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is an arbitrary word used to designate the onlv bow (ring) which cannot be pulled off the watch. ""nN Here'stheidea lT-J The bow has a groove t CJP ; 1 on each end. A collar Vi, 'i J runs down inside the JvM WS pendant (stem) and ;?=■=? fits into the groeves, - CÜ-- firmly locking the , s - v bow to the pendant, ipr"1 t ■ 'ri-S' so that it cannot be yTk '" V pulled or twisted off. It positively prevenís the loss of the watch by theft, and avoids injury to it frora dropping. IT CAN ONLY BE HAD with SSÊ, Jas. Boss Filled or other watch [01 cases bearing this trade mark ts ( All watch dealers sell them without extra cost. ' Ask your jeweler for pamphlet, or send to the manufacturers. KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. njJICKBROS.' PLAINING MILLS ! All kims of l.nthe Work umi l'allern Making. Lumber, Lathe &Shingles M Lomtt Kartel i'rWINDOW SASH AND BLINDS, Ai, 1 all tCndt nf Voort .( in ordi i . Cor. N. 5th Ave. and Kingsley St. CALL AND GET OUR RATES I VÍCTOR CYCLES LEAN HITOll FLYEK, $125. Jf ymi a n going tu ridt why nat ride tlvt best. Victar an best Cali and see tin m umi nu will bc conKineed. SoZd ut M, STAEBLF.R'S CTCLE EHPOBIÜM. 11 W, WAS IN TAM NT. 'Phone No. 8 N. B. - We "(' a largt Hm of .--■ amd■mud xclieels which u- an eelling very dieap. P Hibbard's Sheuma,tic_Oil S Hibbard's Eheumatlo 011 for UVSijri pain in limbsor joints, isinslanUmXrV_ eouH. Every Jrugpist is autburized ((ffiyiVi1" to rcfund money u any purchasr , ' '" -. f thia oil who Is rot satisfled with iMulli. S5c. A SAMPLE SENT FREE oa appliï?fi' Kn' Manuflwtured by theproprletors of the famous Hibbard'B Kheumatic Öjrup aud l'lasttrs. Wriufot CHAS; WKIGHT 4 CO:, Detroit, Mlch: w i BICYCLES 1 Kïng of the Road o Absoiutely the Best 5 AU drop forgings and English steel L tubing. Bearing strictly dust-proof. S Elegant designs and light weight. # Send Two-Ceat Stamp. ! $ iM jt POR TWENTV.POUR PAOB ' Wintod. ?3f CATALOOLB l Monarch Cydc Co. ] ? Lake and Halsted Sts. CHICAQO ' %%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 Hfó PAlSDu.. enTïïr &L. BUSINESS CARD5. 13 K. WILLIAMS, Al trn-y at I.hw. Milán, Micb. Money loaned for outslde partios. All legal ) isiness (tiveu prompt attention. SI reara Experlence :■ Business CITY LAUNDRY. M.M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. A l.i: V. W. HAniLTON, Attorney at Law. Will practice in both State and Unüeá States Courts. Office Room, No. 11, M ioor of the new brick block, comer of fíurori and Fourth Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. W. $. MOORE, DENTIST ! Work done in all forms of modern dentisiry. !rown and Bridgu work a specialty. SaOtfaeon (ruuruiitferf. (U. or M. Gradúate.) i7 South Main St., - - Ann Arbor. J. F. HOELZLE, DEALER IN Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats Sausages of all kinds. Poultry and Game in season. Cor.Washipgton-st. and 4th-ave.,Ann Arbor. wn. w. nichols, Dental arlors ! OVER SAVINGS BAXK OPPOS1TE COUBT HOUSE SQUARE. ARTHUR J. KITSON, Contractor and Builder ! E.Hmates furnished on all kinds of Architecture Rbsidknck and 8hop, 21 Geddes-ave. Choice Meats Cor. Wnsliinu Ion-M and t ffth-itve. Our alm is to please our cvistomers by always hmdling the very Cnolcest Meat that the market iSords Truck andItöragêj C. E. GODFBEY. Residente and Office, kS Ave., North. TELKFHOIVE 82. VISIT KOPFF'S NEW STORE, 13 r.ST ANN STREET, For the finest Fruits, Candies, Peanuts, Cigars and Ice Cream Soda in the city. We want your tradc and will make the price accordingly. i.i. AND m:i: IS OIL AND GASÖUNT BROUGHT TO YOUR DOOR ï( ihonf bothering to order every time yoa are nut. Drop a Postal Card, Orcall 'iion mtat 8. 11'. Corner of E. Washington and o. 6th ...tutd leave your orhr and I U ti't tjtm xuinilU'l at lotvext ratrx. m. (.ooit i. .. D. CRAWFÖRD, Draying of all Kinds ! 'rompt attention given to all orders. Care taken in handling house-hold Furniture. Leave orders at the Ofiïce of The Ann A.rbor Register. Oscar O. Sorg, DEALER IN Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Glass. White Blanks 5c to 8c, Gilts 8c to 15c HOUSE AND SIGH DECORATÏNG A SPEC IALTY! -O Sculli Mnln M.. . Allll ArllllT O-O TO RATTI'S 5 East Huron Street, For all kinds of Fruits, Cantiles and Nut ft. Best Candij n the city. Also Best Oysters in the market. RATTI, öjast Huron St. Farmers, Listen ! gg "II i ir T1CKS, L.MK ANI MACGOTS can be effectually destroyed by the use of CHLORO-NAPTHOLEUM. h la the beat preventivo of Bogand Chlcki'ii Cholera and the llls of Horsee, Oattle and Bheep. A. dlstnf ectant erf urovrd lliin. Tliousaiuls U86 il and woiikl nüt be witlioul As in I :il I ir I Slicrp-nip, (liloroNaptholeum cannot beBurpaaaed. li taacertaln care for si-;il and worm in throataof lambR. It promotea the trrowth of the wool and Improvea the general health of thesheep. Tlii- wondertul dfelnfectant Huid and aiitl■eptio la very liu Look at tneaeprlces: A 4 o, boillo, maklut: : gal. of inMl, 7ti-. A quart i mi, iiiakin ÍU Lal. ol' lluld, .'()■. A hall tal., maklltg 50 al. ol' Huid, !(),. A nailon, inak'lut: 100 gal. of lluiil, si. r,o. AnIí litr "Ohloro-Naptholeum" In town. Agenta wanted. Circulan tree uikhi applicatiot). a. il. inmh 4 o . ii, i,,, ii. niefa.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register