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Do You [UseSalt? It wlll pay you In numerous ways to use the alt that' all aalt. ïhis is especially true as to the butter maker. You recoguize a difference In . butter. We can point you out a difference In salt. You strive for the best ' milk, why not search for the best salt? Test, compare, ask questions. Investígate what Diamond Crystal Dairy Salt has done for others. There's no secret about it Write and get particulars. We grant that salt is cheap, but is that a good reason why you should not have the best? Look fairly and fully into the salt questlon, and you'll flnd the way to better flavored butter, and better prices through our Dairy Salt. Indispensable for cooking and table use also. Wrlte us about it. DIAMOND CRYSTAL SALT CO., St. Clair, Mich. rjw-i Nashville, Tenn. 1% Memphis, Tenn. [IK Knoxville, Tenn. Chattanooga, Tenn. narrogate, Tenn. ■wik. 4 Decatur, Ala. llfiT fA Birmingham, Ala. VY fl V II) Montgomery, Ala. "■ + I V Mobile, Ala. New Orleans, La. Atlanta, Ga t tV, Augusta, Ga. HRl Macon, Ga. WW Savannah, Ga. Thomasville, Ga. Columbia, S. C. Tu Ai.T Charleston, S. C. HO I7D I Asheville, N. C. J. llL Pensacola. Fla. St. Augustine, Fla. Jacksonville, Fla. LjSa Tampa, Fla. K Texas Points. Arkansas Points. BUV TICKETS OV5.R THE iwn 1 MfciXTirn ■ -in ._juj_l This line raas dosöic iaííy (mcrolag and, evcning depart ure i solía fvains from ' nati and LouisvHíe lo the princlcal Southern citles. Thls Une affords íwo routes to points in the Southwest, via Meraphis and via New ' Orleans. This Une has doublé daily sieeping car service to Jacksonville, and the oniy through line of sleepers to Thornasville. This line has four daily trains between Cincinnati and Loulsville in each direction. This line has three daily trains between Ctncinnatl and Lexington Ín each direction. Full informatioa cheerfully furnished uron applicatiou to MCKSON SMITH, Dlv. Pass. Agt., CINCINNATI, 0. C. P. ATMORE, Gen'l Pajs, Agt., LOUISVIUE, KY. Catarrh AND COLD IN THE HEAD relieved nstantly by one application ol Birney's Catarrh Powdet Rkv. F,vthi:h (t.vrki:, 8ecy to llif Rt. Rov.Bisbop of Coluinims. ühio. writes; GnruHKM :- I t.i'iünt s,iy snongb fw your Fovtán. It has cured me ot ma nperaate-i kttaak m eaUrrh wbn notbitiií eis.8 cuuidholpme. imdlightod with t. AU my fnendsto whnm IwbnlplatnwdMiQplM wn quita nthniwtte over it. Th gtl sisteis ipuk most neonragiugh oi ilu-ir ttseofit in tha Hospital under tlietr caro. ] wjl do anything to speak good worci for the remerl y to help nther who re suffering. M. E. FERiusfx, CuetocUao u. S. Appraíser'a Stores Chiciuío, rites: CKstLKMEN Binp nlmost entirly dont for a namlver ot years past and nettiuK no relief fromniuj so-called cura wliicti 1 trid, ni nduol hya Iriend totry Dr. Rirnpy'sCktarrhal Powder f.r mvdeainess. Havo rfcoverfd my heariiy rntireiy, so tliat I can now hir a uatch tiok plainly, it bein held 18 inrhrs from my ear I loóle upnn it as a fioMtive cure for deafness and hare recomiuemled its to iiu.n ol mj frúnds and can say I bxvtt never heard of s cose where it hu failttd to relieve. FULL 5IZE bottlo of powrlcr Zf aud blower COnPLETE tpo.s( pa id t OUCí Birney Catarrhal Powder Co. 1918 MASONÍC! TEMPLE, 0H1OAQO. 'Md Fri-rynhcreligr dmgglst or direct by ni. '


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