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Michigan Happenings

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Ann Arbor is to have a S'20,000 opera house. The dry, freezinp tveather ia killing wheat near Flushiny. Mrs. Glen Carr. a bride of four daj-s and only 19 years old, died suddenly at C'entrevillo. While cleaning the canal at the "Soo" a diamond valued at 85Ö0 was flshed out trom the rubbish. Ceorn-e Kobertson, of Detroit, has bi'en appointed keeper of the stationery room at the state capital. Dr. A. M. Hume, of Owosso, bas been appointed surgeon of the Third reo-iment M. X. (., with the rank of major. Lumbering operations aear ludían river are at a standstill for want of snow. and eamps have discharged thei" ere ws. Five Xegaunee rufflans pitched into Polieeman Pigg-ott and nearly killed him. Help carne in time to save Pis-gotfs life. Alpena's lumber eut the year past was 102,900,000. The eut has declined steadily from 1889, when it was 219,915,000 feet. The Michigan Pólice and Sheriffs' union will meet in Urand Rapids, January 22. They will discuss methods of divorcing the pólice system from politics. Grand Rapids is getting excited over the cig-arette curse. All the small boys in town are them. A uniform tax of $200 a year on dealers is projected. There is an abundant supply of (iic clay ju&t north of and Sag-inavv parties have purchased a portion of the land and have a g-ang of men at work on it. A sensation has been created in Rusta i township. Shiawassee connty, by' the alleged elopement of Adam Truax, a well-to-do farmer, with iNellie llaves. the fatnily domestie. It is alleged that the latest move on the part of the law and order league at Ann Arbor is to have the names of all the beer drinking stn[(..its pU0lished in the local paper. Nett Streeter, a Grand Ledge business man, was postmaster three years ago at Delta. A short time ago he received word froiu Washington that at the time of his settlement he owed the ' government one cent. .Mr. Streeter re.nitied, and his' bondsmen afrain breathe easy. Frank Harto, a dcaf mute, was found unconscious in a lumber yard at Dundee. His head was badly eut and bruised, several teeth were knocked out and there is probable fracture of the skull. Jiarto said he was robbed but he had $15 secreted in his clothes which was not found. Emmet Burley, while crossing the Rogne nver railroad bridge at Childsilale, was struck by a passenger train and thrown upon the k-e below. He probably suffered agonv for some time and tlien expired. The accident was , not discovered until the dead bodv was found. Burley left a family. Charles H. Haigh was arrested at Allegan charged with forging a draft for 835 on the Commercial Savimrs bank of Marshall. The young min flew rather high and bragged of the money lie was making as a singer in Chicago. is u son of ex-Deputv Oil Inspector Ilaigh, of Kalamazoa Port Huron bakers declare thev are content, to allow the price oí bread to remain at 2 cents a loaf where competition bro ught it. Thev say they are making greater profit's than at f cents a loaf, because the people are buying their bread now instea dof making it themselves. Henry MoGill, a farmer six miles south of Traverse City, was struck by a G A W. M. north bound expresa and inatantly killed. Alfred }:.lul Í1 lad r?diBg with Mm, : jumped and was bruised but not seriously injured. The wagon was smashed and one of the horeas badly hurt. Grand Itapids furniture manufacturera complain that while they have sent out as many carloads of goods dürinjr the past year as the year preyious, the in dollars and cents Us been vastly different. ïhey have hope for a good tvade now, howe'vcr as stocks are every where reported low. The State Eorticultural society was in sess.on at Lowell. Four newsocieties have been organized the past vear making 19 in all. The followingofflcers were elected: President, K MorrUl Berfton Harbor; secretary E W. Beid, Allegan; tnembers executive committee, C. (Í. Monroe, T. T Lvon both of South Haven. a woodsman, locally known as Dead-eye Dick," whüe ta a flt of dennum tremons. got out of bi-d at lAtke ( n.v woaritiíí only a shirt, and ran throuRh the streets a quarter of a m.leU, .,-. HUl'8 house. He waS met by the doctor but brushed by him into aparlorfull of ladies and ntlemen He was arrestcd and properly clothed. Mayor Fi.shor. of (hand liapids, has roturned from an extensiva eastern trip. He visited all the lare cities and ís loadedtothe muzzle with municipal g-overrunent statisties. He o-ave spocial attention ti the studv of lectnc Ughting. Whfle in New Vork the mayor was au interested listener to the proceedings of the Lexow committee. ihp Big Fout uill enter into a oontraet with Kenton Harbor to e-ain the j right of way through the center of the I business section to reach their property in the Big Fonr .narsh. ulon the ;t Joseph rivr. The company "will establish wnelting works, car ops and other improvementg, emplovine regularly not less tlian 500 men 'The citizens UI now withdraw their protest ajrainht the rigrht of way. Mrs. Majrsrifl w. Verguaan, who keeps a large miUinery store in Jackson, reporta the loss of a ease of diamonda worth $3,500, including two ,1,Ug'.ea-'i-1 colUai"iníí a stone worth k.oo Ihe jevvels were taken while Mr&. Ferguson was in churcli. That night she missed thcm and has been conduetiag a still l,unt ever since jvithout su,,.,ss. S,veral partios have been arrested on suspicion. Geopire W. stone, recetor of the Central Michigan Saving bank at : i Binjr, haa resined. J Ie says he is tired j of the kicks lol depositore, who think the dmdends are not eoming In fast


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