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SENIOR STUDENTS in all departments should remember that A. W. Corlis, photographer, 6 E. Huron-st , has Mr. H: W. Tibbals, of Detroit, to do the opurating, and if you want lirst-class wotk it will pay you to give hitn a tria'. Make yonr engagements for settings now while the weather is finu. (09) To Loan. W. H. Butler wishes to place a loan of $4,000 on good real estáte mortgage. Office with C. R. Whitman, over P. O. OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Advertlsements, sueh as To Bent, For Sale and Wants, not exceedlng three lines, can be inserted three weeks for 25 cents. WANTED, Ï7ANTEI- Job work, cleanlng umi taking T care of lawns.cleaningout cellars, cleang carpets, and all kinds of manual work out house, yard or garden. Ratea reoson)le. Give me a trial as I am suri1 1 oan t-asc you. (Jhas. G. Corhit, ti Cliurch-st. ill) 17 AiN'TED- A two seat ono horse carrlage t and a road cari. Apply to Mra. .1. S. H., iox lllfl. City. (10) JiANïBl - Youïïg man si.xteen years old ' is desirous of securing a place where he an work for his board and lodglng while he s taking a course In the School of Short hand. ood references, Address G., Drawer I), City. (12) VAA'ïJkD- Partles deslrlng to buyoreell real estáte will Hnd it to thcir advantage 0 cali at 15 i-. Tliayer-st.,Ann Arbor. Houses nd lots for sale in deslrable locallty. OTtf Job work of all kinds. Speciaal attention giren to putting in cees pools, tklng care of yards, leuning cisterns, etc. Cverything done in a neat and workman-like nmner. Best of references glven. Kates lasonable. J. W. Shaw, 31 W. Huront„ West side door. Oötf l'.WfKD -Party wishes to secure a loan í V of $4,000 for a term of years. Can give first lortiiaire on property worth fully $0,000 as curity. Must have low rate of interest. Address A. J., Drawer I), Ann Arbor. tW FOR SAL.K. FOR SALE - For Beekeepers' supplies, R. C. B. Leghon and W. F. B. Spanish eggs; cali on, or address F. Alderman, Rushton, Livingston Co., Mich. (11) UOK SAIiE- Au almost new and complete x tennis set will be sold at a big reduction. ('all and examine it and get price at 23 8. Fifth-ave. 11 j'OR SAIiE- Two new milch cows for sale. 1 Inquireof S. O. Tubbs, one-lialf mile north of Osborne's milis. (10) TOH SAIjK-At a bargain a lady's Monarch 1 Bicycle of latest pattern, perfectly new, price S100. Will sell for Ï90, $ti down, balance on time. A barsaln. For particularsenquire of S. A. Moran, Kegister Ufflce. (i;t) POK SA1.E- Very desirable house and lot, No. 4H E. Catherine-st. For terms inquire at house or address J. H. Kemick, 249 Kt h-st„ Detroit, Mich. 09_ ljH)K SAIË- A perfectly new Victor Bicy-1- cle, listed at $150- for sale at ÍH5. A baigain that you do not meet every day. The Wheel is perfectly new and must De sold soon Adrtress 1)., Drawer D., Ann Arbor, and the owner will cali. lllfl -MK NALEi-Whcn you begin your house x cleaning you will want some old paper to ut under your carpeta. We have several ïundred lbs. of old newspapers, exchanges, etc.which we will sell at 2's: per B, % the isual price. Cali at the office of The Register )efore it is all gone. 08 FOR SALE - Mrs. Perkin's farm, 80 acres, 2 miles east. of Ballne, 7 miles south of Ann Arbor, known as the Kellogg arm. Slx acres good bearing peach orcharcl, ïouse, barn, stock and well water in abundance, school wthln % mile. Price reasonable, cruis easy, cali on premises or 44 S. Ingallsst., Ann Arbor. 94tf jTTÖft SALK- Finnegan & Richards are sel_T lliiR balled hay and straw at Wholesale prices. No. 9 Detroit St. tf SALE- The undersigned will sell the splendid farm of Hanson Sesslon (to close ;he estatei layiiig on section two township of Northn'eld, consisting of 214 acres of land for ■lic sum of seven thousand dollars which Is less than $33 per acre. Now Is the time to get i bargain, flrst come first served. E. Treadwi 11 and H. S. Sessions, Executors of Hanson Sesslon. Dated, Aun Arbor, J)ec. 36, 18m. ltf tS KM FOK 120 Acres oi Laiid.six miles trom city, or will exchange for city prop erty. Enquire at No. 3 E. Liberty-st. Sltf UAKJI FOK SAL.K:- TheBullock or Everett r larm, 3 miles west of Salem station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor, containiiiK 109 acres, houBe and bans, stock anrt well water In abandalice, timljer: schooi and churchwtthin a mlle; land naturally the best; all Beeded down. Price and terms reasonable. Cali on or addres: Andnw E. Qlbgon.30 Maynardst., Ann Arboi, Mlch. 70tf FOR RENT. POR RENT.- Three rooms over the J. T. Jacobs Co 's. store. A good location for dressraaking or millinery. Inquire of J. T. Jacobs. (09 tf ) ifOK RENT- Aftor May lst, the store now i occupled by H. Randall. Cali at store for particulara. (io Ï1OK KENT- A very pleasant house oí Mine rooms. Prlce, ÉÍ.60 per week. Inqnlre at 103 W. Liberty -at. 09 FOK Hoorns intlie llamllton Block llalli bousekeeping.all modern convenlencea laclndlng steam heat. All rooms have recently been palnted and papered. Enuuire room :i, tlnrd flair, sai f H ÜNK TO KEM' K VfK Stl.K- Eoquire of J. Q. A. Pessions, real estáte aeent 8 N. Main St. or at resi.lence 36 E. William 81 ., Ann Artnr. ij)t f LOST- Between the Fulton -Market and North Main-st. on Sunday, April 15th, a diamond pin containing four solitaires and one garnet stone. Finder will bo liberally rewarded by leavinj; samo at 19 E. Washidgton-st. i WE'YE THE KIND OF j A HAIR BRÜSH THAT I i YÖÜ WANT. j i , Soliil back, extra stiff ! bristles and medium ', price. We warrant ] these, too. CALKINS' PÜARMACY. 34 Snulli Nt.-ilfHf . I t-------Ji


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Ann Arbor Register