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WORLD'SFAIRACCOMMODATIONS You will save time and money by stopping near the rounds, I oft'er clean, comfortable rooms at 7ft cents to $1.00 per night per persoD. i i(isi' to St. ei);rance. N'o crowds, no fakes, no car fare. Send lor card. TJSItKACE HOXTSB, JVo. fiir, Woodlaten Tirrace, Cor. Stom ij Islnrut Ave. J)R. C. SJODDARD 8HITH, Vroprietor. KiMBARK APARTMENT HOUSE ! 5479 KIMBARK AVE., Chicago, III. Nícely furoished rooms, cool and pleasant, all modern conveniente.', ld Minutes Walk to Expoiiiion Entrame. 5OC to 75c A DAY PER PERSON. NOwls THE TIME TO SAVE MONEY! Having bought an Importers Entire Stock of Milllnery (loods at Half Price, I am now ready to sell them out at the Same Price. This sa!e will continue for the next Three Weeks. Hats Trlmmed and Embroideredi Ribbons, Tip-Flowers and Laces, all at Half Price. Trimmed Hats sold from 75 cent upward. llntrimmed Hats frora 10 cents npward. Please Attend Thls Sale and Sae Money. MRS. A. OTTO, (!or. Fonrth Aic.: Washington Stv. Rernodeied snil Rcfurnished. Centrally located Northwestern Depot two Blocks. Leading Theatres withiu two Blocks. NEW BRIGGS HOUSE European Plan RAT.ES: 81 00. 81.5o nu ;r 0 Per Day. WW. KJKmMftT, (JHIGAGO. Cor. Randolph St. & 5th AveA complete first-class Europeaa Hotel with all modera improvements LEGALS. Sheriff Sale. Kotice Is hereby given that, by virtue of a : of fieii facías, issue 1 out of the Circuit ('ourt rol the County of Washtenaw, State of Mie higaa, ia favor ui John Haues against tae g.iods, cbatiels, lauds aud tenement'. ot Helen Maloy in said county n medlrected and dellvered, I dia on the 9t'a cUyof Jane, AD. 189a, levyupon and take&U tnerighttitle and interest of the said Helen Maloy In and to the following described landa and leuèments thatistosay: ïhesouth ast quarter UI the south east quarier of sec. nnmber twenty ( 0) in townsbip nuuiber three (3) souh In range live (5) east and all situated and beinR in the county ol Washteuaw and State o' Michigan. All of which I shall exposé for sale at public auction or vendue to the hiehest bidder,ht the south front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor in satd Washtenaw County (that beiiig the building In which the circuit court for said County of Washleuaw is holden) on Friday, the 2Sth day of . ugast, AD. 1893, at the h jtit of 2 o'clouk ia tbe attrnoou of said day. ,)atedJuiymh,893.HAEiBRENNERi Sherlffof Washtenaw County, Michigan T. A. BOGLE, Attorneï. W Miorllls Sale. Notice is hereby giveu that, by virtue of a wrlt ol fieri facías, issued out of th Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, in favor ot The Register Publishing Canipany, a Corporation organized and existms unCer and by viitue of the laws of said state, nainstthegoods, chattels, lands and tenements ei? John W. Keating in said couuty, to me diI rected and delivered, I did on ihe lOth day of June A. D. 1893, levy upon and take all the right title aud Interest of the said John W. Keating, in and to the following described lands and tenements situated in the County of Wathtenaw, Si&te of Michigan, that is to say: Lots three (3j four, (4) five (5) and six (6) in Bloek number two (2) north of Huron-st, range thirteen (18) east accordiug to the recorded plat of the eastern adir, lio to the villiage (now city) of Ann Arbor. Also block two (2) north of Huron st., in range thin en (13) east. according to the recorded plat of the eastern addition of the village (now city of Ann Arb u in said county and state, except flve in separate pareéis of land tour Dyeight(4xS rods sold to Thomas Clancy. John O'Mara, Wi.iiam Bubbs, Michael and Klltn O'Mara, and Mnry A.Keating the transfers and deeds to whom dl said five (E) separate parcela of land are of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for sa d County of Washtenaw. Also block two (2) north of Huron-st, range thirteen (13) east according to the recorded plat of the eastern addition to the village (now city) of Ann Arbor, except the land sold by E. W . Morga ard wife to Michael and Ellen O'Mara, the deed convpvingthe same from the said Morgan ana wife tó Uil said Michael and Ellen O'Mara being iecordeü in the office of the Register of Deeds of V asnteoaw County.Michigan in libtr 69 of Deeds ou page K ; also except the land sold to Thomas Olancy whose deed thereto is iecorded in saidor fice ín liber 79 of Deeds on page 542; also except the land sold to lohu O'Mara whose deed thereto is reiurded in said office in liber 98 of deeds on pase 187; alto except the land sold to Wüliani ïlubbs whose deed thereto is recorded in said ol fice in liber 90 of deeds on page 547; also except a iiiece of land in the southeail corner of said block being 66 feet wide east and west and UB feet north and scuth; also except land sola to the city of Ann Arbor for a street being the uorth one rod m width of said block. All ot which I shall expose for sale at public auction or vendue to the highest bidder, at the south front i (loar of the Court House in the city of Ann Ar I bor, in said Washtenaw County, (that being the I building in which the Circuit Couit lor saia County of Washienaw is holden) on Saturday.. the -26111 day of August, A. D. 1883, at the hoor oi 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day. I)aledJUlyl%IC9HAELBRENNER, Sheriff of Washtenaw County, Mich I T. A. BOGLE, Attorney. '4 Nu tl ce lo CrcUllors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ) COUNTY OF WASHTKNAW " ,_,. Notice is hereby giveu, that by au order of ue Probata Court lor the County of Wash'enaw, made on the 3Oth day of June. A. D. 1893, , bix months from that date were allowed for credltore to pretent their claims agatnst the estáte oi Sarah A. Owen. late of said County, deceasea. niiil that all creditors of said deceated are . required to present iheir claims to sad ProDa e Court, at the f róbate Office, in the city of Arm Albor, for examination and ellowauce, on or ütífore the 30th dy of December next. and that suca claims will be heard before sai.l Coutt, on the 30tt day of September and on the 30th day of December neit, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of eacn ot Ua!ed. Ánn Arbor. June 30th. A. D. 1893. 74 J. W1LLAIID BABBITT, Judge of Probate Keal Htte 'r Male. In the matter of the estáte of Mercy DeForefit. deceased. - an Notice is hereby given that in pursuance ot an order granted to the undersigued Efavx of the estáte of said deceased by the Hon. Ju'; of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on tne twciityíifih day of July, A. D. 1893, there wlll M lold at Public Vendue, to the hlghest bidder. M the dwelliug house on the premlses below aescrihed, in the ei. y of Aun Arbor, in the County o waslitenaw, In .atd State, on Tuesday the i-a day of September , A. D. 1893, at ten o'clock in tm. forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrance by niortgage or oiherwise existiug at the time ui ofthedeath of said deceased) tne following des cribed Real F.state. to-wit: .. I,t number oue (1). In block number one l, in Hiscock's econd Addition to the City oí, "■, rhor, in the Couuly of Washtenaw, State o. Michigan LiNt'S HlscocK, Dated July 25, 189'. Executor.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register