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Mts,. Blodgett and daughter. Miss Mary, have attended the World's Fair. An Art Club has been organized in Webster with Miss Ida Kenny as teacher. Mrs. Chamberlain and Messrs. Willie and Charles are at Chicago taking in the sights. Over two_ dozen Websterites took the Evening News excursión train ïuesday tor the World's Fair. iitr.Moict: i.akk. Mrs. Silsby left Wednesday for the World's Fair. Mrs. ï. Holmes visited relatives in Dexter last week. Mrs. Frank Bodine, of Toledo, O., visited here Sunday. Mr. C. A. Lemen left Tuesday to attend the fair at Howell. Vrs. Duncan who feil and injured herself severar weeks ago is failing fast. The I. O. G. T.'s have changed their evening of meeting lrom Friday to Saturday night. Miss Nellie Trusdel and her uncle, Mr. Page, of Vermont, left Monday to attend the World's Fair. Mis. A. Mosa has, in ten days, cutthe blocks and pieced a quilt containing 327 pieces. She sewed it all by hand. Mr. C. A. Pray and family are moying to Lansing this week where Mr. Pray is engaged in the grocery business. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Darkens are visiting friends in Ohio and will return home by way of Chicago where they will stop at the Fair. Messrs. Cawkins and Spooner, of Dexter, visited the I. O. G. T. lodge on Friday eve. and as Mr. Ca wkius brought his banjo and mouth-organ with him the music was very interesting, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stevens and Mrs. WB. Rane left Tuesday for Detroit. Mrs. Stevens' sistei and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Mason will accompany them from there to attend the Fair at Chicago. The friends of Miss Ida Lemon celebrated her birthday last Thursday eve. by giving a birthday "ball" at the Clifton House. Music "by Whitmore Lak e Band. Everybody "went home feeling jolly and happy. The temperance lecture in the M. E. church on Sunday eve. was a grand success and was well attended. Mr. Blain is an eloquent speaker and all who were fortúnate enough to hear him were more than satisfied and the I. O. G. T. were so well pleased that a load of them drove to Dexter on Monday eve. for the purpoee of hearing him the second time, 81LEV. Mr. F. Packard and wife, of Detroit, visited their parents this week. A successful unión Sabbath school concert was held at Pebble's last bath. Mrs. and Mrs. McHale returned on Monday from a we 'k's visit at Sand Beach. Miss Grace Babbett, of Chicago, is visiting the families of Peter aad Chas. Caldran. Rev. "V. II. Shannon preached in the M. E. church last Sabbath evening at Le'and's station. Miss Perkins, .sister ot our station agent, has returned f'rom an extended visit at Lansing. Mr. Wheeler, of Ypsilanti, visited his son, Prof. Wheeler, of the Salem public school, last Sunday. David Foreman is home for the winter having spent nearly a year railroading in the western states. A valuable roadster, the property of Dr. Tweedale, was kicked by another borse last week, breaking her lejr, and the Dr. was conipelled to have her shot. Rev. W. II. Shannon closed his fourth year as pastor of the Congregational church last Sábbath. They have been yeara of spiritual and temporal blessing to the church here. The Coronet Band turned out to the Congregational church peach social held at John Waterman'a last Friday and added greatly to the evening's en'joyment by the number of selections they played, A harvest home festival was held in the Baptist church last Sabbath morning by their Sundny school, the collections going to state missions. The Baptistry and pulpit were decorated with products of garden and field. A very impressive program was rendered by the school. The C. L. S. C. held a business meeting last Monday and electedthe following om'eers: Pres., Charles Rider; vice president, Rev. D. II. Conrad; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Shannon; recording secretary, Prof. F. J. Wheeler; cliairman program committee, Dr. Tweedale. A programme was arranged for the first regular meeting to be held at Dr. Tweedale's next Monday evening. All interested in Chautauqua work are cordially invited.


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