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S-w PtA Wrk-t. F-esh White Fiwh, Trmt. Codfish, Herrine and Oysrerfi can te had ut the Ann Arbor t'isb Co.'e Market.on Fonrth Av. ei, -' of court bous'. One door iicirti, , t' s.t-(-t' Fèed Stot. (Aish imid !br Butler ai.d t 80 Therr no bettei advertising medium n Wa Connty ihan The C uil i; advertifiBK eolnmrihuD'i -u,ioluCl .„! „„arftcter of the f t t v ] advertiré in it, and yn ). ; i : 1 .1 . i j i i c . A YOÜNG GJRÜS FORTUNE. AN INTERESTING SKETCH. Xothing appeals bo stfongly to a mother's affection as lier dnughter just budding inte womanhood. Following is an instance: "Oui dauiïhter, Blanche, now 15 years of ape, bad b.icuterriWy afflicted with nervousness, and had lost the entire use of her rtght arm. 8hE v.asinsuch acondition that we had to Reep lier from school and abandon her mueic Ie -u.s. I n f act, we feared t-t. Vitus dance, and are positlve but for an invaluable remedy slio would have had that terrible afftiction. We liadempluyed physicians, butshereceivtd DO benefit from thein. The first of last August she weiKhed but 75 pounds, and altlioucli ahe has taken only three bottles of Nrvim slunowwoUhslUBpounds; her nervousness and symptoms of St. Vitus dance areentirelygone, s'ie ittends school regularly. andstudlos wlth comfort and ease. She has recovered complete useof her arm, hor appetite is splendid, and no money could procure for our daughtor tlie healtta Dr. Miles' Nervino has brought her. When my brother recommended the remertylhadno faith in patent medicines, and would notulisten tohim, but as a last resort he sent us a bottle, we began giving It to Blanche, and tho effect was almost immedlate."_Mrs. R R. Bullock, Brighton, , N. Y. Dr. Jliles Kestorative Nervine is sold by all drugglsta on a positive guarantee, or sent direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. lnd., on receipt of price, il per bottle, sU bottles for Í5, express prepaid. It is positivcly Jree irom oplates or dangerous drugs. Unlike the Mm Process ÉNo Alkalies Otñer Chemicals are used in the preparation of W. Bato k Clï Breakfasf Gocoa, which is absolutély pure and soluble. It has more ihan three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, aml is f;ir more economical, costing less ihan one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easily KIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhero. W. Baker & CoM Oorchsster, Mass. ■ Kea&rt uut The PEL71Í-E88 A37KMA REMEDYwill ■ . r.cand SOcsles. Sample ma 1 frtt?. . ir.ailcdon receiptof price bThe Peertess Romody Co.,Goblevillo,Mich. Nerve. Blood VpíM yfe3RBy Pond for 3J3?M-iBI Vm p.uujihkt. FB? A E?NES8 4. HEAD MISES CUREI) t7 Buf bi fA B CJSHIOüS. WUspera l.eurd. Com(ortAliie. SucceFsful whore n 11 Hemerijes fail. Orools fre. Address ï. HISCOX, 853 liroadnty. Ken ïork. fl Cklehuter'o Eneilnh nisramut Tïrnna. rENNYROMfjLLS .-ffV Original ond ínlj Cenulnc l f( &sU Druffffïst for CMlklir' Knglith ia-jffsK fcZJÏXSyhoxes, Et-aled with blue ribbon. Take VBr "W ïWönootlicr. Refuit dangerqu V I w f ttw ad imitations. Al Dragsit. or tend 4e. I _!y ia stsmps for parttculars, testlmoDtmU tod ö 'liellef fui T-adicj," in IcfLr, by return - r Mali' 10.000 Tftiraonil. Xam Paptr - -"rJllchctcr Cbcmlc! Co.,Madlon Nquar, tídty bU Locl Dnw'Pta. PhlUd., Pa. HAIR BALSAM ti5fl KF? JBI Clrmsci and beaiitifiei the hlr. pl.-_-y HH Pfomotei ft luxuriant growih. Jfl liever Fails to Beitore Gray ■Pljt2f4: wfin Kair to i.8 Vouthful Color. K?ttöSt-BÖ Curvn iicalp rliüeues & hir f&lüog. The Consumptlve and Feetoie %& n whc ■uffer from xhuttinft diituei ihould ue Prker's Ginter Tonic. Itcur-itheworitCorch, Weak Lunp. IHbilitfaodigeftion, í'emí wnknoa, JUieunialism md Puu. Mc. & $L WHEN AT THE WORLD'S FAIR Chicago, be Mire to cail at the unlque exhlbit of LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF BEEF in the northeMt part of the AGRICULTURAL BUILDING, north aisle, in the Urusuay Lepart ment, and get a FREE CUP of delicious, refreshiog BEEF TEA I made Irom the world known Liebig COMPANY'S Extbact OF Beef


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