Pa., Octoberl2. 1892. Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is sold on a pos': i ve guarantee by all druggists, or by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt ot prlce, f 1 per bottle, six bottles85, expross prepid. Tbis great discovery by an eminent specialist In heart disease, contains neither platea nor dangerous drugi. but The PEÉRl.EPS ASTHMA REMEDYwill instant r-Tief. 2 i;; .v.nd 5Cc s!aO8. bample np. !ed f retí. A - mail-don rRceipt of prico byThe PoerleiB Könradj Co., Goblevilt), Miob. DR. üTr! TAFT, DENTIST. Hamilton Block. Room 11. ANN ARBOR. DR. F. SCHROEPPER, VETEK1NAKY sriKíFON, Formerly reEimental veterinary siirseon in the artilltry in Germany. tíradnate witli honors of the university at Gottinsen. añil a nipmb. r of Ihe Bolentlflc Assrcintion at Jcna. He charles reasoaablefees and is thoroughly responsibl'-. He reEpectfully solicita a paitof the patronage of tbe public and guaraT.tees satisfaction. Thirleen íears a resident of this countv. Reidence, 19 Sprin(t-st.. OHieeat IJvery Barn cor. S. 4th ave. snd Washington-st., Ann Arbor. THE D. L & N. RUNS Parlor Cars AND Sleepers FROM Detroit TO Petoskey' AND 4 Bay View. iris A Popular Route, TRY 11' Ihis Year ñeW stchrëI NEW & SEOÖrpAND GOODS BOUGHT AND SOLD 23 N. Main St., Opposite PostOffice. W. Hl. 3D.A.ICIIT. OVERBECK & STAEBLER, DEALERS IN GROCERIES and GASOLINE. . . . M I BPlÉipai HAIR BALSAM WHBGMWHg-'y JBÊ Cleanses and beautifics the haír. 3 JJÊH Never Fails to Restore Gray EwQjírK "mSS ,Hair l? ir? Youtiiful Color. Th Consu motive and Feetole nd n hc ■utTvr frum ihaiutint discasn slioüld uhc Parker'8 Gineer Tonic. It cu.kLuiun, Iwblhty. IndigesliwD. FeniuI-waK uiaiial'ain. 5üc. & ti HIHDERCOSINS. Thconly siire for Cona. 81OP8 llpaui. Mar. ■■ '.. ■ .; lifuüJISU. f% CtíttietUr'it Ensiles Wnmonrt Hnil. ' Pennyroyal plls - SV Orlfilnul txnñ Only Genulne Al ƒ ,TM.N BAFE, always n-lialile. lidies, ask jS .L$) V-v-K TiruírgiPt for Oftichefer's jenffSisft ii-fflí fciiSÍUOO? morid Lraíd iu Red and Gold uietlliolg' Hv - --?J :oxub, utaled witli blue ribbon. Tak e VB? T1 4Bnother. Jïe fust dan gtroua aubstitu V I w 1 tions and iinitation. At Druggiíita, or send 4e I W Jf in Btunijn for iiartioulars, tiïtimonlaU and O fer 'lieücf for Toadles," to ieícr, by return ir Malí. XO.OOO Teatlmonlala. Kame Paptr. rChlehterCütaiicalCtt.,lJinIloiiSyiJorO Bola by til Local pcHLLu. I'lkUaO. fu.. t TOLEDO .. Ann arboR í- AND-IDnl NORTH MICHIGAN fl RAILWAV. U I i M ■I f#í i IsmJ I ÍG?llSÍ Mhz. 1 TIME TABLE. ! TAKINO EFFECT ! SUNDAY, MAY 14th, 1393 I Traína leave Ann Arbor by Central $m aM time. "■ NORTH. SOUTrTi ' I 7:15 a. M. ":4Sa.x, I 12:15 p. M. 11:45 a. si. I 4:15 F. M. 9:00 p m, I Sunday Train, golng North at 9:15 a. m. Sunday Train, going South at 6:45 p. m. Note:- Sunday Train rirns between To'eaöJ Hamburs; Junctlon only. Leave Hamburg jS tion returníDg 6 p.m. One fare for round iriniB tbis train. 1 Trainsrun between Ann Arbor and To'jfl ouly. i K. S. GREENWOOD, Agent, AcnAiiB W. H. BENNETT, Q. P A .Toledo. I " The Niágara Faüs RouteJ' CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. TRAINS AT ANN ARB0& Taking Effect May 28, 1893. GOING EAST. Mail and Express 4:27 p a Detroit Ex 5:30 p m Norh Shore Special 6:08 p ni N. Y. and Eastorn Ex íuñ p m N. Y. and Chicago Limited 11:40 p ra Atlantic Ex 3:50 t l Niágara Falls and Buft'. Speclal....8:10 a m Detroit NightEx 5:40 a m Jacksin Ac 7:51 a ra Grand Rapids Ex 10:53 a m GOING WKS1. Mail 9:s4 a ni Day Ex 8:19 a n I North tíhore Limited 9:45 aal Chicago Ex 2 14 p n I Chicago Night Ex 9:05 pul Pacific Ex 10:32 pi I Chicago Special 4:14 a m I Grand Rapids and Kala. Ac 6:08 p m I O. W. RUGGLE8 H. W. HAYKS, G. P. & T. A. Chicago Ae't. Ann Arborl GREAT ROCK ISLAHD R0Ü1 BEST LINE TO THE WESl Superb Dining Car Serm isa? - ís a. As long a time as David reigne '., so long bislfl Chicago. Rock Island & Pacific Railwaj M trains westward from Chicago. The Kock Island is loremost in adopting advantage ealcnlated to improve spoed and t that íuxury, safety aud comfort that populara ronage deuiamlF. les iqiUpment is thorougt complete with vestibuled trains. magnificeiit 4 ingears, sleepers aud chair coaches, all the m elegant, and of rcceutly imp'-oved pattern!. 1-aithful and c&pable management and po' honest service from employés are im portent iW They are a doublé duly- to the Company an travelers- ai;d it is sometimes a task difficull accomp]ishmet. Passungers on this line fiud little cause for com laint oa that ground. The iraportance of this Line can be better i derstood tf a short lesson iu seography bc no cited. WhatisthegreatEastern termini of the B( Islaud Route?- Chicago. VVhat other sub-Easti termiui has it?- heorla. To what import pointsdoesit run tralDS to Ihe Nortliucsl-J Paul, and Mlnneapolis, Minnesota; and ■ townandSiouxFalls, Dakoia. To what imPJ ant Iowa and Nebraska points?-Des mm Davenport, Iowa; Omha and Lincoln, ebl■ Does ft touch olher Missouri River po'1:tsl""'J St.Joseph. Atchinson. Leavenworth and tM City. Doesitruu Irains to the Foothills of m Koeky Mountaint?- Yes; lo Denver. Cdmm Springs and Pueblo, eoltd vesübuled from LJJ go. Can important cities of Kanaas ',""'!■ by the Rock Islnnd Yes; its '-apltf1.! Topeka, and a fnll hundred others iu all wm lions in the State, and it is the only road rnniuj to and tuto the new lauds opened for settiem in the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Reservation. ■ Itwill thus be seen thet a line tappi"8. rÊ Rock Island does, such a varied terruorj, m modi in that regard to commend it to tra"'l as allconneetionsaresure on the Rock is" and passengers can re!y on a speedy )omn'L, over a bulk of the system through trams are ■ and it has become, and rightly too, !he poP"" A very popular train on the Chicago-, Kock ' land & Pacific Railwav leaves Chicago, aaiiy, lOp.m. It iscalled'-'THEBiGFivE, is oniy day out, and passenger arrive at Denver, r or Colorado Springsearly the secotd mormni: The Rock Island has become a popula' w ado Line, and the train above referred to v bulea, and carries the Rock lsland's excew Dining Car Service. „k Forfullparticulars as to tickets, h'itl apply to any coupon ticket office in tne States, Canada or Mexico, or address: JNO. SEBASTIAN. _ Gen'l. Tkt. & Pass. Agt, Chicago," E. ST. JOHN, Geni. Manager, Chicago, IU. JOKN BAUMGABDNBB 'DEALEB IN AMERICAN AND IMPORTE' GRANITES, and all kinds ot Building Stone QEMETERY OHK Correrof Detroit ar.d


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Ann Arbor Register