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BUSINESS CARDS. ■Tg. WILLIAMS, W' Attorney at I-aw, Milán, Mlcta. ' ïnaned for outslde parties. All legal ljg"" attenflon. L ïca Expcrlence la the Business CITY LAUNDRY. ft, m SEABOLT, No. N. Fourth W. ""■ " Ave. ■TW. HAMILTON, B' AltornoTal T.w. ffUl piactlcfc in both State and United BUtti nfice Roome, one and two, lat fioor oí w brick block. corner of Huron and Fo1 :.-l '. jtieets, Ann Arbor. Miohlean. "XfThöelzlb, DEALER IN Frssh, Salt and Smeksd Moats Ssusages of all kmds. Poultry and Game in season. ■Ccr.Washíngíon-st. and 4th-ave.,Ann Arbor, I' FOR ALL KINDS OF !l5f mm m mimi GO TO SJ. .A_. EDUVETTIírDS, I 8 S. Fonrtn-%ve., Ann Arbor, Mlch. THK ARL1NGTON BLOCK i WM. W. NICHOLS. DENTAL PARLOES over Savings Bank opposite Court House Square "arthur j. kitson, Contractor & Buüder. Eitimatós furnii,hed on all kinds of Architecture. Bmdence amd Shop, 21 Geddes-ave ÍHOICE JffiE ATS I-WBI3STM:-A.lÑr'S Cor. Washlnsrt-t and Fiflb-nve. Out aim is to please our customers by always tmdling the very Ctioicest Meate that the market ttords , TRUCK AND STORAGE. Now we are ready wlth a NewBrick Storchouse lörthe storage of HouBeholds, Pianos, Books and Stoves. Pianos and Furnliure carefullj moved. AUkindsof Heavy and Light draying. FREIGHP ffORK. Residence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street. Telephone 82. EIIS1Y allAiOLT, isros. e ..csrx) s Washington Street, Ann Artxi, Kichiffan. Bat &l-iys on hand & complete Stoc cl ti tü'L'Ri;: ; fiRO G E RY LINE! Teas, Cofiees and Sugars All prime Articles bought for Caahand cansell it low figures. Our frequent large invoices o reu 8 a sure sign that we give bargains in QUALITY AND PBIOE. We roast our own coffees every week, alwaje ttesii and good. Our bakery turnsout the very beet of Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and MU INDISPENSABLE 1N I EVERY COODK1TCHEN. As every good housewife knows, the difference between appetizing, delicious cooking and the opposite kind is largely in delicate sauces and palatable gravies. !Now, tliese requirê a strong.delicately flavored stock, and the best stock is LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. THE COLUMBIAN HOTELS Cor. 7lst st.aiid Cottage tlrovc Ave., CH1CAO, llil.. European l'lan, OSO lïooms, S1.00 Per Day and npwaras accordlng to location. Meals Tnble il'Hote or A la Carte. Rooms reserved for any date desired. THe Hotels comnrise six large, Bobstantial Wek and stone buildings all well flnislied and andsoinely fumlslied. Kvery room outslde "Sbt. Located witliin slx minutes ride of the nam entrance to the Exposition by Cottage urove-ave cable cars wliich pass our doors and ttlrty minutes Irom the heart of the city by four iifferent lines. For furtlu-r partlculftre.address Iconmumieatioiis to A. E. KINGLETON, Mgr. Uolumbian Hotels. Chicago, 111. The New Lake Route FOR THE EAST. D. & C, DAY LINE DETROIT to CLEVELAND. c. & bTline steamers CLEVELAND to BUFFALO. One of the mas;iiificent Steamers of e D. & C. S. N.Co. leaves Detroit daily, (eïcept Sunday nd Monday,) at 9:30 a. , arrivine in Cleveland 4:30 f. m. G. & B, Line Steamers leave Clevend at 7:15 p. m., arriving in Buffalo at '50 a. M.,making close connections with 1 Railroads tor Niágara Falls, Toronto, ijew York. Phi'.adelphia, Bosten and 1 Eastern and Canadian pointe. iEDETROIT TO BUFFALO, $4.50. HOTEL WMANDIE, and 289 East Sixty-Seventh Stbeet Chicago, III. Hrat clats. new. fireproof hotel, one block from Jtyteventh St. entrance of World's Fair. -? Illinois Central R. R. at Van Buren St rtiiu SetoffaiSixty-Beventh S?t. near Norman öotel. Rfttes, i to 2 per day; on European Addrees: F. G. ROWE, Manager The Registee has the beat patronage in Washtenaw County, because the returns from well displaced advertisemtH of legitímate business entgrprises when placed in The RkgisTERbring the best results. Try it. Every Man whose watch has been rung out of the bow (ring), by a pickpocket, Êvery Man whose watch has been damaged by dropping out of the bow, and Every Man of sense who merely compares the old pullout bow and the new 9 AR' v&7i '1h o 1 1 J f O8r A tf fl m HëMm f jï M ■ 4 Kz5 fl II 1 A 3 uEfJi HmRI vv:!l exclaim: "Ought to have been made long ago!" Itcan't betwistedoffthecase. Cfin only be had with Jas. ] kss Filledand othercases stamped with this trade mark i Ask your jcwe'.er for pamphlet. Keyslone V:ttch fase Co., PhiUdcIphia. You have noticed that some houses always seem to need repainting ; they look dingy, rusted, faded. Others always look bright, clean, fresh. The owner of the first " economizes " with " cheap " mixed paints, etc; the second paints with Strictly Pure White Lead The first spends three times as much for paint in five years, and his buildings never look as well. Almost everybody knows that good paint can only be had by using strictly {ure White Lead. The dimculty is ack of care in selecting it. The following brands are strictly pure White Lead, " Old Dutch " process ; they are standard and well knowa - established by the test of years : "Armstrong Se McKelvy" "Beymer-Bauman" "Eckstein" "Fahnestock" "Anchor" "Kentucky" "Morley" "Southern" "Shipman" "Red Seal" "Collier" "Davis-Chambers" Fof any color (other than white) tint the Strictly Pure White Lead with National Lead Company's Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, and you will have the best paint that it is possible to put on a building. For sale by the most reliable dealers In paints everywhere. If you are going to paint, it will jpay you to send to us for a book containing information that may save you many a dollar; it will only cost you a postal card to do so. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broadway, Kew Yorlt. Chicago Branch, State and Fifteenth Streets. -w [TR.DE ÍIAHK REGISTKBKD.j ïïm MADE A WELL l $GLl fFS- MAN op THE GKKAT -1- V' f jt HINDOO REMEDY &WnV SWI PR0DUCK8 TUB ABOVE . ZV - Hr J ItKSVLTS In 60 OATS. Cures allV-JL Nervous Diseases, Failine Memory, "X V Paresis, sieeplfssness, Nightly .' - sions, gives vigor to hIi runken orpfans, caused by past abuses nnd quickly bul surely restores Kot Munhod in old or young. Easily cnrried in vest pocket. Price #1.00 a package. Six for 5.OO with a wrltteii Kuraiitee to cure or nioney refundcd. Don't let any unprincipieel druffit st-ll you any kind of imitation. Insist onhavhiff IAOAPO- none other. ff hchas not got it, we will Bend it by mail upon receipt of price. Pamphk'tm eealed envalope f ree. Addresa rieutal Medical Co., Proprietora, Clilruifo, III., or ourigents. ïOLD by Mann Bros., 39 South Main St., ANN 4KBOK, MICH., and other leading druggists. OrO TO R ATT. 'S 5 EAST HURÓN SL, For Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Soda-Water, Etc., Etc. RATTI, 5E. Hurón St. NOW IS THE TIME TO AVE MONEY! Ilaving bougnt an Importers Entlre Stock ofMillinery (ioods at Half Price, I am now ready to sell them out at the Same Prlce. This sale will continue for the next Three Weeks. Hats Trlmmed and Embroidered Ribbons, Tip-Flowers and Laces, all at Half Prlce. Trimmed Hats sold from 75 cents upward. Uutrimmed Hats from '10 cents upward. Pltiase Attend Thls Sale and Save Money. MRS. A. OTTO, EOr. Fonrtli Ave.: Wnsblmrtón Sts. Michigan Hotel I Furnlshed Rooms with or wltbout Meáis. Rutes Reasonable. 6830 ZAXQLEY ATENUÉ, Twoblock from the cable cars and wlthln easy walking distance of the World's Fair. J. B. FJ.ETCBEH, P. O. Bx. Sil BrookUne Park,CMcago, m.


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Ann Arbor Register