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f Manifold 4 f Disorders J r Are occasioned by an impure and w I poverishedconditïonoftheblood. Slight JL W( impurities, if not corrected, devetop into V T senous maladies, such as SCROFULA, ♦ A ECZEMA, A fc RHEUMATISM Vt T an other troublesome diseases. To cure j A these is required a safe and reliable A edy free from any harmful ingredients, F T a J A ly cleanses the system. Thousands of A f cases of the worst forms of blood J L eases have been A Cured by S. S. S. w Send for our Treatise mailed frec toany address v T 8WIFT SPECITIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. yL "THE TREE OF LIFE." Was not any more coveted by Adam and Eve than is a Summer outing on the Wi& conain Central by those whb are postea. SÊÈÊÈ For full particulars write JAS. C. POND, Gen'l Pass'r Agent, WISOONSIN CENTRAL LINES, MILWAUKEE. WIS. --j Nashville, Tenn. Memphis, Tenn. llti Knoxville.Tenn. ■ ■- v Chattanooga, Tenn. Harrogate, Tenn. _. i . Decatur, Ala. lifTlV'rA Birmingham, Ala. Uil f I W lij Montgomery, Ala. "Hl v Mobile, Ala. New Orleans, La. Atlanta. Ga, fr 4q Augusta, Ga. IfPl Macon, Ga. VVV Savannah, Ga. Thomasville, Ga. Columbia, S. C. fri T Charleston, S. C. IïPIyPI Asheville, N. C. X 11 VX J Pensacola, Fia. St. Augustine, Fla. Jacksonvillc, Fla. tfajjgtti Tampa, Fla. lisS Texas Points. Wv&' Arkansas Points. BUY TICKETS OVER THE ltN Th!s line raas doobíe ;.. v (mening and evening departarc j gcilil train troffl Cincinnati and Loulsvilíe tú tfcs principa! Southern clties. This line affards t-.vo routes to points in the Southwest, via ftiempbts and via New Orleans. Tbis Une has doublé daily sleeping car service to Jacksonville, and the only throagh line of sleepers to Thomasville. This line has four daily trains between Cin clnnati and Loulsville in each directlon. This line has three daily trains between Clncinnatl and Lexington in each direction. Ful! iiiforiuutiuu cheerfully furiiinhed npon ap plication to JACKSON SMITH, Div. Pass. Agt., CINCINNATI, 0 C. P. ATMORE, Qm'I Pats. Agt., LOUISVILLE, KY WHftT FËFFER'S fsERVïGOR D!D It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when al othera fail. VomiKGien roguiu lost rnanhoodjolc men recover youtiitulviKor. Absolutcly luar anlecrt lo cure eiM-oasnes, LoHt Vltullty 1 mnotency, ?TíBhi3y nisíi!on, LosiPoner ellher feext Falllng Memory, "Vu?iniï 11 eiiai', and all crecía of self abuse ur excesi an indücretioru Wardsoff lnanity and oonsompttoi Don' t let drugsi&ta impuse aworthlossHubsLituteor you liecauseityi'Idsa(nc!it'rpro]lt. lnsiston hav ng PKFFKS'H NKitVIÏS.rr6L-nd for It Oan be carricd In vest pooket Prspüd, plain wrap ptr, 101 per box, or tot &&, witb A Poaltlv Wï-llten GuurnnU'e to C:m-e orlïeruiid tb Moncy. lamptiptíree, 8o!d by druíJcists. Addres r-;::. "Eis HLjicAii !'', i.-aicutro, m Súiii by Jgmii Müore. FENNYROYnL PILLS f-STv Oriytnul ana 4rniy Genuine. jfc ƒ■ .4 &,W tirmrKist forC'fti;tes(e"' Lngliah Dia-jffK A4y-gO nona Lrul ia Kei! and Gold nictallicjK' fcv -THtOoiefl. caled TiüiblttC ribbon. Toke W "7ÍR # BflBO othcr. JfusedavgerouKKubstiCU' V I " fx ttofuand imUaMona. AtDruggins, orseDil4, I W ui' in iiiiiiipa lor T'3rtcti!ars, testimoniáis tui m O Relief fop Iadíe," ITl íTi by return ; -X Mail. 10,000 TPHtiraoolHls. tfame Paper. Sold bjr au Loc&l X)ru&uu. X'íillwhu, l'aIi2i HAIR BALSAM uIbAK JS9 Cleansfi and bcautifies the liair. jíJBS&= -JEa Kever Fails to Restore Grav lwKK-"BB IIair to its Youthlul Color. SÏAi&i-El C11168 8CalP (i'ifasea & hair iulluig. Use Parker' Ginger Tonic. Jt cures tnë wrst Couph Weak I,uníís, Dcbiliiy, Indigestión, i'njiT-ilvc ifi time. Jü ets. HINDERCORNS. Ihc otb-i cure for Coma. StüDi ftiluuia. loc at Druffituth or iilöC'UX & CO-, Y IT PÖPS. Effervescent, too. Exhilaraíing, appetízing. Just the tüiag io build up the constitutioa. Hl fes9 Rootbecr Wholcsoinc and strengthening, pure blood, nee from boils or carbtincles. General good health - results from drinking MIRES' Rootbeer the year round. Packago inaUes five gallons, 25:. Ask your druggist or grocer for it. Take uo oiher. Send 2-cent Ftomn to the Charles E. Hires Co., 117 Arch St., Phlladelpbia, tor beautl lul picture cards.


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