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The Commonwealers

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BETTER 8TAY AWAT. Washington, April 24. -The commissioners of the District of Columbia took actioa Monday on the impending Coxey invasión. Af ter a long executive session and consultation with tha attorney of the district a manifestó was prepared and given out which calis attention to the f act that the right of petition does not extend to the lengths the Coxeyites appear to imagine. Those who medítate coming to the capital are warned that only hardships and privation await them here, and are informed that no good can come of their proposed pilgrimage. Number of Marcherg. Commander. j'umr of mn. Where marching. Kelly 1,800. Iowa. K. California. Coiev 215. Maryland. inman f" [california. Fitzgerald 100. Massachus' tt. Grayson 210 Colorado. üalvln 210 Oalo. Shephera 910. Washington. Sweciland. 100 New Jersey. Aubry 150 Indiana. Prye ï25. Indlanu. 400. Montana. Norman 75. Wlsconsin. jones 22. Marylaod. Total 4.697 Cozey VVU1 Afarch On. Nbw Yokk, April 24.- Gen. Coxey was angry when he heard of the proclamation of the District of Columbia commissioners issued as the embodiment of President Cleveland's views. "No, no! I shall notheed it!" he exclaimed when asked what he vould do. Continuing, he said that the Washington pólice would not dare to arrest him and his followers. The proclamation would not cause hira to desist from encouraging other industrial armies from storming the capital; on the contrary, he should redouble his efforts to Dring every unemployed man, woman and child to Washington. He was not af raid of Cleveland, nor would the íear oí poasible bloodshed deter him. He concluded: "I do not court a íesort to arms, tut we will demand our righta. even ií it takes physlcal Btrenjfth to prevalí. I shall not commit myself to that, but will repeat my declara tion to brlng coDKress to term by besiegiug Washington un til justise is doi.e." Xearlng the Capital. Boonsboro, Md., April 24.- Coxey's army, under commaad of Lieut. Browne, reached this place Monday aflernoon and encamped for the niffht. The army was met here by Col. A. E. Reas tone, who ha been in Washington lookinjf after the interests of the commonweal. Coi Redstone says that when the main army, reinforced by the various branches now on the way reachea the city limita of the capital it will be met and escorted down PennBylvania avenue by 15,000 men, 500 prominent ladies, the local typographical unions, the entire forcé of the Grand Army of the Republic in the city, besides a larffe number of wheelmen. He wouldn't be surprised to see the army welcomed by a large number of senators and representatives. On injr the capital, the colonel says, Hrowne will positively speak on the steps. Ironmolderft to üo to the Capital. Chicago, April 2. i- The ironmolders have decided tliat they will go to Washington, independent of the main body oí commonwealers. They claim that they will have 20.U00 men in their ranks. They say they are confident of reaching Washington by May 2. They have received, they say, from towns alung their proposed line of mareh promises of assistanoe in the way of food, shelter, transportation and recruits. The western contingent will be met at Baltimore by marchers from the east. Kelly's army will rgcejve ja the neighborhood of 300 recruits nere. ■L _MoJ. Rëép A way from Chicago. Chicago, April 24.- Chief of Pólice yêïday"" "prêv'ent any of the divisioSs" ol the commonweal army entÑlng Chic-ága- - -


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