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Torn Gfburn is in Chicago a week. D. B. cloever is visiting in Chicago. Miss Saté Warner is visiting in Flushinj Ed. Sq Ier is bookkeeper for E. F. ■Mills & Ó . Mrs. E A. Voorheis vÍ3Íte4 last week in Kalan izoo. Tom Í ingay and family spent New Yearsir 'lint. W. G. 'almer returned from Flush:ng last hursday. J. J. (j arry visited his parents in ■Ontario ast week. Miss C rtrude Wade visited friends in Manist last week. W. Kf inedy, of Chicago, spent the holiday; n the city. Julius Surkhardt had an attack of pneumca a last week. J. E. farren spent the holidays in South B( nd, Indiana. Mr. i 1 Mrs. W. G. Burchöeld are ■visitinf n St. Joesph. J. E. 1 rown spent last week with íriendsi Fowlerville. Mr. . 3. Liddell, of St. Louis, Mo. . is home or a few days. Prof. . and wife are spending the hqli ays in Chicago. Mr. ai i Mrs. B. St. James spent New Year'si ly in Bay City. A. V?, lamilton, of Chicago, was in the city iew Year's day. Misse: Helen and Florence Wotmore ïire visil ng in Jonesville. Dr. ai 1 Mrs. Troy had a nevv.coraer, a lively bf , last Friday morning. Rattifey Scott left yesterday morning for Hii )lulu, Hawaiian Islands. Ho(. leubeu Kempf left Monday lor Lansii, to attend the legislature. Miè Imma Volz, of Detroit, is visiting lr sister, Mrs. John Muehlig. Hei. T. T. Jacobs went to Lansing Monïij to help elect a U. S. senator. Mil.Cihas. H Worden spent last week withlei] son Dr. A Worden in Dëtvoit. Mr! G orge Kelley's mother, of Hamilton. Oi tario, is visiting him for a few days. J. V. Hosencrans, of East Huron stree ,1 ont New Year's in Port Jervis, n. y ; Mií ] íiuna ïi-eadwell, of Rochester, Ind., v iited friends in the city last week. Herb rt Prescott, of Columbus, O., is the gue t of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Preseo t. Prof. and Mrs. F. C. Newcombearein Flint f ■ a few days visiting his broth■er'e fai ily. Mrs 2. II. Curtis left Monday morning for Battle Creek for a brief visit with latives. Rev. md Mrs. John Neuman were ■the gu( sts of their son William, of Romeo, 18 it week. Mrs. Kate Tims, of Detroit, is visitlug bei daughtur, Mrs. F. H. Warren, oí Wil ms-st. Joe ' filliams and family spent New Year's day with Mrs William's sister in Ma m, Mich. Mra. Ellzabeth Cáttnach, of Brantford. Ontario, is visiting her sister, Mrs P. N, Tagge. The Mi8sea Weidemann, of Detroit, are visiting the Misses Kocb, of E. Washington streot. Mrs. Marion Stanley Lay and husband, of Rochestn-. N. Y . are visiting Mrs. Henry DePue. Paul Schlanderer, of Grand Rapids, is visiting Henry and Louise Schlanderer, of S. Main-st. M rs. LaVerne Ba3sett, '91 lit, of Detroit, is visiting with her párente, Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Clark. Mrs. Catena, of Bradford, Ontario. was the guust last week of Mrs. Dodsley, of Detroit-st. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Clement spent New Years day with Mr. Clemente 'ather at Colon, M ieh. Miss Emma Alexander who is teaching in Northville, is spending the holidays with her parents. Miss Emma Sondheim, of Detroit, spent New Years with Miss Bertha Feiner, of S. Fourth-ave. Mrs. J. M. Hallock and daughter, Miss Mabolle, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Li. VValdron, of Jackson. Dr. V. C. Vaughan was in Lansing last week on business connected with the State Board of Health. Robert Staebler, of the American house, left Monday to visit friends in Toledo, Ohio, for a few days. Miss Annie Laurie Loch, of Battle Creek, is spending a'few days with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. II. Whitman. Lawrence Cole, of N. Y. City, spent a few days last week at the home of his grandfather, Ex.-Gov. Felch. Mrs Morgan Williams and mother left Monday noon to spend a weck with relativos and friends in Toledo. Mrs. E. Twomley, of the northside, has returned from Hillsdale, where she attended her brother's wedding. Mrs. R. S. Greenwood and daughter left last Friday for Silver Lake, Ind., to visit Mrs. Greenwood's mother. C. E. Hiscock has been granted a two month'á vacation. He will take a trip to the Pacific coast during the time. R. W. Mills and family, John Lowry and wife, and Ed. Summer spent Christmas in Clinton, attending a reunión. Prof. F. M. Hamilton, of Bucyrus, Ohio, is spending the holidays here looking after his real estáte interests. Clifford Chickering, of the Clitford piano company, who has been visiting in Ann Arbor, has returned to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cu6hman and family are sponding the week in Manchester, with Mrs. Cushman's parents. Missos Sarah Heydlauff and Sarah Mante, of VVaterloo, were guosts of Mrs. John Ileinzmann during the holidays. Mr. and Mra. A. F. Mrrtin, who have been in Bay City as the guests of their daughter, Miss A. Martin, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Mahan and sons, of Detroit, sponL New Years with Mrs. Mahan's sister, Miss Nettie Ailes, of S. Fifth-ave. Prof.M.iL. D'Ooge was, lastThursday? elected socretary of the college section of the Sta:e Teachers' Association, at Lansing. Karl Harriman is acting as "ye local" on the Courier this week in place of Mr. E. J. Otteway, who is at home on a visit. Ernest Perry came down from Bay City Monday morning to join his wife and child and spend New Years with his parents. Ilev. Mr. Ad aras and wife, of Watcrloo, Iowa, are spending a few weeks in the city with their son, Prof. H. C. Adams, of Hill-st. Chas. Grossmann, of the üm of Grossmann & Schlenker fainted and feil at his home one day last week. He has been ill since. Mr. James Vleet and wife, son-in-law, Will Fairchilds and wife, of Flint, visited the faraily of Col. Dean. of Ann Arbor, last week. Judge E. D. Kinne was at Lansing last week attending a meeting of circuit and supremo judges. He read a paper at the meeting. Mrs. Hannah Hasbrouck and granddaughter Gladdys, of Marshall, and Dr. and Mrs. William Saunders are the guests of Moses Seabolt. Misa Eda M. Clark, class of "90, professor of ehemistry in Wellesley College, is spending hor vacation with her parents on S. Division-st. Ex-Gov. Felch, A. J. Sawyer and Evart Scott attonded the inaugural oxereises at Lansing on the first. Prof. and Mrs. J. H. Lee, of Mt. Clemeas, are spending the holidays with Mr. Lee's parents, oa N. State-st, The marriage of Henry A. Kyer, now of Seattle, to a Miss Alice Augustine, of the same place, is announced for Ui 11. -2-.Í. Manager Stewart, of the Boston Fes;ival orchestra, was in the city in con:onsultation with Prof. Stanley in reference to the May festival. Mr. and Mi-h. R. liall, of Thompson-st., jave u pleasant card party last Monday evening to a few friends in honor of their son Dr A. W. Ball, of Big Kapids. Prof. Geo. W. Knight and family, of l'olurnbus, Ohio, spent a few days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Knight of William-st., the first part of the week. Miss Edith Eberbach entortained a arge number of her young friends last riday evening at the home of her parenis. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Eberbach, of Packard street.


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Ann Arbor Register