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Among Our Neighbors

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YI'SILANTI SENTIXKL. The Easter collection at St. Luk i's amounted to $350. W. .T. White, who some tvvoyears ago oponed a saloon in the Occidental building1, is novv a fugitive froin justice, the officers here receiving word Monday that he is wantod in New York state for grand lareeny. A reward of $50 is offered for his arrest. THE YPSILAXTIAN. M. T. Woodruff is. in the field as a candidate for the nomination of county clerk on the Democratie ticket. A number of bicyclists met at the United States express office last Monday evening and decided to form a club to bo known as the"Ypsilanti VVheelmen. " Another meeting will be held next Tuesday evening and the list of charter members will be left open until April 15. SALINE OBSERV KR. Miss Ida Burroughs commenced her spring term of school in the Hammond district, Monday. The operation on the neck of littlo Willie Puoss was performed at the hospital in Ann Arbor last Thursday when severa] tumors running' in size from an egg down wore found imbeded in the soft part of the flesh, they were all removed and he is now doing nicely. CHELSEA HERALD. The follovving persons from this v - cinity received third grade certifi cates at the last examination held in Ann Arbor: Helen McCarter, Aliee Muilen. Herman Kruse and Lucy Leech. Died, at his home in Sylvan, March 22. 1894, Mr. Andrew Oesterle, aged 47 years. The funeral was held from the Germán M. E. church last Sunday. Rev. Melitzer officiating. Deceasod leavea a wife and one child. MANCHESTER ENTERPRISE. New subscribers are coming in every week. A good'many Bubscriptiong are now due and we would like those indebted to us to come in and pay at least apart of thoir iudebtedness. Every tle helps. The heirs of the Thomas Clark estáte met at the old homestead on Monday and with Wm. Burtless for advisor, aat1led the estáte among themselves. Thomas takes the soutli 80, Anna and her younjrer brother takel the north 80 and the buildings, and Jennie takes the 24 acres in Bridgwater. YPSILANTI COMMERCIAL. About seven years ago,Wm. Barton. a well-known resident of this place, left hi, l:ome and fríe íds and until very reeently had not been heai'd of since. Mr. Harry Savage, who resides in the northern part of this state, met hiin a short time ago, and durïng his reeent visit here informed his relatives of this faet. He states that Mr. Barton will be home in a short time, and we feel certain that every one will be very glad to see him. His aged mother has been worrying about him for a long time, and nowthat she knows he is alivo and well, feels very much strengthened in body and solaeed in mind. DEXTEK LKADEK. Ixjok out for a fellow traveling about the country representing himself to be the advance agent of a traveling show, and rents space on farm buildings and fenees to be used fo" the posting of bilis of the alleged show. He pays the farmer two dollars for the privilege and then produces a printed blank which he says is a voucher that he has paid the money and which the farmer unhesitatingly signs. A few days later the larmer receives notice from a third party that he holds a note against hini for $200 which he will please cali and pay at his earliest convenience. CHELSEA STANDARD. Many improvoments are being made on the residence property of some of OUT citizens, which add g-reatly to tlie general beauty of our town. The marshal of Grass Lake is one of the most obliging oiïicers in the country. Last week, in response to a telegram sent from Chelsea, he arrested five or six boys who were stealing rides on the "front end" of the Grand Rapids Irain. He placed the offenders in the jailand when he went to look after his charges he found that they had tiown : they had taken an old saw that was hanging in the building and sawed I their way out.


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