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■ BUSINESS CARDS. FÍTIliajis, B'A,lonioy í taw, Milán, MIcU. ■„ „ loaned for outside partlee. All lew: ■ff TODPromPt attention. ■ v ar ,,crhli((' Iu t!c Iilisiucvs 'city laundry. !„ SEABOLT, No. 4 N. Fourth 1 - ■X. W. HAMILTON, ■ AUornerat f.. ■vUl precüct In both State and United Stutc H Offloe Booms, one and two, lst flooi .. ' l ew bliek block. corner of Huron and FoortB teH,Ann Arbor. Michigan. ■TMA LACHIASÍ, M. D. Jm' Diseases of the ■YE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT I OSce in Harr-lock. Residenee 26 ■jourS: I to 5 and 6:3O to 7:3O p. m. ( DEALER IN fcil, Silt aai SsiokfilMsats ■ Stusages of all kinds. Poultry and Game In season. fl E, Washington-st., Ann Arbor, Mich. ■"""fofTall kinds of k bpg ú Imút GO TO ■d j', Vvi., Aun Arltnr, .no!.'. THE AKL1NGT0N BLOCK. i WBL W. NICHOLS. I 1 over Savings Bank opposite Oourt House Sauare ■ ARTHUR J. KITSON, lontractor & Builder. ■"timatex furuished on all kinds of Architecture ■ Bbidenci amd Shop, 21 Geddes-ave ■ CHOXCE ME ATS I WEIITAdlA.ISr'S I (r. Miisliiüü 1 nud Fiflh-Bve. I Om alm is lp please our customers by aiways ■luidling the very Choiccst Meats that the ma'1' nvrpTvoGËLT" ' DEAI.ES IN IrESH, SALT 1 SMOKED MEATS. } AND GAME IN SEASON. I 22 % Hceon-St. - Ann Arbor. PUCK AND STORAGE. I Sow we are ready with a New Brick Storahouse ■te the Btorage of Householde, Pianos, Books and KtoTea. Pianos and Furniture carefully moved. Bi] kinds of Heavy and Light draying. FREIG HT ■OKK. ; c. o-oiDFiaíüir ■esidence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street. ■ Teleptaone 82. iNeTxrJFiriii! ■ HA VING BOUGHT THK POODTARD - iND FEED BUSINESS lotGEO. H. HAZELWOOD, we propose to keep ■WOOD of U kiiulN, Kindling Wood; also ■Biled HAY and STKAW, Kl.OI'K aul ■IEKI, of the best quality, Charcoal, etc. I foods dellvered free to any part or the City I "Cash pald for Corn and Oats. I He firm will continue the Truck Business oí ■CH.Joxes, asbefore. I Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. H. O. CXJ-AJE2K.Í .t E. Hnron-St. Ii ephone No. 14. SIISIY & SÜBOLT, 2STOS. 6 ..CTID 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbcr, Michigan. Sire Uways on hand a complete Stock of eren thiosin ' IIÖCERY LINE! Teas, Cofíess and Sugars UI prime Anieles bought for Cash and can sell ,'" pires. Our frequent large invoices ol "" ure sign that we give bargains in QUALITY AND PRIOB. je roast our own coffees every week, alweys nd good. Our bakery turnsout the very JMf Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and The New Lake Route FOR THE EAST. 0. & G. DAY LINE DETRO1T lo CLEVELAND. c & bTÜTsteamers CIEVELAND to BUFFALO. th?r??fthe magnificent SteamerR of " "■ & C. S. N. Co. lea ves Detroit dail y, eept Sunday and Monday,) at 9:30 a. r l1Vlne in Cleveland 4:30 p. m. „;? Line Steamera leave Clevesa at 7:15 p. m., arriving in Buffalo at I nA M-.making close connections with ' Kailroads for Niágara Falls, Toronto, „fï ork. Phüadelphia, Boston and "'astern and Canadian points. tARE, DETROIT TO BUFFALO, $4.50, Going to Buy a Watch? If so, buv nno tl tolen. Thp only thief-proof Wutclies are those with (f A Here's the Idea: I I ff I The bow htis 3 groove CJTï cn each end. A collar V tfg"'"-U runs down inside the J3ö" PK-' fendent (stem) and C - -2 fits into the grooves, -(y firmly lacking the _:'ll" bow to the pcndent, -'r"- 7 N. so tlat cannot bs 2" ' Vit Pullcd or twisted off. V f To be surc of getting a Non-pull-out, see that tbe ca-e is stam ped with this trade mark. w!9fe It c innot be wilh any ether kind. g3 your jeweler for jamplilet, or send for onc to tl.e fainous Bos Filled Case nwers. Keystone Watch Case Co., FÜÏLADELPI1ÏA. You have noticed that some houses always seem to need repainting ; they look dingy, rusted, faded. Others always look bright, clean, fresh. The owner of the first "economizes" with "cheap" mixed paints, etc; the second paints with Strictly Pure White Lead The first spends three times as much for paint in five years, and his buildings never look as well. Almost everybody knows that good paint can only be had by using strictly pure White Lead. The difficulty is Iack of care in selecting it. The following brands are strictly pure White Lead, " Old Dutch " process ; they are standard and well known - established by the test of years : "Armstrong & McKelvy" "Beymer-Bauman" "Eckstein" "Fahnestock" "Anchor" "Kentucky" "Morley" "Southern" "Shipman" "Red Seal" "Collier" "Davis-Chambers" Fof any color (other than white) tint the Strictly Pure White Lead with National Lead Company's Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, and you will have the best paint that it is possible to put on a building. For sale by the most reliable dealers in paints everywhere. If you are going to paint, it wilt pay you to send to us for a book containing information that ma save you many a dollar ; it WiU only cost you a postal card to do so. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broadwsy, Hew Yorfc Chicago Branch, 1 ( State and Fiftccnth St reets.1 S " [XRADE I m;k KK..U.Ti:r.KD. . "IHDAPO f ÏÏS %ïA MADE A WELL YM. I píXoríC MAN OF r& %?È. wt-3ËE- mts." IHDAÍoVXáTM fik THE URE IT JLS'. f "T H1NDOO REMEDY V%n S-r- mom-rus aa abovi XjJA' 'v- y IÍKHILT8 In SO IAYS. Cim s L & Nervous Diseasea. FaUinc M.njort V rv"V Paresis. Sleepieasneus, iTlslith i.11.1-' i S ■lons.slvea rtior to hrunken d bv iiast abuses nnJiuiik!v butBUri ly T' stores Lont uiikiind in old or youMR. KaallT oan i. il In 1 est pocket. Price #1.()O pacltage. si for ♦5.0O nitk u tvrltteii maraittce to or monoy rcdimled. Don't itM ;iny unprlnclplcd drugfriM ell you any l.i,:d or müalion. Insist on INRAPlV-none other. 1 be hus not got lt.e ivill s,.mt it I ■;■ mail upun rec-eipt of price. nmptüetinsealedenvelopefreo.'s Oriental -Ui'ciii'iil Co., Proprli li.r, Cktag, III., ,r uur M.uls. OLD by Mann Bros., 39 South Main St., ANN RB0R, M1CH., and other leadins druggists. Michigan Hotel ! Furniihed Rnoms with or without Meals. l::ites EcasonaLile. KS3O J.AXdl.Er AVHXUE, Twoblnpks from the calile cas and wittiin eafy walking (iistHnee of Ihe VVorld's Fair. Adrtress, .. E. 11.KTC1IEV, P. O. H.r. 311. lirookltne Park.Chieago, 111. G-O TO RATT.'S 5 EAST HURÓN ST,, For Ice Creaiii, Ice Cream Soda, Soda-Water, Etc, Etc. RATTI, 5 E. Hu ron St. THE COLUMBIAN HOTELS Cor. 71st St ,anl "ottiiiï' -rnr Ave.. CHICAUO, 11,1.. European Plan. 6to Iiooms, Si-00 Per Day and upwarda accordlng ti locatlon. Meals Table d'Hdte or A la Carte. Jiooms reserved for any date destred. Tiie Hotels Bomprise six large snbstantlal lirhk and stone buildings all well flnlshed and hiuidsoniely (urnisbed. Every room outstde llKUt. Located within six mlmites rkle of the main entrance to the Exposition by Cottage Grove-ave oable ears wbtcb pass mr doors and thirty minutes from the heart of the city by four ditferent lines. For fnrther partienlars.address all Communications to A. E. BINGLETON, Mgr. Oolumblan Hotels. Chicago, 111. INDISPENSABLE IN EVERY COOD KITCHEN. As every good houeewife knows, the difference between appetizing, delicioua cooking and the opposite kind is largely in delicate sauces and palatable gravies. ÏJow, tliese require a strong,delicately flavored btock, and the best stock ie LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. The Register and Cosmopolitan ne year for $2.00.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register