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Tiro Strangë Brothers. It had always been the habit in the Ward family if two relatives differed Btrongly to arrange not to be on speaking terms. Dr. William G. Ward was once asked how much he had known of his f ather's first cousin, Sir Henry Ward. He replied quite gravely: "I only saw him twice - once as a boy, when he carne to Bee my father, and then again I had an interview with him about a matter of business soon af ter I carne into my property. We arranged at the end of it not to be on speaking terms," quite a superflous arrangement, as Sir Henry Ward lived at that time in Ceylon, of which he was governor, and in f act never came again to England for a prolonged visit. Dr. Ward and his brother Henry had been estranged for a year or so, and one night they met at the Haymarket theater. Each of them had for the moment quite forgotten the quarrel, and friendly greetiugs passed, and they had a talk about the play. Next morning carne a letter froin Henry Ward: Dear William- In the hurry of the moment tonight I quite forgot that we had arranged to meet as strangere, and I write this, lest you should misunderstand me, to say that I think we had better adhere to onr arrangement, and I remain, dear William, your affectionate brother, Hkkbt Ward. Dr. Ward replied: Dear Hexry-I, too, had foreotten onr arrangement. 1 agree with yoa that we had better keep to it, and I remain your aiïectionate brother, W. G. Ward. - San Francisco Argonaut. Turkisb toweling in pur wmté is uouBidered the most correct thing for the covering of chairs and couches in the Bummer sitting room. For Stomach Bowel, Liver Complaints, and Headache, use AyCR'S CATHARTIC PILLS They are purely vegetable, sugar-coated, speedily dissolved, and easy to take. Every dose Effective JfKtlce to ('redltor. 8TATE OF MI HIflAN, I „ (OUNTY OF WASHTENAW I Notice is hereby giveu, that by an order of the Ptobate C'onit for the County of Wash euaw, made on the -.'Sih diy of Au.'Uft. A. D. 1893. ix months fn-m that date were allowed for creditors to pte-ent their claims agatnst the e.stae of Beiijimln Taylor. late of said County, deceased, and that all ereditore of said deceased are requircd to present their claims to sa d Proba'e . Court, at the t-robme Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, fr examination and allowauce, on or before the'28thdiy of February next. and thatsuch claims will be heard before saii Court, on the '28th of November and on the 28th day of Febru ary next, at teu o'clock in the forenoon of each of said davf. L'ated, Ann Arbnr. Ang. 28th. A. D. 1893. 87 J. WILLARD BABBITT, Judge of I'robate. Probutc Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, I ('OVSTYOF WASHTESAW. f At a sentón of the Probate Court for the County of Wathtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the 12th day of September.inthelyearonelhousandeighthundred and niuety three. ,_ Present J. Willard Babbitt. Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Mercy DeFortst, Ldus Hiseock. executor of tha last will and testament of faid dcceused, come Into court aua represent thtu he is ntw ready to rerjder ola linal account as pucb executor. Thereupon it is Ordered, thaiTu s3ay, the lO.n day of Uciober ntxt, at ten o'ciock in the torenoun, be assignpd lor examining and allcwing such account, and thal the devisees, latees and heire-st-law of aid deceased and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a sesslou of said Gourt, be holden at the Probate Office iu ihe City of Ann Arbor, in said County and hov rause, if any there be, wny the said account should ntit be allowed. And it is furtber ordered tbat said executor give notke to ihe persons iuterested in said estáte of the pendnioy of said account, and the liow iiiRthereof. by caus-ing a copy of this order to te publistaed iu the Ann Arbor IUxustf.r. a uewspaper primed and circulated in said county tbree t-ucceí.s ve weelu pruvions to said iay ot heariDgJ WILLAED BABBITT, Judge ol Probate. (A true copy) , . „„ Wm.G. Doty, Probate Reaister w_ UjjjMoorhoof before the Ilnyal ,,„,'. luLiei-nITAMoTiation of Ph siriuns of Vienna namcly:Thútasthe cell elements m '■"■ hve much lePS vitality than these of sound Beeh. it is possible to attackthem without ii.ja'nigsurrouiiding hcalthy cells, or the general well being í hlfremi'tos employed atHornellsville.Rlthough a barmless as those of Vienna are far more etfective-wholly removing the odor ol the Krowth witrmi twenty-f ur hour, and causing tl.e aucasí:d tistue to sariDk to a hard. dry eschar uutil it is crowded out by heaithy healing griinulations. TlHTeisnopjuliieinKorsloushing, nn runninj sores or foul odors. ft is the only knowu niethjú tliat. reaches and expela every canperouscell. For references amt otlier iuformation address the re ident physician, I ïCHELL,.tl . I)., BornellmiU,ir. 1 HOTEL S BEATRICE, f 344. 346 and 34S ■ SEVENTH STREET. I cnicL.a-c. ill. A First-Class Family Hotel, Quiet Cool and Pleasant. Convenient to Steain and Cable Cars. Only Three Blocks to Main EntranceFair Grounds and two blocks to Midway Plaisance. Hotel is fire proof, built of brick and stone, has all modern improvements- elevator, electric bells, steam heat, etc, toilet and bath rooms on each floor- European plan, excellent cafe attached, "A la Carte." Kooms Single or in Suite, Trices Reasonable. For circulars, price list, etc, address, LYMAN BROS. Props.


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