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Excursión Tickets to Texas and Arkauftas. Excursión tickets will be sold from all stations on the Columbus, Hocking Yalley and Toledo Hy. to all points in Texas and Arkansas on Mai-ch 13th, April lOth and May 8th, 1894, at the low rate of ONE PARE for the ROUND TR1I'. Tickets will be good thirty days for return and will allow stop over privileges within the States of Texas and Arkansas. Write agents, C. II. V. & T. Ry for particulars or W. H. Fisher, G. P. & T. A., Columbus. Ohio. (09) WheE Baby was slck, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. ■7hen Bhe had Chtldren, she gavethem Castoria. Slierltf Sale. ISTofCE ie hereby giren, That by virtuc of a writ of fieri facías issued out of the circuit court for the county of Washtenaw, in favor of Henry Binder, against thegoods andcbattels and real estáte of Adolph Hort'stettcr, in said county, to me direeted and delivered, I did on the 27th day of December, 1892, levy upon and take all the right, title and interest of the said Adolph Hoffstetter, in and to the following doscribed real estáte, that is to say : All that certain piece or parcel of land sitúate and being on Section Twenty-nine (29) in Township two (2) south of Range six (6) east, State of Michigan, known, boundedand described as follows, viz : Beginning in the center of a highway leading westorly out of the city of Ann Arbor, known as the Eber White road, three and one-half (3i) rods vvesterly from the south-east corner of six acres sold by John Allen and wife to James Kingsley on the lst day of February. A. D., 1836j and running thence westerly along said road four rods ; thence north one and one-fourth (li)degrees east, six (6) chains and forty-five(45) links; thence north, seventyiive (75) degrees east parallel to the road thirty-three (33) links, or so far that a eourse north two(2)chains and eighty(80j links will strike the land formerly owned by Jacob Kempf, one(l)chain andone(l) link westerly of the north-west cornet of' land formerly owned by George Granville; thence easterly parallel to the road to said Granvüle s land, thence south three (3) chains to another corner of the said land formerly owned by the said Granville : thence westerly parallel to the road about thirty-six (36) links : :hence south two (2) degrees and thirty 30) minutes west six (6) chains and ;wenty-five (25) links to the place of heg-inning, being the same land that was onveyed to Daniel Murray, by Charles Bleicher, by deed of conveyance dated the 18th day of .Tanuary, 18f2, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the county of Washtenavv, in Liber 32 of Deeds on page "90. All of which I shall expose for sale at public auction or vendue to the highest bidder at the south door of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, that being the place óf holding the circuit court for the said county of Washtenaw, on Saturday. the 21st day of April, 1894, next, at 10 o'clock in the foren oon of that day. Dated this lst day of March , A. D. 189-4 Thos. F. Leonard, Deputy Sheriff. LAWRENCE & BUTTERFIELD, 08 Attorneys. "ONLY ONE k NIGHT OUT!" THE QUICKEST TIME EVER - - - MADE TO - - - FLORIDA NEWORLEANS - - VIA - - C. H. & D. AXD Cl N Cl N NATI FROM Toledo or Detroit. For Rates, Address: J). B. TRACY. Northern Pat. Ment, ut .Irffi rso„-tr... hrail. .!,,.,■ .ItlIlS HASTAliLE, District l'itx. Agent, 6 BrUigs-st., Toledo, ().;!). (;. EDWAXDS, Oenend Pa. Agent, Vincinnali. 0.


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Ann Arbor Register