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CURE5 RISING . . BREA5T . . MOThER S rnltNU Messing ever offlred child-bearing woman . I have been a mid-wife for many years, and ín each case where "Mother'sfriend" had been used it has LVet known scvass? that Montgomery, Ala. I can teil all expectant mothere if they wilj use a few bottles of Mother's Friend they will eW through the ordeal without any pam and arW --iviíierN.B. T'sed Mother's Frlend tefore birth ot my eiehth child. Will never cease lts praise. e fe mbs. J. F. Moobe, Colusa, Cal. Sent by expresa, charges prepaid, on receipt f price, $10 per bottle. BRADFIELD REOULATOR CO., 8old by all droggigta. Atlamta, Ga. PENINSULAR FURNAGE Gives More Heat, Use Less Foei, Produce Better Results. THAN ANY OTHER BUILT ON MERIT. Jewelí Gaso!ene Stoves THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE Gurney Cleanable Refrigerator Screen Doors, Lawn Mowes, Garden Hose, ice Cream Freezers. J. E. HARKINS. 28 EAST HURON STREET. PRIVATE DISEASES s And Diseases of the Skin. i 25 ycars continuooi hospital and san í tari um exSperience, Thounndaof happy, grateful cures exlendinfï into t-vrry State in the Union, The confi tlence oi the iiiultitudc uf mxious but silent suffercers, and tif tht unhappy and discouragd victims (of iguorant and frauaulent pretenders is honestly and 'ariH'stly invited. A valuable treatise on 0I8EA8E8 OF A PRIVATE NATURE free. Ad(ircsH or cali on DB. O. J. H. If ANNA, Jackson, Mlch. President Jackaon City Board of Halth We commend to the acauaintance and confidence tf the aflUett-d jmhiic the hfgb personal cliaracti'rand proftaional worth and work of Ir. ■ O. J. R. HANNA of thistity. (Jiukson, Micli.) Kev. B. B. Bigler, Pastor First Prcsby. Churcn-) Avistiu BI air, ex-Govcrnor. Jiinies O'Donncll. ( Ifexnber of Congioss. Clárenos H. Bennett, Mayor. Bïwtufl Perk, Judge Clrcufi Court, v. I,. Sealon, (poetmaster. R. H. Broermn, Banker. ? O LDfli i irl-]C and FANIILY USEn _'_ri r? I ljY - tcctedby traripmark) B OTILES IA'7 (V at our distillery in Ky. O N LY 1 C í WhisKeY II' vuur U-tiltT iltH-t not kpcp it wrlte iih. {PURITV DISTILLINC CO.. CHICAGO, IL.L. C0 Rij CLEVELAND to $U) BUFFAL0 Via". & B. LINE." I ommencing with opening of navigalion (about April Ist). Magnlficient tiide-whee] steel steumers ' State of Ohio" and "State of New York." DAILY TIME TABLE. SUNDAY lNCLUDi:i. Lv. Cloveland, ti: L5 i'. M. Ar. Buft'alo, - 7 : 30 a. m. Lv. üullalo, - li: lij p. m. Ar. Cloveland. 7:30 a. M. CENTRAL STANDARD Tl.MK. Takethe"C. & B. Line" iteamera nd enjoy a retreshing night'a ï'est whon nrouto to Bvffaio. Niágara Faüs, Tm■ntO,.m- York, Boston, AIIiiiihi. 1000 -linidf, or any Kastern or Cauadian joints. Jheap Excursions Weekly to Niágara Falls. Wrlte tor tourists pampblet H. R. Rogers, T. F. Newman, t.i'ii'l Paus. Agt. i.t-ii"l .tliiii:ii'i'. Cleveland, Ohio. Ê Pkso's Reraedy for ('atarrh is the ■ [ Best. EasieBt U l'se. and C'heapest. I Sold by druggists or sent by I 50c. E. T. llazeltine, Warren, Pa.


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