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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Advertisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three linee, can be inserted three weeks for 23 cents. WASTBO. i ANI'ED- A young gentleman, a student, l wishes place where he can walt table for his board during the school year. Good refcrence lurnlshed. Would also like place totend furuace for room rent. Address Drawer D, Ann Arbor, Mich. 80 WAKTED - Plain sewing aud childrens clothes. MiEsMinnie Helle, 16 N.Thayer-st. ATEI- Partles to b'iy brooms manufactured by the Ann Artbor Broom Co., at 28 Spring St , Ann Arbor. 81 WAÑTED- Bedding and all kinds of piain sewing. Over Sheehan's Bookstore, thlrd door to the rlght. 23tf Visitors at tae World' Kair to stop at Pleatant House. Rates reduced during July and August to 50 ets. and 75 ct. per day 8 minutes walk from entrance. Enqulre of D.F. Schalrer. 4 South Main St. 69tf ANT KI:- Gentleman whohasnad considerable experience in dealing withprofetsional peotle, to go on the road and work up a line of business that is almost certain to net from two to three hundred dollars per month. Must be peron of strictest integrity and one who uuderstands human nature. A spleudid ooeninc for the rliht man. No capital necessary to start with except a small amount for immediale traveling expenses. For more deflnlte information cali upon S. A. Moran at the office of the Aun Arbor Register. 80 FOK SAI.E. OK SAI.K OR KENT- Two honses one of eight rooms, one new 10 rooms. within 2 blocks of campus. ArtbU' J. Kitson. '21 Geddea aye. 81 OK RENT- Good barn. laree euough for 2 horses and carmge. Oonvenient (n central part of city. Keasonable rates. Addr ss Drawer Soity. n_ FOK SA1.K-AU (iUi iashioned Mahogauy Sofa. 52 B. Thayer-st. W rpwo large coal ktoves aud oue small wool J stoven for sale 31 E. Catherine St. Mtf .WK üitLb-A quantity of old newsP apers suita'le for use uuder er ets can be obtained at a v ry low rate at the office of The Register. Hami ton Blork. 82 OR fc.ii.fc- Tbree Vos. HowtU' Annoiated Statut s of Michigan. Vols. I and II 1882 and III 1883-1890. Wi.l sell at bargain. Books nearly new. Addr ss A. Dr wer D., Ann Arbor. Mich. 8 li"OK HÁL'k OK KKInr- House and lots s.w. F corner of State and HUI st., also vacant lot. 66tf OK mle - Deslrable lote at reasonable prices in Schairer and Kemp's addition to the city of Ann Arbor, cituated on comer Hill and Packard-sts, on street car line. For plat and further particulars cali on D. F. Schairer, 4 South Main-st. Sfrti n.B FOB SA lE- 120 Acres of Land, six V miles trom city, or will exchange for city property_ Enqulre at No. 3 E. Llberty-st. 31tf F OsTÑÁIjK- Good second-hánd Pianos very cheap for cash or psyments. They are in the way and must he disposed of at once. C'atl at State-st , Music Store. Alyin Wilsey. 74tf JjAARM FOK SAI.K:- The Buüock or tverett V farm 3 miles west of Salem station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor, containiDg 109 acres, house and baris, stock and well water in abundance, timber: school and church with in a mile; land naturally the best; all seeded down. Price and terms reasonable. Oall on or addres: Andrcw E. Gibfon,80 Mayuardat., Ann Arboi, Mich. 70tf T7OK5AÍE- A valüable farm.Thewell known P farm of Hanson Sessionon section two(2)Township oi Monnneia oi aDout 220 acres of land at the low price of $40 per acre. Anyone wishing a ■ plenaia ;?-"" makea home ofthis is a rare chance. Time will be given for two thirds of the purchase price paid ifdesired. For further particulars, cail on. or address E. Treaclwell and Harriet L. Sessions. executorsof the late will of Hanson Sesaions. deceased. Dated Ann Arbor ,JIich.. Pee. 21. 189. S9tf hik Bnvr. rpo KKMT-Small ouse, 30 Geddes Ave. En 1 qulre of B. Barser. 3 Elm St. 8l_ TO RENT- Six roomed house on Oxford St., betweenS. UnivertityAve. and HUI St. Enquire at 14 Church St. 81 '!'" Four unfurnished rooms corner 1 of Jefferson aud División. Inquire 47 Bouth División. A.M. Clark. 74tf OÜÑKS TO REMT OK VoR SALEKnquire of J. Q. A. Sessions, real estáte agent 5N. MainSt. or at residence 36 E. William St., Ann Arbor. 67tf 1.OST. T T- Friday, Sept. 15, between Harkins JLi store ftnd 37 Thompson st.. a black Broche Shawl Please return to 37 Thompson-st. 80 om i- A ladies small pearl Swiss watch and gold chain on the road betw en Saline and Ann Arbor. 85 reward will be pnid for its return tj Jlrs. Eugene Helber, Saline, Mich. September 21, 1893. ■UUHMSMiANEOVK, V A ITI,TS, Cesspools and Cistcrns cleaned at low rates, Address A. 8. & R. K.,boi 1713. 83 ■ Lady's shoulder cape. Cali at 48 r Washtenaw Ave. and prove prperty and pay for this tiotice. 81 4KÍVG- The Mlsses East areprepared to do all kinds of baKlng. Kaucy cakes anü rolls, al so salads.croquettes. Ordu filie 1 for partiesand receitions. Address iiL E. UniverBity-ave. 81 the Roy al Café F I NEST IN THE CITY. Cor. 5th Ave. and Washington St, Mrs. John Schneider,Jr.,Prop Catering to the trade. Everything the best. Give ub a oall. ; OUR CHOCOLATES HAVEJUIRIVEDI Thosesame fine chocolates that exeelled all othere sold In town last year. Oiher dealera have reduced their price because they could not compete in quality. Samples of oura free to anybody who has never tried tliem. GALKINS' PHARMACY. 34 South Statc-st. i i ■■■■■■■■■WW ' GRAND OPERA HOUSE I ONE MUI1T ONL.T Tuesday, Oei. 3, 1893. First production in the city of the greatest of all scenic spedtacles, LOST IN NEW YORK A play full of heart interest. A vivid picture of New York life f rom the Battery to Central Park. The entire stage converted into A Vast River of Flowng Water Sustaining real Yachts, Row Boats and a Genuine Steam Boat Running at Full Speed. Two carloads of Elabórate Scenery painted by Arthur Voegtlen, of the Madison Square Theatre, New York, including the East river by moonlight, Grammercy Square. Randall's Island, Insane Asvlum, Madison Square Garden illumínated, and a grand panoramic view of New York Harbor. A SPLENDID METROPOLITAN COMPANY MEW SPECIALTIES. Reserved seats now on sale at Watts' Jewelry store. PBICES: Jleterved seaf, 75c; Adtnitrion - Farquette and flrst rote i Harqtvtte Circlr, 75c; J'arquttei Circle back of Jlmt roie,50c ; Oallrry, SBc. BÖÜKS For Students. College Text-Books. Grand Studente1 Benefit Sale of Boohs at The Students' Bookstore, SHEEHAN &, CO. Wholesale and retail BooJcseVers, State Street, opposite the campus, have received their complete stock of Law and Medical Books, Dental and Engineering Books, Greeh, Latin, French, and Germán JBooks, which they will sell to students ai teacher1 8 wJiolesale prices. We give discounts on all books to students. Second-hand Boohs, bought, sold and exchanged. Mechanical Instruments, Drawing Materials and all students1 supplies at Bottom Prices. Every student wil I save money by buying of us. sheehanXcöwipany BOOKSELLERS, STATE ST. A GREAT ATTRACTION ! MARTIN HALLER has a very at. tractive Bedroom Set in his show window suitable for student's rooms. In spite of hard times he has prepared for s big fall trade and can show about 100 Bedroom Sets with beveled mirrors, some of them as low as $15. He also has a f uil line of Book Cases, Book Shelves, Desks and Student Tables or Student Room Fnrnishings, which he will sell at a Great Reduetion. CALL AND SEE THEM. MARTIN HALLER SS S. Main SU, Pastengtr BUmator. 4 W. iiberty St.


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Ann Arbor Register