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('. II. A I). It . IC Land Seekers' IvYciirMon. June 5th, July 5th, August 7th. Sept. 4th, October 2d, November 6th, December, 4th, 1894. On above date3 tíxis company will sell round trip land seekers' tickets from loledo, Ohio, at one first class limited iare lor the round trip to points in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, bouth Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia For rates and information apply to D B. Tracy, N. P. A., 155 Jeff erson-ave. ' Detroit, or D. Z. Edwards, Gen. Pass Agent, Cincinnati, O. (41) Hoods Sarsaparilla, the kin" of medicines, conquers scrofula, catarrh, rheumatism and all other blood diseases. Hoods and only Hood 'a. ■ rrobate Ortfer lor Hearing Aceonnta of Guardian. Ai .-i sr-sion of the Probate ('ohm for the in'i' ■■'", W;'-l" '■'!■■' í'1" 't the Probate Jfflceln the ity f Am. Atbor. on Tnesday !■■ tenth day of May. In the year one tliousMid eigh hundredand nlnety-ionr l'robau'!'' WjJ-'-AI:" Habuiït, Judge of In thé matte of the Estáte ..f Hlram B Starira, tacompetent Cyrus M. BtarkTthe presenta thai hels aow prepared torender hls88d amiual account aa such piardlan M.rn.uponi, laordered,tha1 Tm-sd; y the .Jthdayof Jnne neafc at ten o'clock in the ..-.„oon, l„ u,i,',H.d for ,-xaming anda lo - igsuch account, and tha( il. e Dext f kin of Jd ward and all other persons lnrsS inicstatraic rcquired toappearat a aes'"! "f saW Ctonrt, then to lie holden at tl e robate Office, in the City of Am, ArC n ud ( ounty and show cause, if any there'be ní 'rSfKlCcounilsho,uli1 no be allowed nd it is further ordered that said iraardlan iv.. notice to the persons interested in s itate, of the pendency of sald account and ie hearing tffereof. by causing a opy of ..s order to be publi.shed in theK Ann APrb( r ,',"' ÍÍ newsPaPr PHnted and circulatK In said cpnnty, three successive weeks revious to said day of hearini? J. WILLA1KD BABBITT, JLyAobate Re, f PrObatfH Order of Appearaixt'. State of Michigan, the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw-Jn Chancery. David R. S. Underwood, Complainant vs. Alvah P. Ferguson, Nellie lï Ferguson, The Western Linoleum Co , Charles T. Blanehard, Frank E. Hale and Wood Smith & Co., Defendants. Suit pending in the Circuit Court for the County ol Chancery at Ann Arbor, on the 7th day of April a. d. 1894. In this cause, it appearing f rom aflidfivit on file, that the defendanta The Western Linoleum Company. Charles r. Blanchard, Frank E. Hale, and Woed, Smith & Conipany are not residents of this state, but that the said Western Linoleum Company resides at Akron in the State of Ohio, that said Charles T. Blanchard and Frank E. líale reside at Syracuse in the State of New York and that said Wood. Smith & Company resides at Fort Plain in the State of New Yoik, on motion of Lawrence & Butterfield, coimplainant's solicitors, it is ordered that the said defendants, The Western Linoleum Conipany, Charles T. IJlanchard, Frank Ê. Hale and VVood, Smith & Compa.y cause thi ir appearance to be entered nerein, wi-nin lour months from the date of this order, and in case of their or either of their appearance that they m spectivdy cause their answi-r to the comp'ainant's bill of coniplaint to be filed, and a copy tl.ereof to be served on saiil coinplainant's solicitors, within tvventy days af'ter service on them of a copy of s id bill, and nolice of this order; and that in defanlt thereof, s id bill be taken as coniessed by each of the said non-resident defend'ants who have not complied with this order. And it is iurtherordered that within twenty days the said complainant cause a notice of this order to be published in ihe Ann Arbor Register, a newspaper printed, published and circulating in said county, and that said publieation be continued there at least once in each week, for six weeks in succession, or that eaid coinplainant cause a copy of this order to be personally served on said non-resident defendants at least twenty days beiore the time prescribid tor their appearance. E. D. Kinne, Circuit Judge. LAWRENC E & BUTTERFIELD, Complainant's Solicitors. 14 Attest, Arthur Brown, Register. Bortgage sale. De:ault having been made in the payment of the money secured ly a mortgage dated the 25th day of April in the year 1891, made by Lizzie A. McClenahan to Hannah Drury, and which was recorded in the office ói the Register of Deeds of the county of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, on the lst day of June, 1891, in Liber 77 of mor'gages, on page 248, which said mortgage was upon the 22d day of June, 1893, duly assignfd to Emily C. Place of Peoria. 111 whieh assignment was upon the 29th day of March 1894, duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of said county in Lber 11 of assignments of moitgages on page 584. and whereas the amount c'aimed to be due on said mortgage at the date of this the sum of six hundred and eighty-one and 157-100 dollars and fifteen dollars a an attorney's fee, and no suit or proceedings at law having been instituted to recover the moneys seeured by said mortgage, or any part tliereof. Now,therefore, by virture of the power ol sale contaiiud In said mortgage and he statute in such case made and viueu, nouce is nereuy given that on Saturday, the 3Oth day of June, 1814, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, I shall sell at public auction or vendue, 10 the liifjliest bidder, at the north front door of 'the court house in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the place where the ei reu t court lor washtenaw county is holden) the premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be mcessary to pay the amoant due on s;iid niortgage wlth accrued interest iind all legal eosts togethei with the attorney's fee of íifteen dolían therein provided for; the premises described in said mortgage being all that certain piece or parcel of land in the city of Ypsilanti. countv of Washtenaw. state oí' Michigan, nd described as conimenciDg at a point where the west line oí' Normal street crosses the north line of Chicago avmue; thence west eight rods along the north line of Chicago avenue, thente north one hundred and ten teef, thence east eight rods to the west line of Normal street, thence south along the west line of Normal street one hundred and ten f eet to the place of beginning. Dated the 5th day of April 1894. Emily C. Place. Assignee of Mortgage. LAWRENCE & BUTTERFIELD, Attorneys lor Assiguee of Mortgage. (18)


Old News
Ann Arbor Register