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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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IWEAK,NERVOUS DISEASEDMEN; I . Thousands of Young and Middle Agei Mm are annoally ewept to a premature grave ■ through early indiscretion and later excessea. Self abrae and Constitntional Blood ■ Diaeases have ruined and wrecked the life of many a promñing yonng man. Have yoa ■ any of tbe followiag Symptoms: Nervoos and Despondent; Tired n Morniag; No Ambi■ toon; Memory Poor; Raly Fatipned; Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Blur: Pimples oa the Face; Droame and Drains at Night; Reatlesa; Hassanl Looking; Blotehee; 8oro Throat; Hair teoee; Paina in Body; Sunken Byes: Lifeleaa; Distroetful and Lack of Enersy and Strength. Oor New Method Trcatmeni wiíl batid you up menully, physically and sexaally. jK' S DRS. KENNEDY_& KERGAN IT [ 'f í?f " years of age I learned a bad habit which almost rnined í3v X J me. I became nervous and weak. My back tronbled me. I conld NCj Km) stand no ezertíon. Head and eyes became dnll. Dreams and IJu " i drains at night weakened me. I tried Beven Medical Firma, Elecütfx ■'ÉÉ tr'c e'8' Patent Medicines and Family Doctora. They gave me Mftpv y Mm a no help. A friend adviaed meto try Dra. Kennedy & Kergan. They MKt-q..'P Bent me one month's treatment and it cnred me. I conld feel 5J;g myself gaining every day. Their New Method Treatment euret vKen Cured in one m'ntk "U t i." They have cured many of my frienda." Dr. Monlton. r%k tus nuuniDn_iaR unn A ' 'jfuW "Some 8 years ago I contracteda serions constitntional blood tó Jzimlu sea8e went to Hot Springs to treat f or syphilis. Mercury almost C Vc'Ib '"el -fter a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat Vj T'Pi became aore, paine in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red, 't LCjlsfÁ 'oss rá na'r' Blanda enlarged, etc. A medical friend adviaed Drs. I L r'JJBv Kennedy 4 Kergan 'a New Method Treatment. It cnred me, and I have I vJJHrfá: na no symptoma for five yeara. I am married and happy. At si 3Ofn doctor, I heartily recomend it to all who have thia terrible disease- ■ Carea s yeur ago. typhilU." It will eradicate the poiaon from the blood." cTd 15 YEARS IN DETROIT. 150,000 CURED. " I am SS years of age, and married. When yonng I led a i 'flítf SMT ff e' rly indiscretions and later excesaes made trouble 4 Pw 'T for me. I became weak and nervons. My kidneya became 1 v i1S affected and I feared Bright'a diseaae. Married lifa was nnsatis!t 25C. fectory and my home onhappy. I tried everything- all failed till B 'á" öfS too treatment from Dra. Kennedy and Kergan. Their New v _1r Method built me up mentally, physically and aexaally. I feel lVg and act üke a man in every respect. Try them." KKr i, m' No Names Used Without Written S7rsíÍp Consent of Patiënt. Cured in tuue. OlIP Npw MpÜioH Tpoatmont ?eTer fail9Ín cnring Diaaases of men. JUV IHeW lYieinOa I reatmeni u atrengthens the body, stops aU drains and loases, purifies the blood, clears the brain, bailds up the nervous and aexnal syatems and restores lost vitality to the body. We Gnarantee to Care Nervou neblllty, Fallingr Manhood, H.vpIiillH Varlcocele, Ntrlcture, Cleel, llnnatural olscxiarices, 'Weak Parts and All Kldney and Bladder DUeaseg. IJ f K J I E Ê D C D Dr8' Kennedy & Kergan re the leading apecialists of 11 nflr IYI HP n America. They guanmtee to cure or no pay. Thnir repolifclwlWlwli#fcH tation and fifteen yeara of business are at stake. Yon ron no risk. Write them for an honest opinión, no matter who treated you. It iuay save you yeare of regret and snffering. Charges reaaonable. Write for a Question List and Kook Free. Consultation Free. 148 Shelby St. I Detroit, Mich.l


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