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Who are for the first time to undergo woman's severest trial we offer "Mothers Friend" A remedy wMcfc, if used as directed a fa weeks before confinement, robs ït oL ita PAIN, HORROR AND RISK TO LIFE of both aother aid child, as thousands who have used it testify. To Mothers mailed f ree. Atlanta Gi. Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, ua. OUR GÜARANTEE FOR THE PENINSULAR FURNAGE: Pure Warm Air, Perfect Ventilation, Simplicity of Operation, Eiconomy of Fuel. Jewell Process Stoves Awarded Highest Medal at World's Fair. ■ Screen Doors, Lawn Moiers, . Garden Hose, Ice Cream Freezers, Lamp Stoves. Gurney Refrigerators BJ&x j. E. HARKINS, 28 east huron street. jchWonkTdiseíases! private diseases And Diseases of the Skin. 25 yeari ooatlnnom hospita] and saiiitarhnB exmrleaoe. Thoustnds of happy, grateful cures extendintr into every State in the tmion. The confidence oftlie multttadeof anxiou butsilent Rufferers, and of the unhapny and diaoottrapd victims of ignorant and fraumilent protenders is honestly rt ntï earnestl; Invitad. A valaable treatlM on DISEASES OF A PRIVATE NATURE free. Ad-C oren or can m c DR. O. J. B. HA N VA , Jackson, Mioh. ? Preiident Jackson City Board of Health? We commend to the BCQU&iiituiOB and conft-r dence of the afflicted public the high personal) character and professional worth and worlc of I)r. ) 0. J. R. HANNA of this city. (Jackson, Mich.) i Rev. B. B. Bigler, Pastor FirBt Presby. Church- Austin Blair, ex -Governor. James O'DonnellA Member of Conpress. ClarenceH. Bennett, Mayor. í jErastus Peck, Jutlge Circuit Oiurt. W. L. Seaton.c PoBtmaater. R. H. Emerson, Banker. ) m VARE VOIT TROIÍBLED WITH f IIKADACHK OK NKV'RALGIA? mr i Wrighti Puntt'onHí-adiicheReniedv corea W._ty Í!it&iU:iiH'mslv; is nrescribed bv Physi1 cinns. Every drUKgis kceps it. Price,25c. Jl- I, Sample wtll !"■ Benl anvone free, on afóm? pllcatlon. m i RieHTI CHARLES "WKIGHT A C0M DETROIT. XOTHIN'G BKAVTIFIKS THE FACÍ more than beaullful white ieth, ati't n..(hi"g Ís m"1 (liigii4itin than baá breath, cauRpd bv UD'-len ■ ieth. WHht' Mjrrh T'tth Soap puríflet the bretb ;iul! givt rgant wbite tccib. ÁM dentista recom teCO 1 it. Ti y it. 1'rlce, 25c. Kvery druggUt Mlla it. (DO RA CLEVELAND to ipi.üU BUFFAL0 Via". & B. LINE." C'ommeneinj; with opening oí navigation (about April Lst). Magniñeient side-wheel steel steamera 1 State ot Ohio" and "State ot New York." DAILY TIME TABLE. SUNDAY INCLUDED. Lv. Cleveland, 6: lá P. M. Ar. Buffalo, - 7: 30 a. m. Lv. Buffalo, - 6:15 p. M. Ar. Cleveland, 7:30 a. m. CENTRAL, STANDARD TIME. Take the "C. & B. Line" steamers and enjoy a refreshing night's rest when enroute to BuffáUt, Niágara Fáüs, Toroittu, Nene Yod-, Boston, Albino, 1000 lilands, or any Eastern or Canadian points. Ctieap Excursions Weekiy to Niágara Falls. Write for tourists pamphlet. H. R. Rogers, T. F. Newman, ifiri Pan. Vul, Gen'l tlauurr. Cleveland, Ohio. JB l'iso's Remedy for Catarrh Is the H H K.-i. Lu-i' i in iv. ai1 ' 'hfap -.1 öold by druggiets or sent by mail I H 50c. E. T. Jlazeltiiie, Warreü, J'.


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