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The Owen Electric Belt And Appliance Co.

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êAND MISERY JB9B RELIEVED AND CURED. {gg fe THE MESSENGER OF HEALTH 8P HEARTILY ENDORSED. dr'XowIn. DANIEL J. HOPKINS. ÜLMnilLI U1UUÍ10LU. A STATEIWENT UNOER OATH. Moünt Plbasant, Míen., weeks I doubted hls statements about what he August 15, 1893. told me of the wonderful heallng propertles of Thk Owkh Elxctric Bílt ahd Applianc Co. : lt, but he was so earnest and persistent that I Dear Sin:- I now am able tosay, afterhaving finally consented to send for one. He advlsed purchased one of your No. 4 Electric Belts with me to send for a No. 4 witb spinal appllance, Spinal Appllanoe about one year ago, that I which I dld, at a cost of 130.00, which Is your thanfc God I have found relief from my terrible price for No. 4 and spinal appllaace. I will say suffering through the wonderful healing here that it is the best 130.00 investment that I influence of your wonderful Body Belt. August ever made in my Ufe In the way of doctor's 29, 1891, at which time I was a great suffere-, and remedies or anythlng else, as I had spent dollars, had been for more thanfouryears, from exuemü up into the hundreds, but could get no relief nervous prostration, so muchso that, on the lens' wnatever, As soon as I received the Belt and excitement, my whole nervous system woulii Appliance, I had it charged and adjusted and be all of atremblefromheadto foot, and u:iab!e put it on, and in a short time after putting iton to control myselfin the least, and would affect I began to feel wonderful soothing and gentle me to tears like a little child. I am a farmer by currentf of its healing power passing all through profession ; in the üelds, or at work on the farm, me, clear to the end of my toes and flngers, a or at any excitement, it had the same effoeï. I prickling sensatlon like thousands of needies, could not lift the weight of five pounds. It so Maáy wore the sleepless nights I had passed, continued with inereased sufferins. until 1 was unabls to sleep but from one to two hours unable tohelpmyself, and foreight longraoulhs tiirough the whole nlght for months. On the my fiuffering was intense. My stomach whs ko thircl nlght after wearlug the Belt I siept until weak that I could not take any f ood but crackers Bioming and awoke greatly refreshed. I was and warm water for the above time. My kidneys not disturbed, nor had I to void my urine once were so weak that I could not reiain my urine, it through the nlght, and I have not been bothered would pass from mecoLtinually, and I was under In that way since. All the drains upon the the nepessity of leaving my couch from six to system have ceased, and constipation and piles eight times öf a niht to void my urine, which all have left me as if by magie. My nerves havo was very palnf ui. I was also troublod with regnined their former strength, my eyesight and severe constipation and piles, so that I d have become clear, and I havegaiued in obliged to use injectlons to produce evacuations weight about 15 pounds, and I feel like a new of the bowels. It was very distrepsing;. somuch man. My stomach has got back its power of so that I had tobe llftedin and out of my bed for digestión, and I can eat atmost any kind of food several months.' The doctors could do me no that my appetite craves, withoutpainordistress. good whatever. and I had made up my mimi that I am gaining dally and I feel better and weigh there was no help for me this side of the grave, moro than I have for the past ten years, and it My limbs would beeome numb and cold, seemseems Ihave a new lease of Ufe. I cannot Bay Ingly as ice, and t would try with hot brieks, enough iufavorof your wonderful ElectricBody rubblng and all other methods to restore the cirBelt. It is far superior to all medicines comculation and natural feel'.ng, but all to uo effect, pounded for the relief and cure of chronic and and then it would pass off. Theu again anothor omplicated (lineases and broken down constituatiack would occur which would leave me helptious. I would aot take 82,000 for my Beltif I less, and so continued periodically, and I could could not get another like it. There is nothlng get no relief. The doctors told me that I mast like it for relief and cure where all other not do any work, and that it would be three years remedies f all. I can not praise your Belts at least beforel would be able to work. " agreed enough, for what it has done for me words can with them, for I could not, nor did I ever expect not express. I will say here that I recommend toagain. The whole worldseeraed tome a blank, theOweu Electric Belt toall sufferlng bumanity and my vital forces all had left me, and my life who fail to find relief from other remedies. It was f ast ebbing away from me through che loss is the messenger of quick relief and certaín curo of my life fluids, which doctors were unable even of all nervous debility and other nerve troubles. to check. I had given up all hope of ever gettlng I know it will cure all dlscasus which you adverhelp, and death in all lts terrible forma stared me Use it to cure. in the face, f rom whtch there seemed to be no This you inay publish to let sufferlng humanity avenue of escape from this living horror, of know there is relief and cure to be found in whieh no living person is able to know or feel, your wonderful Belt and Appllances. except his sufferings be as mine has been. In DANIEL. J. HOPKINS. this state of suffering and agony I continued Subscrlbed and rworn to before me this 17U until about one year ago now I met a f riend who, day of August, 1S98. D, E. LYON, ou seelng my helpless condition, advlsed me to Notary Public, try one of the Owen Electric Belts. For several In and for Isabella Co., Mica. g ' Persons raaking inquines from the writers of testimoniáis will please inclose selfaddressed, stamped envelope, to insure a prompt reply. OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Contains fullest Information, Hst of diseases, cut of Belts and Appliances, prlces, sworn testimoniáis and portraits of people who have been cured, etc. Pubiished in Englfsh, Oerman, Swedish and Norweglan languages. This valuable catalogue wül bo sent to any address on receipt oí ibis cents postage. MAIN OFFICE AND ONLY FACTORY, THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT BUILDING, 201-211 STATE ST.f CHICAGO, ILL.. THE LARGEST ELECTRIC BELT ESTABLISHMENT IN THE WORLD. 18 WHIN WBITINQ MINTION THIS PÍPB8. (O!)


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