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Skin ! Eruptions and similar annoyances are caused by an impure blood, which will result in a more dreaded disease. Unless removed, slight impurities 4 will develop into Scrofula, ma, Salt Rheum and other serious J results of I have for some time been tjflCl a sufíerer f rom a severe -- blood trouble, for which I r fl J took many remedies that rSIOOfl i did me no good. I have LUWVi now taken four bottles of g-w-Jf-Jj with the most wenderf ui results pTBfcUfcjl Am enjoying the best health I ■ ever knew, have gained twenty pounds and my friends say they never saw me as well. 1 am feeline quite Hke a jnew manJOHH b. b.u&, Government Printing Office. Washington, D. C. Out Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases i . mailed free to any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC C0.; Atlanta, JBa. j HING LEM Chinese Laundry I will open up next Monday a new Laundry at No. 13 E. Ann street. 1 invite the patronage of all who wish fine work in this line. Low rates ind high grade work is what l offer the people of Ann Arjov. Cali and get price list. Hing Lee, 13 E. ANN STREET. opi-n Honda), April 16th. ___ j Nashville, Tenn. TVa Memphis, Tenn. llrr Knoxville, Tenn. ■■■ V Chattanooga, Tenn. Harrogate, Tenn. _. i . Decatur, Ala. lif s tV Tf Birmingham, Ala. UU f I W III Montgomery, Ala. WK 14 y VV Mobile, Ala. New Orleans, La. Atlanta, Ca. V - i, Augusta, Ga. liPl Macon, Ga. Vvt Savannah, Ga. Thomasville, Ga. Columbia, S. C. TJT J Charleston, S. C. nO1?O I Asheville, N. C. J. 12 Vr V Pensacola, Fla. St. Augustine, Fla. Jacksonville, Fla. jflfcfSp0 Tampa, Fla. uBB Texas Points. ' "" Arkansas Points. BUY TICKETS OVER THE This Hoe runs doubit da, y (neming and evening departure) soiid trains f rom Cincinnati and Loulsville V. the principal Southern cities. This line affords two routes to points in the Southwest, via Memphis and via New Orleans. This line has doublé daily sleeping car service to Jacksonville, and the only tbrough line of sleepers to Thomasville. This line has four daily trains between Cincinnatl and Louisville in each direction. This line has three daily trains between Cincinnati and Lexlngton in each direction. Full inforaatiou chserfully furniBhcd ur-nn applicatiuu to JACKSON SMITH, Div. Pass. Agt., CINCINNATI, 0. C. P. ATMORE, Gen'l Pass. Agt,, LOUISVILLE, KY. FEMALE PILLS. e NEW DISCOVERY. NEVER FAILS. A ik-w, rt-'Uatie and Palé luliet foreuptj pressoil.excessive.scunty or painful mtjn[ atration. Now useü by over 80,000 1 IiidlcH monthly. lnviorates thesc organs. Beware of ImltatiunH. Name paper. $2. per box, or trial box SU Sent seaiod in plain wrappar. Send 4c in etamps for partlculara. Sold by Local ]ruclHt Addren PtfFEfi MEDICAL 1 ASSOCIATION, Chicago, I1L Sclrt by Mann Brothers, Pennyroyal pills -íS Orí! mil and Only Gunulne. A J fc. safe, always relUbla. ladies, ak KV - 4 &-V-4 Uruceit Por Chiih'Mt.ra F.nglUh Día-l fcíí4áíSeOX monri JüfvmJ in Ited and G'o'-d metal lic(K' ■fcv - TV'?2l)Oxe9. Bf'aled with blue ribbon. Tuke w "W WJnoolher. íus dangierouJí V I ƒ - fg (ons on ím;íaLtoJ!. At DruggistB, or serd 4e 1 ( JJf in stampa Tor partlculara, t;stimonials and "Kellef for Ladies," in letter, by return i _X r Molí. 10,000 T'-süinonials. A'ame Paper. K 1 Ohlehctcr Chemical Co.,M(idlnonKttuar, ow bv ii Locai Dropdtu. Philaii B.., fa. ha!rRbalsam HS JB Cloaiiso and beau tifies thc luir. EBh1 wHlíever Failfl to Kestore Gray RffiKi"! "fl Hair to ita Youthful Color. tarkev'GngeTontcltTirrehcrnrstCoiííh, Weftk Lungt, Debility, Indigestión, Pain, Take in time. 50 cts. HIN DËRCORNS. The oniv stirecuro for Comí StutiVfSáu lScTat iSrSciito. wHBCOXtCQ.,H.t Nhires' Rpotbeer makesth home cirele complete. Ttais ; great Temperance Drink gives pleasure and health to every meiuber of tne Family. A 25c. package makes 5 gallous. Be sure and get the genulne. Sold everywhere Made ouly by The Chas. E. Hires Co., Philada. Seod 3o iilntnri for bemtif'tl Plftun 'r'i- and Rook. TAR WALKS Put down in the best possible rnanner with a guarantee to keep in repair for five years. Get our prices before doing anything in that line this season and have a walk properly built by responsible parties. Ann Arbor Gas Co. EDMUNDS & KRAUS, House Painters and Decorators WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEAi.EHS IN Strictly Pure Ready Mixed Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Putty, Window Glass, Etc, Etc. OFFICE AKD STORE : 0. 18 N. 4th AVE. ARLI.NGXON BLOrK. "Estimates on work cheerfull y givcn. W. H. BUTLER, I'. o. UI, IK... ANN AKKOK, JIICH. Secrelary and Traurr J'o' Savings vul I. mm AsBÓeiuti it. MONEY TO LOAN. SPRING OPENING THURSDAY, APRIL 5, '94 FINE MILLINERY Of every kind. Cali and make your selection early. Everything in the Laicst Styles and at lowest prices. A. MOtto, Cor. Inurlli Ave. H'shingln Sta A Garden Free. Send us 10 cents for 3 months sub cription to Hornea and ITearths. We will send yon as a present, transport ati on prepaid, A MAGNIFICENT PREMIUM PACKAGE OF UT ftWCB QüüTC 202 choice, tïesh varLUVÏtiK öfcfcUb, rielies from iargest jrowers in the world, inchiding such popular leaders as Siccct Pe., (Boreatton, Grand Blue, Queen of England, Isa Eckford, "all new," etc.) also Pansks, (Itex, Gold Margined, Snow Queen, Highland, etc.) also Arterx, (Jewel, Perfection, rictoria, etc.) and many others. The whole is a perfect wealth of flowers, fit for a royal garden. Homes and Hearths is au attractive 16 page monthly, wiih lovely illustrations, splendid. absorbing original stories; special departments for FASHIONand HOME DECORATION; best selected matter; F1HESIDB FUJS ; a perfect mine of pleasure and value. ïhe paper will contain other spleudid premium offers. Address HOMEIS & HEABTHSPub. Co., Xt ir Fork. FINE DRESS MAKING IN THE IATEST STÏLES. 8. 1 TI8FA CTION GVAIiANTEElh MISS EMMA STEBBENS, . 7 'riiiiii".in-M., Aiiii Arbor. FRl'II THEES FOR S.1LK. POR THE NEXT TEN DAYS Apple trees, 5 to 7 ft. per hundred $15 Pear " 5 to 7 ft. " 30 Plum " 5 toöft. " 30 Cherry " 4 to 5 ft. " 30 Peach " 3to4ft. " 10 Apricott" 4 to 5 ft. " 40 Quince, Orange 2 to 3 ft. " 25 Currants, J0 to 820 per hundred. Goosberry, 10c to 2."k; each. Blackberry, Raspberry, Grapes, and evorything very low. An endless variety of flowers and ornamental trees, vltv cheap. All first-olas, J. A. DIKBIiK, 33 Detroit St., v ii ii Arbor, SUeht STAEBLER & COMPANY, Sucessors to OVERBECK & STAEBLER, GROCERIES 1MI (iASOLlMi. IT IS HUMAN NATURE TO WANT SOMETHING FOR NOTHING. 5ILVERWARE Qiven away FREE at W. F. LODHOLZ'S Grocery Store, 4 & 6 Broadway. This is the way it is done, with every cash sale, whether it be 10c or 50c, we give you a coupon showing the amount purchased and when you have bought Groceries or any goods in our line to the amount of $40, $45 or $50 you ca have your'choice of the twenty beautiful pieces of silverware, such as Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holders, Cream, Fruit, ( laster, Berry, Pickel, Butter Dishes, etc. Cali and examine. Remember everything in the Grocery Line sold cheap for cash. W. F. LODHOLZ, 4 and 6 Broadway. Lumber! Lumber! Lumber! If you contémplate building cali at FERDON Lumber Yard COR. FOURTH AND DEPOT STS. And get your figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guaran tee VERY LOW PRICES ! Give us a cali we will make it to your interest, as our large and well graded stock fully sustains our assertion. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. KEECH, Supt. E. C. MORRIS SAFE CO. (Incorpora ted.) Capital - $250,000. Successors to E. C. Morris & Co. 64 Sudbury St., Boston, Mass. Fire and Burglai Proof Safes. Bank Suics, Rank :u:lis, Bank Vault Himm's. :tnl Deposït Works t all kinds. The Best Safe in the World. 150,000 in me. Alwiiyx preserve tlicir contents. Champiou Recot 1 in all (In r jit Piren One of the largest and best equipped factories im the country has just been erectie! noar Boston, fitted wlth the latestand most iniproved tools, whlch render (iuilities tbr Manufttcturlng tbe best work at ths lowest prices, unequalleü by any other concern in the country. Our aini is to Kivotho best construction and noest improvements lor the least niount of money. Ejstlmates and specifilcationa ftirnïshed upon alpication. AjíKíkTS WAXTED.