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Prize Flglit at Dexter. Dexter is putting on metropolitan airs. It had a prize flght on Thursday evening. Quite a number of its best citizens and a number who are not its lest citizens, were present and enjoyed the sport. Frank Keiler, an Ypsilanti bruiser, who has gained considerable reputation in the west by his numerous fights, and one Sutton, of Chelsea, were the principáis. Dexter's common council took a vote on the question of allowing them to give a boxing contest within the city limita. The .oto stood 4 to 3 in favor of the bruisers. The referee called time and the fighters came together with a rush. Keiler struck Sutton two smashe; on the jaw and Sutton went to sleep. The sheriff ordered the fight stopped. Time ot ,fight 30 seconds. Sutton came back to this world in 20 seconds and the flght was awarded to Keiler. Price of admission, 50 ets., 75 ets. and $1.00. Must be fun for somebody. Keiler made $150 out of Dexter's great entertainment. Preparing to Move. H. Randall wishes to inform the per)le of Ann Arbor that he will soon renove to his new quarters in the Washngton Block and that he is closing out ' i,t any price all his china and bric-a)rac. (Jall and look over this stock and secure what you want bef ore it is ,oo late. - Also odds and ends ot mouldngs, frames and pictures are being old for almost notbing. (06) Try purchasing a weak's groceries at C. H. Andrews and Sons, No. 9 North Viain-st. These are hard times and it is o everybody's interest to ascertain where he can secure the best goods at he lowest rates. It will pay you to ive us a trial at least, fifty cents a week aved may not seem of much consequence but it counts at the end of a year. Let us save you that fifty cents. ' , (07) Popular Preacher Saya HOOD'S Rallies the Vital Forcé and Cl ve Strength Mev, J. Uerritte Driver, D. A ís wldely known as pastor of the First M. E. Church at Columbia City, Indiana, and is a powerful pulpit orator. Hls book, " Rainson and Shylock, or a Frcacher'i Plea (or the Workingman," hai recelved much praiie trom presa and olergy. Dr. Driver says : " Colombia City, Ind., June 3, 189S. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Masa.: " Dear Siri - Among the ralllen ef all the vital foroei, I regard Hood's SarsaparlUa as the general-ln-chlef. Crowded and orerworked, as a preacher and lecturer, I somettmes am eonsclous that I am not measurlng up to the best that I am capable of doing. A few doses- a bottle ortwo - of Hood's, howeTer, greatly Invlgorate My Body, Clarlfy My Mind, and Make me feel Llkea New Man. " In a week I am up to concert pitch again. cheerful, buoyant and ready for any work and capable of any feat of strength or endurance. To all overworked professional men Hood's SarsaparlUa is a God-send. "Very truly yours, "John Mekkittk Drivbb." HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES Even when other preparatiops fall. Be sure to gd Hood's ana only Hood's. Hood's Pilis cure livor Hls, constlpation, büiousuesa, jaundlce, slck lieadache, indigestioa Armour's meats at bed rock prices at the Fulton Market 19 E. Washington-st. Also first-class smoked meats of all kinds, and the finest dried beef in the city at prices that will surprise you. Cali and give it a trial. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. W. S. MOORE, DENTIST! Work done in all forms of modern dentistry. Crown and Budgo work a specialty. Satlsfaction Guaranteed. (U. op M. Gradúate.) 57 South Main St„ - - Ann Arbor. EDMUÑDS & KRAUS, House Painters and Decorators WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Strictljr Pure Ready Mixed Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Putty, Window Glass, Etc, Etc. OFFICE AND STORE : NO. 18 N. 4tb AVE. AKLINGTON BLOCK. féEstimates on work cheerf ully given. VÍCTOR CYCLES LEAD ! VÍCTOR ILYICU, 8125. If you are going to ride why not ride 'he best. Victors are best 1 Cali and see ihem and you will be convinced. Sold at M, STA EBLER 8 CYCLE EMPOBIVM. 11 W. WASHINGTON BT. 'Phone Wo. H N. B.- We have a large line of secondhand wheels which we are selíing very cheap. WALKS Put down in the best possible manner with a guarantee to keep in repair for five years. Get our prices bef o re doing anytliing in that line this season and have a walk properly built by responsible parties. Ann Arbor Gas Co. HING LMM New mH00 Chinese Laundry I will open up next Monday a new Laundry at No. 13 E. Ann street. I invite the patronage of all who wish fine work in this line. Low rates and high grade work is what I offer the people of Ann Arbor. Cali and getjprice list. Hing Lee, 13 E. ANN STREET. OKll Iloiidit), April IliCIl.