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If all wives and mothers could fullj realize how apt each one is at all timrt. to be bereft of the protector and support of themselves and their children, they would be more fully able to ap precíate the real benefits of a life insurance policy. As an investment It iihs safe and profitable as a aaving's bank while in case f accident or fatal illness the return is much larger. Persuade your husband to lay by something in a Ufe insurance policy and be protected in case of misfortune which sickness or accident rnay bring. A policy in the old reliable New York Lif Insurance Company is unequalled for protection and investment. F. S. Gage, Agent, 3 yVillard street PUR 25 CENT COLUMN. WANTKD. W. INTE- A tenant to work my farm on ■shares at Scio. George A. Peters. 60 ANTEO- Apples by the Aun Arbor r ruit and inegar Co. gutf Partios desiriug to buy orsell real estáte will flnd lt to their advantage tooall at room 11, Hamilton Block, 2d floor, Ann Arbor. Houses and lots for sale or rent in dcsirable locality. ü"tf W ANTEO- People wlshing to have invltations to parties, receptions, banquets, etc., dellvered by carrier can have same promptly and carefully attended to by u perfectly reliable person. Address. E. S. G. Drawcr D. City, and partywiil eall. Iieasonablerates ciiarged. Satlifactory referenees given 41 FOK NAL.K. T7HK SAXjK- 4 liouses; one for 84,(00, one X! for 82,800; 13 Initalls st , S!,5ou; new brlck house; S2,4fiO; lot with cellar on S. Thaypr 1,20.1. Inquire 8. 1). Allen, 90 E. Washington st. 47 LOK SALIi OR EXÍHANUE-A splen■■ did 40 acre farm in town of Lodi: Wlll be sold cheap or exchanged for house and lot in Ann Arbor. Enquire of W. Osius. Box, 1661 City. 44tf Ï1OR SAI.E- A Í21.0U Humphrcy's Homoeopathlc MedecineCase for family use, will be sold ata bargaln al John Moore's Drug stiiic. lt is something every fumily ought tonara. Bereis a bargaln f or the first purchaser who applles. Itwlll besold ata bij; discount. 4Qtf FOB New Safe. Wlll besold at h bargaln. Enquiruof S. A. Moran, Register Uffii-e. , 39tf L'K Havlng declded to remove t from-Aun Arbor, 1 offer, tor resiOence on the corner of Monim and Packard struets. Tcrnis to snit the purchaser. 6 per cent. Interest on defejred payments. i also ',',,',' f.',ir sale' lo' "'■ Tappan Parh iddltlon. H. M. Taber. B5 f U SA1.E - Mrs. I'erkin's farm JD 80 acres, 2 rnllus east of Saline, 7 miles siiuthol Ann Arbor, known as tlie RellOgs farm. Slx acres good bearlng peacb orchard, Ikiiisi', Barn, atock and wel] water in abundance, school within A mlle. Price reasonable, terms easy, cali on premlsesorM S. Ingallsst., Ann Arbor. 94t f fÖK SAIK-l-'iiiiiegari &ltí7-hirds are selllng balled hay and Btraw at Wholesale prlces. No. 1) Detroit St. sitf POK SAMB-The underalgned wlll sell the 1} splendld farm of Sansón Besaipu (td close theestate) laylngon sectlon two townshlp of Northfleld, conBlstlng of SI4 acres of land for the si'-n of seven thpusand dollars which is lis-, i lian S8 per acte. Now i the time to get a bargaln, flrst come flrst served. E Treadwillattd H. 8. fesslong, Executorgof Hanson !?essioii. Daled, Ann Arbor, Dec. 26, isa). 4:tf LaIC.U FOK Al,K-lrcres oí Land, u l miles trom city, or will exchangefor city proi ■erty. Knqmre at No. 3 K. Liberty-at. 31tf ?A RH KOK SA l.K:-Thë Bullock or iwerett r larm, 3 miles west of Salem station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor, containii g 109 acres house and barus, stock and well water in abundare, timber; school and church within a mileland naturally the best; all Reeded down. Price and terms reasonable. Cali on or addres: Andrew EMllbton.30 Maynard st., Ann Arboi, Mich (SU FOR RUNT. Hoi sus to rent sëVerai Houses wlth modern impro vemen ts, unfurnlshed rooms torsmall peasonable prlces. Callón J.Q. A. Sesslons, Real Estáte igeni ,.11'1,'1' Maln-st. 2nd floor, Residencê ■IB K. Williiim-st. ::jt f KOO.asforliKlilhousekeeptnj.'aridfiirnished rooms. Apnly to Konm :i, tliii-tl Hoor Hamilton block. Modera conveniences, In''ïuiüngsteam heat. jgtf ]Í1R ENT-A very plessant house of nine roouM One lifiy per ireek. Tnqulreat ioj w, LiiTty street . 45 ttltltlMMM ■■■■■ 1 here is a Difference. Other dealers Bell their best Chocolates at 50a We Bell Chocolates at 80c aml 7So. Feople Bee the difference and pay us the oxtra price. They earrt often see the ' enoe in drugs and so our prices havo to be the same 1 as otliers, bul tlie ittffcrcna ' is tht 11 jus tin game. CALKINS' PHARMACY. ! Si Son tli state-st A hoi 0 Chocolates maki u good ! 1 pretent,


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