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is an arbitrary word used to desígnate the only bow (ring) which canaot be pulled off the watch. ' sX Here'stheidea I f rfO 1 I The bow has a groove - l I CJ1 II on each end. A collar V riitü '%: J runs down inside the VKO JIRX pendant (stem) and J1? nts 'nto tne grooves, -Q- firmly locking the , -Jg--. bow to the pendant, -L"" 'i '"StO s that ' cannot be yfW " YV P"lled r twisted off. It positively prevents the loss of the watch by theft, and avoids injury to it from dropping. IT CAN ONLY BE HAD with JK Jas. Boss Filled or other watch [0J cases bearing this tradc mark All watch dealers sell them without extra cost. Ask your jeweler for pamphlet, or send to the manufacturera. KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPH1A. LUICK BROST PLAINING MILLS ! AU kinds of Lath Wort and l'allern Mal.inij. Lumber, Lathe &Shingles At Ziowêêt Market Pricê$. WINDOW SASH AND BLINDS, And all kimls of Door mude lo order. Cor. N. 5tii Ave. and Kingsley St. CALL AND GET OUR RATES! ViCTOTCYCLETÍM"! VÍCTOR F1ÏKII, 8I5. lf you are going to ride why not ride the best. Victors are best '. Cali and see tíwm and you will be convinced. Sold at M, STA TliiL ER, 8 CYCLE EMPORIVM. 11IV.WAS ISliliix ST. 'PhimeHo.8 JV. Ji. - We have a large line of secondhand wlieels which we are selling very ch OM. mfiibbard'gftheiiaaticO.1 Hibbard's Khenmatlc 011, for pain in llmbsor joints, isinstantaneous. Every Jruggist ia authorized to refund money to any purchascr of thisoil whoisnot satisfied with nmti. !5c. A SAMPLE SENT FREE on applic&tion . Mttnufartured by the proprietors of the famous ü ilibard's Kbeumatic Syrup and Plasten. Witte fiw "IBP CHA&WBIGHT 4 CO:, Detroit Miclu # a $ j BICYCLES 1 King of the Road f Absolutely the Best All drop forgings and English steel tubing. Bearing strictly dust-proof. Elegant designs and light weiflit. i Sendjwo-Ceot Stamp 5 AEenu . POR TWENTY-FOUS PAQB W.ottd. iSf CATALOQB Monarch Cyclc Co. i Lake and Halsted Sts. CHICAGO W, W. VEPSO. - BUSINESS CARD5. n K. WILLIAMS, Atlorney at Law, Milán. Mlrli. Money loaned for outeide partíes. All legal Kisiuess given prompt attentlon. SI Years Experlence tlie Business CITY LAUNDRY. VI. M. SEABOLT, No. N. Fourth Ave. ALKX. W. HAMIITOPí, Attorney at Law. Will practice in both State and United States Cmirts. Office Boom, No. 11, td Hoor of the new öricfe WocA-, córner oj Hurón and Fourth Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. W. 8. MOORE, DENTIST ! Work doneinall forms of modern dontlstry. Drown and Bridge work a Bpeclalty. Satttfaction Ouarutnteed. (U. of M. Gradúate.) 57 South Main St., - - Ann Arbor. J, F. HOELZLE, DÏAI.ER IN Presta, Salt and Smoked Meats Bausagen of all klDds. Poultry and Game in acaso n. Cor.Washipgton-st. and 4th-ave.,Ann Arbor. Wñ. W. NICHOLS, Dental Parlors ! OVER SAVINGS BANK OPPOS1TE COURT HOUSE SQUARE. ARTHUR J. KITSÖM7 Contractor and Builder! Estimates furnished on all kinds of Architecture. Residencie and Shop, 21 Geddes-ave. Choice Meats AT aat:ei:i:l_:_vts Cor. Washinicton-Nt and t'lfth-nve. Our alm is to please our customers by always ha.ndling the very Choicest Meata that the markei affords TRUCK AND STORAGE C. E. GODFREY. Jiesidence and Office, 48 Fourth-Ave., North. tilii'iiom: 82. VISIT KÖPFF'S NEW STORE, 13 EASX ANN STHEET, For the fincst Fruits, Candies, Peanuts, Cigars and Ice Cream Soda in the city. We want your trade and will make the price accordingly. i l.l. AND Mi; I ÖIL AND GASOLINE BROUGHT TO YOUR DOOR Without bothfring to order evertj lime yon are out. Drop a Postal Card, Orrall unon me at S. W. Corner of E. WilêMngtort and S. &th Ave., and leave yottr order and I will keep you supplted at lourxt nit. 'I. GOODALB. iyTCRAWFÖRD, Draying of all fines I Prompt attention given to all orders. Care taken in handling house-hold Furniture. Leave orders at the Office of The Ann A.rbor Register. Oscar O. Sorg, DEALER IN Wall Paper, Paints, Oils aud Glass. White Blanks 5c to 8c, Gilts8c to 15c HOUSE AND SIGH DECORATING A SPECIALTY! 7ONnthHln M., 4nn Arbnr C3-O TC RATTI'S 5 East Huron Street, For all hinde of Fruit, Candies and Nuta. Bent Candy in the citifAlso Best Oysters in the marl et. 1RATTI, 5 East Huron St. Farmers, UMI 8 iBEEP Tirata, Líos vm nieeoTS rair be eITertually dustroyed hy the usc of CHLURO-NAPTHÖLEUM. , It Is tho best preventivo of Hor and Chick. en Cholera and the il Is of Horses, Cattle and Sheep. A d.stnfcctiint of prove! t-IHcaiy. Thousands use it and would not be without As un l,lf. ciial Slieep-Hlp, ChloroNaptholeum cannot be ïurpaued It is i cert.iin fiir for scub and worm in throutsof lamba, it promotea ii% erowth of th wun and Improvea the general health of thesheep This wondcrful disinfectant Huid and inti■eptte is very rüeap. Look at these prices: A 4 oz. buttle, maklnu 3 gal. of fluid, i.'x. A qiiart ;in, mukiii 2Í nul of Huid, .-,(!,. A half al., niaklii 50 al. of' fluid, !)()■. A .illcii, makluu 100 nal. ot' iluld, SI. 50. At.k for "i liltn-o-Naptholf'um" 'n town. Agente wanted. circulara free upon application. . II 'l'AMill & CO., Detroit, Mtcli.


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Ann Arbor Register