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for Infants and Children. THIRTY year' ohaerration of Cagtoria wlth the patrenags or million of peron, permit n to apeak of it without yoeating.. It 1 nnqneatlonably the best remedy for Infanta and Childrea the world ha ever known. It la harmles. Children lifce it. It givea them health. It will ave their Uto. In it Mothera han aomething which ia ahaolntely gafe and praotically perfect i a. ohild'a medicine. Castoria deatroys 'Worm. Catoria allaya Feverighnesa. Caatoria prevent vomiting Som Cnrd. Caatoria onre Diarrhcea and Wind Colio. Catoria relieve Teething Tronble. Castoria cnre Conatipation and Flatnlency. Caatoria nentralire the effect of carbonio acid gaa or poigonon air. Catoria doe not contain morphine opium or other narcotic propci'ty, Catoria aimilate the food, regnlates the stomach and boweli, giving healthy and natnral sleep. Caatoria la pnt np in one-ize bottles only. It i not gold in "bulk. Don't any one to sell yon anything else on the plea or promiü thatit i"jnst t:i good" and " -grill answer every pnrpoae." See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The facsimile JI G) }'"' iatrntmtrr aignatnre of LptZyjS J'COC%ífa wrappw. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.


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