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TEACHER OP MUSIC TROM THE CONSERVA TOBT Of STVTTGART, GERMAXY. MR. R. H. KEMPF Announces that the Fall Term in all his classes will begin October 3rd, or any time thereafter. Instructions given on the PIANO AND PIPE ORGAN, HARMONY AND COMPOSITION, According to the most rapid and most approved methods. Attention is also given to CONCERT and PRIVATE PIANO TUNING AND TEACHING THE ART OF TUNING. TïTnifV 22 s. división st. O 1 U L1U. ANN arbor. Organist and. Choirmaster at the First Congregational Church. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC. SCHOOL ('OJ1MK('KS OCT. 3. ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC TAUGHT. . . . Complete Faculty. Free Lectures and Recitals. Moderate Tuition Fee After October 2, the Sohool will occupy the new School of Music Building on Maynard-st., between Liberty and Williams-st?. Office at Newberry Hall. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 r. m. For further information consult or address the Director. REGISTER IMMEDIATELY. ALBERT A. STANLEY, AM. COAL! To All Who PayCash With Order I will deliver my Scrar.ton Coal for $6.50 PER TON For the next few days. E. B. HALL. St. Thomas' Conservatory of Music. Under the direction oí the Sisters from Monroe. Kudimeuts of Music, History of Music, Harmony, Counterpoint, Fugue, Fonn, Composition. TERMS: PER QJTABTKIi. Piano $ 8.00 Guitar 8.00 Banjo 8.00 Mandolín 8.00 Vocal 10.00 Theory 10.00 PRIVATE LESSO1Í8. Use Piano , 2.00 Quarter consists of 20 lessons (two a week) of one half bour each and a class lessou on theory once a week. For further informition apply at ST. THOMAS' GONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, EL1ZABETH ST., ANN ARBOR. E. C. MORRIS SAFE CO. (Incorporated.) Capital - $250,000. Successors to E. C. Morbis & Co. 64 Sudbury St., Boston, Mass. nu m 8Ü&WF&90F mi , . ... . ,ir. -i . -ii - --■__ Bank Smfes, Rank VanltH, ttauk Vaiilt Hoors, and Deposit Works of all kirids. The Be Safe in the Wotid. IBOflOO in use. Alwayg prcêerve their amtenu. riiumplnu (■■.. il i ii all tuefi real Flres Oneoftl e largestand best wiuippod faotorios In the country lias just heen erectMl neiir Bostou. mted with the latestaud nutst improved toifl.s, which ïeoder facilitieM for mauutivcturing the bent wurk at the lowest pricis, unequalled by imy othfr concern in the country. Our alm Is to glvethe beat construction and most inoirovements for theleastamomit of moncy. Kstimates and speclfiications fnrnisbed upon application. A.KTS WAATKI. nMwMtMMwtmuHmu j! WEBSTER'S i INTBRNA TIONAL A Grana Educator. r -4 Successor nf tlf j MH c Ten years pent S I JBB in revisinp, 100 J mH ' itorsemployed.aml S ' I ySST ' J11" tnan ?30o,ooo 5 M M AWB ' expended. J HÏ V_l k should own tlus 1 i Uictionary. It an5 H ewers all questíons L i i concernine the hls LuSH r tor'. llliiig, pro S ■MSuHt nunoiation, and SHPP1 tneaning oL words. A 1ibra.ry Ín Itself. it aiso give3 the often desíred Information conceming eminent persons; facts concernine tho countriea. citles, towns, and natural features of the globe ; particulars conceming noted flctitious persons and places ; translation of foreign quotations, words, and proverbs ; etc., etc., etc. This Work is Invnlaable In the Vousehold, and to the teacher, eohular, J( fessional man, and self-educator. 5 Sold byAll Booksellers. _ l G. & C. Mertlam Co. f @Ö? EF" r)o notbuyfiheap TMrTiAwanv Í 5 graphic reprints of ancien t DICTI0NA1ÖC i J i edltioDü. V y w i tysendforf ree prospectus. s' 4 (nnvvntvnnMtnvuuw'


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