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(rand Lodjro, F. & A. M.. meeta in I V:troit, .fan. 22. There is a new boy at the homo of Prof. J. A. C, Eildner. The Wolverino Cycle Club gave a hop Monday evoning. The Ancient Order of Hibernians may givc an entertainment in February. The First National bank will elect 'iltioers on Tuesday evening, Jan. 8, Í89S. Tha drugglatsof the city held a meeting in Dr. Darling's office last Thuisday night. Tueaday morning the prfce of bread t ■ iok another drop and is nowonly3o per oaf. Tic receñí cold snap hu made about Beven luches ol splendicí Lee on Whltmore Lake. The Y. M. '. A.1 kept open house on New Year'ii day in their 'quarters over Tlnker's store. Mr. Shutts, of Vpsilanti, was in the y last week talking stock company to build an opera h use. Laat Fridsy and Baturday weiv days tor growing ico. dègreea below was the coldest. Shulta, the man arrostiMl for stualiiig a cowin Webster last fall. bas been tent u]i fop two years. The Bupei-visors have appointed a committee and instructed it to Bettle with Mr. Sukey'a boodsmen by tomorrow. The d're -tors of the Katherine Bv il 1JngCo. In 'ld a zaeetlng last Thursday evenlng at which they declared a one andoae-italf peí eenfe qurteriy dividend, Edward W'olfel, of the J.' L. Sudaon clothing rtore, oí Detroit, has been employed by Mrs. A. L. Noble to tale charge of the Star Clothing Bouse and be is now in charge. C. II. Kemp! in u ery prominett oandidate for the appointment of trustee of the eastern asylum of Michigan 'helsea Standard. We thought Ann Arbor had a einch on tbat appointment, and we know that it i lots of available men. The churches of the city will observe the usual week of prayer, beginning next Monday evening. Edward C. Walker, ex-regent of the Univertity, died at hfs home in Detroit BYiday night aged 74 years. Master Cari Schuh gave a delightful party to some sixteen of his young friends one day last week. The Wolverine Cyclers' Club gave a New Year's hop at Light Infantry hall laat Monday evening. A meeting of the Municipal Club was held Monday forenoon at McMillan Hall to talk over city affairs. The Congregational Sunday School held its Christmas entertainment at the churoh last Thursday evening. It is reported that a popular post office official is to be married during the first month this yoar. - Times. Miss Clara Feiner, who is teaching in Delhi, gave her school a grand Christmas tree entertainment Friday ovening. Mr. J. A. Brown, formeiiy with Brown & Cady,will opon a new grocery store on E. Liberty-st. in the near future. The V. M. C. A. are snugly located in their new rooms over Tinker's store. The first moeting was held there last Sunday. The Argus will be 61 years old tomorrow. It will soon be able to celébrate its golden wedding with the democracy. The county home missionaries of St. Andrew's church held their Christmas festival at the county house yesterday afternoon. There was a fair audience to hear Morrison's Faust last Thursday, notwithstanding the Daily Courier advertised it a "week off." Jim Harkins is confident that the sale of their popular toaster will be large this season. Already large orders have begun to come in. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Bach gave a pleasant reception to the employés in the store of Bach and Roath, at their homo last Friday night. The Ann Arbor Light Infantry have decided upon Feb. 12 as the date upon which to give their entertainment at the Grand Opera House. Carrie, the wife of Hugh McConnell, died last Friday at her home in East Orange, N.J. The remains werebrought here for burial Tuesday. Heavy snows, both east and west of us, dolayod the trains from three to eight hours last Friday and Saturday. There was no snow here at all. Last Thursday afternoon the fire department was called out by a fíre in the paintshop of O. O. Sorg. The damage done will amount to about $150. A, G. Sjhmidt received a Christmas present that will stay by him for 21 years. He is a lively fellow and got ahead of Santa ( 'laus just a week. The Board of Public Works held a star chamber session last Wednesday night. We will report what was done in the next history of Ann Arbor. It is understood that the Scottish Caledonian society will secure Miss Annie McNeil, of Ontario, "Queen of Scotch Song," for the Unity Club course, January 28. Prof. V. S. Perry has been appointed manager for Michigan to arrange for the 1895 meeting of the National Kducational Association, to be held in Denver, next Summer. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Salyer will, on next Tuesday evening, celébrate the flftli :uiniversary of their wedding. A nuiuuer of friends have been invited to assist in the occasion. The large barn of Frcd Poster, of Ypsilanti, burned last Thursday morning. A blooded buil valued at $300 was lost. The barn lately cost $3,800 and was insured for $2,000. Dr. Fleming Carrow started to take a restera trip. He got as far as Kansas ( 'ity and found the railroads so blocked with snow that hé was afr.iid to go further and feel certain when he would get back and so returned home at once. The different banks of the city declare dividend s as follows: Ano Arbor Savings Bank 5 per cent,, lst National i per cent., Farmers' & Mechanics' 3 per cent., and State Savings Bank .'! per cent. Jobn Lindenschraid and Geo. Aplel Örew their last salary at the Star ClothIng House laat Saturday night, The boys have been there a long Urne. They will start in business for thema about the flrst of March. The funeral of Kuüc T. West. who died last Saturday of héftrt failure. took place from the house on V Huron-i. Monday morning. Tha deceased was :0 yoars of age. Kev. Mr. Young of the First Baptist church otüciated. The Junior Society of Christian Endeavor of the Presbyterian church will glve an entertainment in the church parlora, this evening at 7:00 o'elock. Aftera short program, consisting of Japanese views and songs, opportunity will be given for a social time. A cordial invitation is extended to all, both young and old. Adinlssion, 10 cents At the meeting of the State Teachers' Associaton held at Lansing last week, a resolution asking the legislature to pass laws not allowing school boards to employ teachers who use tobaoco was passed by a vote of ten to one. The Democrat is authority for the statement that farmers in Lenawee county plowed on Christmas day. They might have taken one day off and celebrated. Next thing we shall be hearing of thetn working right along on Sandays. The next meeting of the Educational Club will bc held at the residence of the president, No. 10 N. State-st., tomorrow evening. All members of the club are requested to be present as business of importance is to come before the meeting. Fred Thumm, of Ypsilanti, who was accidently shot iu the heel while hunting, recently, wascompelled to undergo amputatiou of the leg in the attempt to save his life. Lockjaw followed, however, and his death took place last Thursday. Mr. P. G. Sukey returned last Sunday f rom his European trip. He is here rsady for whatever may turn up. It is under6tood that he'got his matters so arranged that he will be able in time to settle up all his financial affairs to the s.ttisfaction of everybody. By opening the postoffice Sunday mornings f rom 9:30 to 10:30 a. m. a half hour later than heretofore, people can get mail coming on the North Shore Limited on that morning. Of course this will be a great accoramodation to the patrons of the office. Most of the Ann Arbor bakers havo decided to sell bread for four cents per loaf. It is said that some will cut down as low as three cents. This will likely precipítate a bread war. It may be that bakers will find it necessary to hirc people to take their bread ! Ann Arbor papers report a rainbovv of unusual brightness in that vicinity one morning last week. That means a deuce of a storm, or the marriage of some lady newspaper worker. The marriage lieenses we shall watch vory carefully over there now. - Adrián Press. Because of diphtheria at Fonton the health officer suggests that kissins be susponded, until the health barometèv indicates osculatory safety. The idea ! As a principie of health economies, we should be pleased to have the opiniop of the Ann Arbor Democrat, on this proposition.- Adrián Press. At the end of a column of chowdcr, in Sunday's Detroit Tribune, and dated at Ann Arbor, are attached the following characters : "AU4irdk.rsdByrBulr"w „ Hr?id4x'e., " which an expert cryptologist has interpreted to mea: "I ain so drunk tbat my back teeth are all afloat. ' - Argus. First we ever heard of any Ann Arbor reporter adjnitting; even in hieroghyphics, that he was fnll. Wm. Salyer has sold a half interest in his business to his son, Wm. H, Salyer. The business will be continued hereafter under the name of The Salyer Grocery Company. The entranoe of Mr. Wm. II Salyer as a momber of of the firm will add new life to the business and, we may expect to see their business boom even more than it lias heretofore. The Morgan Sinal Co. is the name of a new Ypsilanti corporation which luis just filed articles of incorporation. The purposes of the company are the manufacture and sale of Automatic Ftailway Signáis and is capitalizad at $150,000. The headquarters of tho eompany will be at Ypsilanti. The principal stockhoMors are William P. Guerin and R l-i. Morqran. t the annual moet ng of the Whtenaw ('ounty Agricultura! and Horticultural society the following were elected members: Fred B. Braun, Jacob Ganzhora, .1. C. Schenk, Wml Aprill, Kugene J. Helbor, John Keppjer, Fred. H. Belsor and Fred Schmid. j The following offleers were chosen ior tho ensuing year: F.raei-y E. Leiand, president: F. E. Mills seeretary ; Henry S. Dean. corresponding secretary ; F. H. Belser, treasurer. It seems hardly possible, but ncvor thele8S it is truc, that on an average every fifty-fifth person you mee i wears W. L. Douglas Shoes. Did you ever realize what an immence undertakinti it is to supply one article of wearing1 apparel to over one million people.


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