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BICYCLES_ 1 King of the Road Absolutely the Best All drop forgings and Ënglish steel tubing. Bearing strictly dust-proof. Elegant designs and light weight. i Send Two-Cent Stamt Ajenti 14 FOR TWENTY-FOL'R PAOB K f Wnted. ?S? CATALOOüB Monarch Cyde Co. 1 1 Lake and Halsted Sts. CHICAGO DR. F. O. SCHROEPPER, VKIEKISAKY 4'REt, Formerly ri'üin'ctnal ven liniiry pnreenn in the artülery In Oeiinany Giudnete witli hmors of tbe universily ut (nttiugen. hi: k ro edIh r of the Bclenlific Acsoclatlon ut Jcna. He cliirgesreasonablefecs il i ihoriughly rekpoirsible. He reípectfully a puit of the jiainmage ol the public and guaiaiitvee tatltíeciloii. ThirtetD years a resident oí 'his onuniy. IU-.-uience. 19 Sprinjt-st. Omeeat Livery Bam cor. S. Uh-avu. aijd Wahlnjitou-it., Anii Arbor. THE D. L & N. RUNS Par lor Cars AXJ) Sleepers FROM Detroit TO Petoskey AND Bay View. ITIS 4t Popular Route, TR Y IT This Year NEW STORE1 NEW&SEGOND-HANDGOODS BOUCHT AND SOLD 23 N. Main St., Opposite PostOffice. "W. JK. ZD-AIKIIlsr. OVERBECK & STAEBLER, dealers in GROCERIES and GASOLINE. . . . MRS. J. M. WILSON. 642O CHAMPLAIN AVE. Board ani Ronmitiu private home, located at 6400 Champlaln Ave., Chicago. Fiftcen minutes walk to Fal (n imds. Thrce street car Unes to city and thr"e f Fair Orounds. convenient". Terms: Fo' rooms tl. 50 to $2.00 per day. Breakfast, 35c; 6ocifuk dmner, öOc. Parties wiïhing rooms must ;write and secure the same. Directlons: Tke 7Iet Street and Cottage Grove Car. uetotTat6thSt. HOTEL BEIDICK, 498 J'uiton St., Het. Ada J: Shtldotl, (IFcsi Side.) CHICAGO, ILL. Convenient to all parts of the ei!y. ' Rates:- 1.00 including Breakfast. 1893. SEASON. 1893. ICE. PER MONTH. 25;ibc daily (exrept Sundsy) ■?_'.: o 25 lijfj. 4 time? a week .... 2.00 25 Iba. 3 timep a wpfk .... 1.75 25 lbs.,2 times a week . . . 1.25 Special Rates to Hotels, Meat Markets andj Restaurants. í i HANGSTEBFER TEÍ.EPHONE 10. OHicp. Tirsl !)rr KiinI of Main SI., oí """"W""'''"'"11 M.. Aun A r Iior.'fHSfc hoteTbrooklíñe EUROPEAN PLAN. 7337 and 7339 COTTAGE GROVE AVE. CHICAGCX ILL. ROOMS SCTcts. PEK UAY AND TPWARDS. Only ten minutes ride or twonty minutes walk fromWorld's Fair Grounds. Parties from Michigan can leave the cars at Orand Crossing, 83 OSCAR 0. SORG, DEALER IN Wall Paper, Paints, Oils &v Gla White Blanks 5c to[8c,!(:ilts8c to 15e HOUSE AND SI6N DECORATINIi A SPEC IALTY. ïOSonlhSIain .vt.. - Aun Arbor "drTj. r. taft, DEINTIST. Hamllton Block, Room 11. ANN ARBOR, GRESHAM HOUSE 2242 to 225O Wabash-ave, CHICAGO. ILI_. This popular house is giving more than satisfaction to World's Kair visitors. Every patrón uno goes away sends nunibers of otuers. I.otion vannot be surpassed tor elegance and convenience. Rooms large and cool furnisli both comfort and luxury. Cuisine and service excellent. Mineral water witli all meals. Rates, $1.50 to $2 50 per day with board. THE DAKOTA lOi:i.lH FAIR HO3IE 2436 and 2438 Prairie Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. ANewlv and ElegantlyFurnislied Brick House best locality in the city, one block from Cottage Grovt Vvenue Cable Cara, five minutes walk to Hls Central, and Elevated road stations. Reasonable ruling rates. Address correspondence to M. J. LA1RD, Prop. References: U. S. Senator K. F. Pettioke . Slouz Falls.Bo. Dak.; Rev. John Rouse, Rector Tiinity l'arish. Chlcitgo. III. CHELTENHAM HOTEL 7863 R. R. AVE. Good Furnished Rooms without board at S1.00, $1.50 and S2.00 per day. Good Restaurant attached, cars leaves for the World's Fair every 5 minutes. J. G, TODD, Prop. KENSINGTON GANO HOTEL Cor. 116th and Dearborn Streets. Good Furnished Rooms without board at ü!Jc, 75c, and ijl 00 per day. Good Restaurant attached, electric cars leave every 15 minutes for Grounds. Operated by MR. FRANK SMITH, Chicago. m THE DELANO 0 30:t5 Michigan Ave., Cor. iii:{lsl (t. CHICAGO, ILL. ME. & MUS. O. W. DELANO, of thlB begto infiirm Dicir frienda that the; liavt leased the above preniises, it 19 üow open to ilic public. Tliis Family Hotel lias been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished thruiiL'liout wlth all the modero convenleaces. The Hotel Iswlthlnone blockofthe Elevated Bailroad, the State Street Oable Line and the Indiana Car Line. all of whlcfa run direotly to the World's Fair Grounds. Cheapest Hotel in Chicago for WORLD'S FAIR VIS1TORS is the Formeïh) The FarweU, Jackeon Park and South HaUted Street. PlTe Minutes Walk froni Union and Down Town Centre. Car Unes to all the dlreci route-' tothe Kair lOOOoodBed Booms, Elevator Ser vice, Liberal Board. Transient Rates S2 00 Per Day. Special Batea by the Week. DescrlptlTS Catalogue and Bill ol Fan' wlll !■ forwarded o application tothe Manager, HESiiVSiuTB, Jaelnan Boulevard and HaUted Street. DAMONS' HOTEL! 86 N. CLARK STREET. Specialty of World's Fair Guests. Rooms enirageJ by notifying Hotel one week in arlrance of when wanted, state for hnw m"T i)eonle and for how 'oDg. ROOMS FOR ALL. 76c each per day, cloee to all the tbe.iters. Easy axcees to World's Fair. Address all Tele grams and L :tters to DAÏION, 86 N. Clark-st„ Chicago.


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Ann Arbor Register